Derby Horses Gathering: Whitney Candidates Coming to Louisville at Once to Train; Interesting Items Concerning Men and Racers at Churchill Downs or En Route There., Daily Racing Form, 1920-03-23


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DERBY HORSES GATHERING Whitney Candidates Coining to toLouisville Louisville at Once to Train Interesting1 Items Concerning1 Men Menand and Racers at Churchill Downs Downsor or En Route There TOTTLSVILLE Ky March 22 Trainer Tamos Itowo evidently has given up tin tisk of attempting to condition tin Harry Payne Whitney Kentucky Derby eligible at home under the severe weather conditions prevailing in the east as he has in ¬ structed Mose Goldhlatt to immediately secure five additional stalls at Churchill Downs as he plans to send a quintet of threeyearolds to him within si few days so that their training for the Derby jin he completed here This will make a half dozen of the Whitney Derby candidates at tin Downs as Golrthlatt brought Damask from Now Orleans OrleansTin Tin instructions were await in Ooldhlatt upon his iirrival here from the Crescent City and Howe did not state what horses lie will send Mr Whitney has nine eligible for the Derby and Goldhlatt says that in his opinion what Iowe considers the pick of them will be sent here in the first shipment John I Jrior is figured upon as being among them themMalt Malt 1 AVinii general manager of the Kentucky Jockey Club accompanied by Col Andrew Vennie left Sunday morning for Lexington to attend the nunting of the Kentucky State Racing Commission CommissionIn In order to forestall all possibility of the improve ¬ ments at Churchill Downs not being completed for Derby day Mr Viiiu issued instructions to keep all of the workmen at their task on Sundayson a double time wage schedule Only a small portion of the new addition to the grandstand remains to be roofed now The work will be speeded up con ¬ siderably when this is finished The new offices will likewise be rushed to completion They will lie modern in every detail At present Hamilton C Applogato and Harry Lindonborgor his assistant sire using the office of the racing secretary secretaryA A rumor that the Kentucky Jockey Club plans to increase the admission prices this spring was flatly contradicted by Mr AVinn lie said that the same scale of prices as hist year will prevail 220 for men and 110 for ladies All badges will bo 221 n Derby day dayMarjorie Marjorie Hyncs a right fast twoyearold last year is now in the stable of Williams Itros C C A an Meter having disposed of her at private sale She has been nominated for the Kentucky and La tonia Oaks and a number of other stakes for which she is eligible on the Ilue Crass racing circuit The Van Meter horses wintered at Churchill Downs and put in the cold months in fine style There ire two Kentucky Derby candidates in the outfit Angon and Sterling SterlingBYRNE BYRNE MAY RIDE FOR VAN METER METERJockey Jockey fi Hyrno will make application for n license to ride in Kentucky this spring and if suc ¬ cessful will affiliate himself with the Van Meter stable ryrne is galloping horses for this owner now and is in better condition than in a long while whileAl Al Woodman brought the small stable which he recently purchased from M Dattner of Detroit from New Orleans This outfit also has a Kentucky Derby eligible in it Minute Man a superior miiil runner and winner of quite a few races for W C Clancy his former owner ownerWilliam William Murray starter on many of the half mile tracks in Canada is here in the interest of a new starting gate which he plans to introduce in the near future Tin irate is made up of stalls into which the horses fit and it has been indorsed by a number of horsemen lie will L from here to Lex ¬ ington within the next few days to explain its working to the horsemen there 1 W May whose horses have wintered here will ship to Havre lie Grace soon after April 1 and S M Henderson will take the Ogilen Stable there at the same time May will remain in the east until next nutnmn but Henderson will in all proba ¬ bility return in time for the Churchill Downs and lnloiiia meetings or part of them anyway John K Madden is another who plans to ship east in the near future with Hclmont 1ark as his destination His big band of twoyearolds wintered excellently at Churchill Downs DownsCaptain Captain James I Kinnarney who has charge of the policing arrangements of the Kentucky Jockey Club tracks is recovering from a seven attack of influenza His wife was stricken at the same time that he was She also Is getting better betterA A harrier will lie put up at Churchill Downs early next month so that the twoyearolds which have not raced as yet will have ample schooling before the racing season opens at Lexington There are fjnite a few youngsters here that will not participate in the sport in that city It is for their benefit that the starting gate will be erected erectedGEORGE GEORGE J LONGS STABLE STABLETrainrr Trainrr Pete Coyne lias the George J Long horses In good condition hut they will not begin their spring campaign until the Churchill Downs meeting opens This establishment is made up chiefly of twoyearolds which were bred at Hash ord Manor Farm quite a few of them being the j rogeny of Sain which is now standing there Iwctittor anil Mention which were fired and turned out for the winter will not be hurried along in their training although both are doing well Coyne saiil that he may be able to race Froecutter at Iitonia but Clermont probably will not be sent to the post until next autumn In the JjnK string is Anno Elizabeth a twoyearold filly Free Iince Cutter and therefore a sister to Freectitter FreectitterIJil IJil Trotter is expected in any hour with twenty two horses some of which arc lie property of the Florisant Stable while the others belong to him ¬ self He advised track superintendent Tom Young Jlint he expected to leave New Orleans the latter t art of last week and stalls have been assigned Jjjill at Douglas Park Included in the Klorisant Sta1 e is Westwood a Kentucky Derby eligible which lias been working in good style at New Orleans all winter Jockey Otis Willis will come with the Trotter stable stableJocker Jocker J Tierce lias joined the G AT Loft stable here which is under the care of trainer Max llirsch The lad shows no ill effects of his recent fall from Kimpalong at Jefferson Park and is kept msy exercising the Ix ft horses every morning Pierce is a capable little rider and was developed by It A Smith for whom he rodti in Maryland last autumn and at New Orleans during the winter winterAnother Another addition to the riding colony here is jockey Steve Wida who is under contract to C W Clark the Montana sportsman Wida came in ahead of the Clark horses which are delayed by tli horse car shortage Trainer George Barnes will bring them north at the first opportunity Wida weighs only ninetytwo pounds and if he rides to his New Orleans form his presence will be valuable here as the crop of lightweight jockeys is not as large as it mitht be

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