W. F. Polsons 1919 Winnings: Buffalo Turfman Has Reason To Feel Satisfied With His Stable Returns Of Last Year, Buford And Peace Pennant Being The Leaders, Daily Racing Form, 1920-03-23

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W F POISONS 1919 WINNINGS BUFFALO TURFMAN HAS REASON TO FEEL SATISFIED SATISFIEDWITH WITH HIS STABLE RETURNS OF LAST YEAR YEARBUFORD BUFORD AND PEACE PENNANT PENNANTBEING BEING THE LEADERS AV F Poison the HulTalo turfman had no Hilly Kelly in iiis stable last year hut lias every reason to feel satisfied with the showing made by the horses that carried his sliks during the campaign of 1019 The consistent Pnford was his chief money winner the honest efforts of that nnscxed son of Itallot re ¬ sulting in 7 i being added to the stables coffers for the year Peace Pennant a two year old son of McGeo Maltha by Ogden was next onthe list with 4S to his credit and so favorably did he im ¬ press his owner that he has entered him in this years Kentucky Derby John Jr contributed his share to the expenses of the stable as did Auloanite Hasil Dimitri AVar Tax and Horace Lerch The big dis ¬ appointment of tin stable was Anlcanlte Mr Poison entertained high hopes that this son of Anlcain would develop into a threeyearold of the first class so much so that he entered and started him in both the Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes However Anlcanite may make amends in this years racing for the disappointment f last year and his owner is not alone in the opinion that he may prove for midable in the handicap division particularly over a long distance of ground The following are the horses comprising the stable of W F Poison during the racing of Pll together with tin record of races Avon by each Horse Col ColHnford and Sox A Pedigree Hnford h g r Py Hallot Ollie Hello by Charaxu Peace Pennant PennantJohn b c 2 Hy McGeo Maltha by Ogden John Jr b g 0 Py Marta Santa Mandc Fealy by Hen Strom Vulcanite b c A Hy Vnlcain Single Shot by Star Shoot Hasil h h Hy Aoter Mintcake by Marcion Dimitri ch g S Py Peter Jiiince Viy by Isidor War Tax b f Hy McCee Polly Grant by Sir Dixon Horace Txrcli h c 2 Hy McGoo Sadie May by Cesarion Pyx k lir C2 Hy Pataiitl PataiitlrTOkitaiUlirJlaninliLs = rTOkitaiUlirJlaninliLs Eddie Tranter b g i5 Hy Textile Nordlac by Caldron Purl br c 2 Hy Magneto Continue by Orlando Exempted ch f I Py Stalwart Ellle Paton by UusUin II American Soldier SoldierVenghce br c 2 Hy Iluval Mary Hunter by Orison Venghce h g Hy Yankee Monarka by Prince of Monaco I jimp Post br f I Hy Sweep Lamp Girl by Lamplighter Parol ch c 2 Py Transvaal May Ellen by Cesarion US

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920032301/drf1920032301_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1920032301_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800