American And English Pedigrees, Daily Racing Form, 1920-03-23


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AMERICAN AND ENGLISH PEDIGREES To the Editor of Daily Racing Form FormSalvators Salvators article which appeared in Daily Kacing Form March 20th was most timely Be ¬ fore this I have myself written something on the impossibility of accepting Hanovers pedigree us rendered Hanovers concocted pcdigrco for evi ¬ dently it is a concocted one is due primarily to neglect on the part of American breeders them ¬ selves their neglect in failing to provide them ¬ selves with a mean of properly registering their bloodstock until so late a date as 1884 The first volume of Bruces Stud Rook did not appear until that late dale whereas the first volume of the English General Stud Book was published in 1827 There is absolutely no excuse for the failure of the American breeders of bloodstock to make pro ¬ vision for a means of registration until 1881 Re ¬ member the old biblical saying Tin sins of the forefathers shall be visited on the children etc etcA A rather fearsome pronuiiciainento I am free to admit but true nevertheless The sin of omission of the earlier American breeders in not properly recording their bloodstock breeding activities is now being visited on those of the pitsent genera ¬ tion in so far as members of their native thorough ¬ bred families are debarred from entrance to the English General Stud Pook PookNo No sane man believes Hanovers pedigree is correct as rendered I suppose the truth is that Grey Eagle a good race horse in his day must needs have a pedigree a concocted one it would now appear to be So on account of the earlier sins of omission of American bloodstock breeders the name of Hanover is barred from the English General Stud Pook PookAlso Also I read a good deal nowadays concerning the good old hard bottom American race horse and am also told tin American horseman has de ¬ veloped a breed of horses superior to any in the world This the merest IM SI a spirit of equine Chaitvianism as it were which in no way will hold water because the best of American pedigrees a re ¬ built up on a solid English foundation If the so called American horses are superior how conies it that Star Shoot a wonderfully successful sire vyas imported as was Fairy Gold dam of the champion Fjilr Play Friar Rock etc and that Rock Sand is the kingpin of the brood mare sires siresThe The best in bloodstock breeding as in everything else is none too good why therefore should all American families simply because they are Ameri ¬ can families lie accepted for registration iu the English Stud Book Be pleased also to remember the English take a national pride in the horse they have devxloped and that eveu all of the good English race horses are not eligible for registra ¬ tion and that such famous Australian families as that of Sappho arc barred barredIn In Salvators concluding sentence lies the secret of all this heartburning But that will never in all probability affect tin issue that there is no place on earth where they so long to make them ¬ selves felt Absolute and convincing evidence this that the American racing man and breeder of bloodstock well recognize the fact that the English bred horse both on the race course and JH the stud stands supreme EXILE EXILELexington Lexington Ky March 20 1 20

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