Potent Blood Of Bonnie Scotland: Big Factor in Development and Improvement of Our Thoroughbred--Luke Blackburn His Best., Daily Racing Form, 1920-03-23


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POTENT BLOOD OF BONNIE SCOTLANI g Factor in Development and Improvement oi Our Thoroughbred Luke Blackburn His Best One of the prime factors in the development and Improvement of the American thoroughbred is tin blood of Ronnie Scotland Whether on the sires oi dams side this blood Is equally potent The greal Hanover was out of Ilourboii Belle by Ponnie Scot ¬ land this giving all of his descendants an infu ¬ sion of this valuable blood Among the leading winning sires of 1 17 Dick Welles and Broomstick both carry it Dick Welles through his dam Broom ¬ stick in the direct male line Broomstick Ren Brush Branble Bonnie Scotland all good high class race Horses stake winners and sensational sires siresPonnie Ponnie Scotland was foaled in 18515 by lago out of the celebrated Queen Mary and had the best constitution of any member of her famous family On account of an injury to one of his legs he was only raced when a threeyearold and then in only four races all stakes He won the Liverpool St Leger one and threequarter miles ran fourth in the Great York Stakes was second in the Don caster St Leger and won the Doncaster Stakes one and onehalf miles by a length and a half beat ing Manganese Aleppo and others of the best three yearolds in England Itonnic Scotland broke down completely at the finish of this last race and he was soon sold to Captain Cornish by whom he was brought to America and was subsequently pur ¬ chased by the late John Reber of Lancaster Fair field Comity Ohio OhioMEAGER MEAGER OPPORTUNITIES AT LANCASTER He remained in Hie stud at Lancaster where he had meager opportunities until 1S7 While there he sired among others of note Dangerous Young Fashion and Malcolm which was the sire of Marian the dam of Emperor of Norfolk Yo Tambien etc In 1807 Mr Reber sold Bonnie Scotland to E A Smith by whom he was sent to Kentucky where he made the seasons of 1807 and 18 58 siring some excellent race horses from the promiscuous band of mares sent to his court courtWhile While in Kentucky he sired the celebrated trot ¬ ting griding Scotland out of AVaterwitch by Pilot Ir one of the best 1 rotters of his day which ob ¬ tained a trotting record of 2221 2221j j forty years ago In 18 S he became the property of 1 C Simpson who traded a farm in Iwva for him the horse being valued at 0000 He was subsequently sold to Mr Gage of Chicago and C C Parks of AVatikegan 111 the last named gentleman finally buying out Mr Gages interest and standing the horse at his farm near AVaukegau Up to tliis time in his career Bonnje Scotland really had no opportunity to show his intrinsic merit as a sensational sire although his success was fair and his progeny attracted attention But in 1872 General Harding proprietor of the Belle Mead Farm at Nashville Tcnn had the misfortune to lose botli of his stallions Vandal and lack Malone and after seeking all over the country for an ideal stallion finally purchased Bonnie Scotland as the best obtainable obtainableAt At Belli Meade Itonnic Scotland rapidly came into his own Crossed onto the royallybred and excellently selected broodmares of that farm he immediately became the premier stallion of America rind led the winning sires of the country in 1880 and maintained that proud iKisition in 1S82 and 1883 Ponnie Scotland died at Belle Meade Feb ¬ ruary 1 1880 aged 27 years and his skeleton was iirticulatcd and placed in the Aanderbilt University in Nashville Trim Luke ItlacUbiirn was probably the best race horse the old hero ever sired with Ueorge Kinney next nextBRAMBLE BRAMBLE GREAT CUP HORSE HORSEWhile While Bramble was a great race horse and a Cup liorse par excellence he never attained that de ree of popular favor that was bestowed upon the ither two It was however reserved to Bramble lo perpetuate and hand down with undiminished iplcndor to future generations the glorious quail ies of an illustrious family Ben Brush a sou of ramble is represented by three twoyearold iviiiners tills year one of which Honrydrw is a take winner Clifford a son of Bramble is repre ¬ sented thisi year i y the twoyearold winner Umatilla UmatillaBen Ben Brush also sired Broomstick which is third n the list at the present date of the winning sires f America Delhi by Ben Brush is the sire of three twoyearold winners this year Sweep by Sen Brush is represented so far this year with iglitoen Iwoygarold winners among the number Hing the good stake filly Ocean Sweep Von 1romp by Ben Brush is the sire of three two rearold winners of seven races this year Sweeper Broomstick is the sire of Reveler and AVhisk Iroom II by Broomstick is the sire of Bonnie liroom both twoyearold winners this year yearTherefore Therefore it will be seen that the family is rigorous and enduring and while the twoyearolds ire precocious and come to hand early it is a most lesirable quality when twoyearolds are ably to ivhi so many valuable slakes and the owner is able o realize on the money invested in yearlings It s also a family that seems to increase in potency iVitii each succeeding generation and from present ndications the Bonnie Scotland male line will uivo winning representatives on the turf for years o conn

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920032301/drf1920032301_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1920032301_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800