Havana Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, March 23., Daily Racing Form, 1920-03-23


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Havana Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday March 23 23WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK HEAVY Tho figures under the heading Rco in tho entries hclow slioxv tha best time of each horse at tho distanco since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Kacihg starts at 240 p m Chicago time 210 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceTirst Tirst Race 34 Mile Mile3yearold 3yearold i and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 8 1920 111 5 102 102Todays Todays 1ml Horse Wt Roc AWtllan Wit1 Airgie Lee M l14Vf 9572 957240131s 40131s Royalty 124 114 8 109x72 109x724I542U1 4I542U1 rnssion 101 115 3 7 107X71 4543 = Kockaree M SI 113 JISX71 45470 Xaorni Walton 107 1111 s 107X71 K5377 Little Ituss 107 115 1 10 71 15132 Cafeteria M 107Jlir 1 1017o 115377 Paccarat M lOli 111 r 100 70 70Second Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3ycarolds 3ycarolds Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 lOrK 5 102 45418 BARDORA 107 107 105X72 K54S3 Xorthern Ielle 101 105 f 103X71 IftliSS Xorfolk Ielle 10S 107 10iix71 KMS Punctual KM 107 100X71 45483 Major I5ra Ilev 101 107 100X70 HOT Sport Fcemy Mlll l0JMi 70 42151 Llielt Tommie M 107 70 70Third Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongsoyearolds oyearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 21 1017 105 r 102 4I530 Tranby 108 108107 107 i 102x72r 1I54S Small Stone 100 1OS 3 93X720 5iri7 = Konndel Ill 107 1074i2 4 107ir 107irKiril 4i2 Kddie Tranter loril OSif OSif46i97 104X71 46i97 Hulger 10 107 f 8 10X71 4548 Lady Langden 107 107 1074I547 4 971710 4I547 Lowell 113 107 4 102 710 45430 Cuba 105 1095 109SS 3 11X705 4MS Magic Mirror 41349 James G 45442 King Tuscan 111 105 415471 lnar 10S 1OS Fourth Race 5 12 Furlonjs Furlonjs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Churning Track record Jan 21 1917 10 r 102 102First 4G44V First Pallet 100 107 4 105X721 105X721Hasty 4I548I53 Hasty Cora 114 107 i 10 x720 4I54SS2 Manokii 110107 5108X720 5108X720Iron 4G49 Iron Hoy 1O1 107 4 102X715 102X715Peaceful 4C17 Peaceful Star 110 107 5 107X715 4974 Will Soon 110107 r 1091 71 I 4047 Willie Woods 105 107 4 90 710 710Fickle 4ICW Fickle Fancy 110 107 5 108x710 108x710Gilder 4 54r 5 Gilder Ill 108 4 111 710 710Blanche Blanche Donaltoul05 107 Vf 103X705 AVhippoorwill IOC 108 T110X705 Count Jtoris 0 107 5 105x700 Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track recinl Jan 8 1920 111 15 102 45324 = Key Mar Ill 111U S 1050725 4IM87 Iliedoden 110112 5103X720 415231 Lariat 107 115 5f 4 Ilx715 Ilx71510S Ilx715Dainty 40147 Dainty Lady 10S 112 4 101X715 415187 Buster Clark 110 lllli 4 17x710 17x710Lucky 41120 Lucky 1earl 1earl4I54S73 1031114 4 17X705 17X705Cold 4I54S73 Cold Stnue 113 4 17X705 17X705Kd 40172 = Kd Garrison Sarri 110 112 0 100X700 100X700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile tvearolds and upward Claiming record March 23 1 1 1 3S5 5 105 40205 Miss Sweep 105 140 5 107X725 107X725I 4IISV Jack Henley 111141 I 105X720 45144 Clip 4 105X715 40284 Kliymer 0 1011X715 40442 Daisy U 4 103 710 45412 Acclamation 4 105X710 40470 Fortunes Favor 107 141 4 10S7K 415485 Jack Dawsun 105 144 i 109X710 109X710II 45474 = Duke of Slielliy 113 140 II 111X705 45157 Maxims Choice 107 13 It 101X700 40421 Native Soil 10S 143 4 10S700 4G35 Frank Keogli 103 142 5 109 700 45174 1lantarede US 140 4 110X700 The small figure under Str shows the distance tho horse was ahead of that next in the race I The small figure under Fin unless tho horse won shows the number of lengths tho horse wat behind tha winner Weight to bo carried appears at top of column of weights ia previous races I Tho M after tho horses name mccns Maiden

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920032301/drf1920032301_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1920032301_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800