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LORD GLANELYS CAREER — — -♦ 1 How the Welsh Boy Worked and Earned a Huge Fortune. * ■ Had His Eye on the Epsom Derby for Many Years Before Success. 4 Twenty yean ago. priats London Tid Bits Lord Rlanely, the Welshman, who led :.ll nnur- of the racing of III!!, arbose .and Parade woa the coi ted Epsom Derby, was earning a week as a ylerk and Bill Talent ia a Cardiff shipping office. Today he K | iiul ii-iiilon ! ire. and lie of be I shipowners in the world. It would I.- -L mistake to attribute his success to luck. "Then is a general Impression," he once aaid, "that men win, --tart from nothing ami Bacceed in building up great wealth are the favorites ,,r r,,,--lune. I have known many such nun. and iu almost every case the foundation of their riches was laid yean ago, when nobody knew macb nboul them and cared even b*ss. What they reap •;,, after life is simply the reward of a lifetime of hard spadework." Lord Glaaely owes little to lack, but a great deal to a tremendous capacity for hard work and an iron w iil that brooks no obstt cle. ••Young T.-item was the son of the owner of a small coastal cutter that plied between the Bom rsei coast and Cardiff docks. His father realised that .there was i, prosperoas future for the South Wales port* and gave his son every opportunity for gaining shipping knowledge in all it- branches. Jims tin- youngster, arhea sheet thirti n yean of age. weal to sea as a shins boy. A- ■ shipwreck was one of i is e]i. rieaci s, he may claim to know soaae- li lit- of tie ops and down. ..:" :i sailors life. Bat he dreamed of so. a. thin- bigger than a U1- Ins i ..■■ ■ r. !!■■ realized that if fame .,,,,1 wealth were to be his. he mu I seek them ashore. lie decided to take a step which eventually proved to have tremendous issues for him. lb- became a clerk in tin office of Messrs. Anning of Cardiff. There he stayed for seventeen years, with apparently nothing i.. distingnisl him from the hundreds of other clerks around him. Through these yean of dull, monotonous toil, j mng Tatem held on and carefully assimilated knowledge that wonld enable him to carry out the objects :■ bad in view. It was during that period of hard grinding thai he laid tin- foundations of his fortane. All he wanted was the opportunity. HOW THE CLERK WOUKED HIS WAY. The future magnate soon came to be regarded as the smartest chartering clerk on Change. Bteadlly he .ii cumulated a banking account and, as ji grew, ■-■• did his isions of .-: business of his own. At hist In- siw- his chance. In quick time he launched the Tatem Steamship Company, and the readiness with which mom-- wis - , :,, the new- venture was a tribute t the confidence In his ability. His mi;, porters wen not di -appointed. The business prospered by hips and bounds Lord Ulanely is now the sole director, and recently completed a deal in ships running into over ,000,000. To read of su h .-; rapid rise to wealth may give an impression that the feat was easy. Nothing could !. ■ further from the trulh. These who knew the Sir William Tatem of those days tell many stories of tin- tremendous energy he put into his work. He thought no lines of toiling for twenty -four hours a day. No detail was loo small for his own personal attention. Today the assets of the Tatem Steam Navigation Company exceed 5,000,000, ami l...rd clanely i- also largely Interested in such huge enterprise* as ihe Cardiff Bal I way Company, the Ithymnej Railway Company and the Cardiff Channel Dry Ducks and Pontoon Company. Bach a record would satisfy mod men. Bat a rctiiss ambition like that possessed by Lord Clanely knows no limits. An en thusiss tic sportsman, he made up his mind when 1 is first race horse arrived that he would one day nui the Derby. How-he achieved his object with Grand Parade last Jane i- ~till fresh in the public memory. "If an owner perseveres," he -ays. -the Elite Riband of the turf is sun- to come his waj before In- is finish,, !.-■ Such is the optimism that he has always applied to his business interest-- and it is this brand of optimism that w ins su.