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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY CHICAGO. HI.. January 3— Weather forecast: Illinois — Fair tonight and Sunday: warmer tonight and in northeast portion Sunday. Missouri —Fair tonight and Sunday: wanner tonight in east and south portions. General forecast: Fair weather will prevail tonight and Sunday from the Rocky Mountains eastward to Entente and Lake Michigan, preceded by light snow today in portions of Illinois. The temperature will moderate somewhat today in the middle states, but it will continue abnormally low in the upper Mississippi Valley and the western Ink" region until Sunday, when there will be some moderation. The temperature changes will be slight iu the plain state-. NEW YORK, N. Y.. January 3.— Department of justice agents announced today that they were examining the lit. rature seized ill the raids last night to determine whether Ludwig C. A. K. Martens. self-styled ambassador to the United States of the Russian soviet republic, was connected with the distribution of the coiiimiini-t propaganda in this country. If this connection is established, they said. tiny had sufficient evidence to warrant his deportation. The senatorial committee investgating soviet aitivites will be notified of the re-alt of the investigation. WASHINGTON. D. C. January 3.— Arrests in the nation-wide radical raid la-t night and today bad exceeded 4,588 :.f noon, it wa- .-tiinated at the I lepartnieii! of Justice. More than half of this number probably will lie held for deportation, officials said. Assistant Atternej General Garvaa, in charge of the raid-, -aid more than 2.MB per-oii- were held on "perfect cases." and that the raid promised to be not only the greatest in scope but also the greatest in resulta of any iu history. j