General News Notes Of The Day, Daily Racing Form, 1920-03-23


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE AVeather forecast Some precipitation is indi ¬ cated for the northwestern states by Tuesday night but fair weather will continue until that time in the western lake region and central valleys with temperature considerably above the seasonal nor ¬ mal No cool weather is at present In sight sightIn In a general review of the situation in Germany an Associated Press dispatch of yesterday from Berlin says Conditions in Germany are described by the ministry of defense as extremely serious You cannot paint the situation throughout Ger ¬ many too black an official at the ministry de ¬ clared to the correspondent after a survey of tht reports that had come iu during the night Tho situation in Berlin itself was characterized as bad The ministry of defense informed thft cor ¬ respondent this morning that the conditions in the Ruhr district were becoming worse The towns of Eelde Ahlen and Drensteinfurt in Westphalia southeast of Mucnster had been taken by the communists it was stated and the movement was spreading north and east Pitched battles have been fought and two crack regiments of govern ¬ ment troops had been forced to fall back on the fortress of AVesel after heavy losses had been sus ¬ tained on both sides In one case a company of volunteers had been overpowered by Spartacan forces its officers killed and their bodies mutilated This occurred near the Johannestal aviation ground The government forces recaptured Adlershof and Johannestao from which they had been driven killing twenty of the red troops and capturing twentyfour others who were promptly executed The southern and eastern parts of Germany are re ¬ ported quiet although unrest was said to be spread ¬ ing among the agricultural population in Pomerania and Mecklenberg The communists were still In charge today at Stettin At Kiel which the troops had left conditions were reported quiet To the north of the Spree in the Berlin district the out ¬ posts of the regulars have been withdrawn leaving detachments to guard the stockyards and railway station The marine brigade and the Baltic troops which occupied Berlin during the Kapp regime have been cleared out from Chariot tenburg and have joined the other military units at the Doeberitx camp where all are refitting These troops it was stated will be counted as the chief protectors of Berlin Neukoellii and Tempelhof the working mens residence quarters in the suburbs where disorders occurred Saturday have been quieted by government troop activities An official report from lAipzig siys that no further excesses oc sitrred on Saturday in that city and that several points evacuated by the workmen were occupied by troops In the suburbs however the workmen re ¬ fused to abandon their positions Further commu ¬ nist reenforcements have arrived the reports added Railway traffic iu the Leipzig region was fully re sinned on Sunday In the Halle district the position was reported worse from a government aspect Counteraction among a section of the workingmen is threatened through the calling of a strike if a soviet republic is proclaimed Communists are declared to be preventing willing men from resuming their work The former German steamship Kahia Blaiica will sail for the United States March 31 accord ¬ ing to a semiofficial announcement from Buenos Aires This vessel which was bought by Argentina from Germany during the war has been the sub ¬ ject of diplomatic exchanges between the Argen ¬ tine government and the allies which have never recognized the transfer of flags cm the ship Troops from Silesia are officially reported to hnvo arrived in the Ruhr district and fighting with the Spartacan army there is expected Exag ¬ gerated rumors as to the size of the red forces place the number at 70000 A general strike has been called in Munich and it is expected the move ¬ ment will extend throughout Bavaria unless it is stopped as a result of the negotiations now In prog ¬ ress to settle the demands of tin workingmeii for pay during the period they wen on strike during the Kapp regime Meetings are t be held in the AVnrt temburg factories by the councils of workingmcii to consider if similar action should be taken through ¬ out Wurttcmbiirg Reports received from Nurem ¬ berg said that city was quiet on Sunday following some disorders the previous night Further disor ¬ ders at Leipzig on Sunday were reported reportedRelief Relief ships to be sent by the United States within the next month with flour for needy countries of Europe also are gcing to he soviet arks accord ¬ ing to information obtained from immigration offi ¬ cials at New York More than 400 Russians Finns and Poles from all parts of the country who have been found to have advocated the use of violence to overthrow the government will be shipped on them in groups The immigration authorities wen per ¬ plexed for a time over the deportation of Poles with anarchistic beliefs Some officials here believe they might foment more trouble in Poland than in the United States but it was finally decided to deport them Some of the Bufords passengers were Poles but they wen sent to Russia rather than Poland from choice choiceThe The State Department has been asked to fix a definite policy with regard to trade between the United States and soviet Russia and the Central Powers Secretary of Commerce Alexander an ¬ nounced yesterday afternoon Secretary Alexander stated that large business interests hail urged him to aid iu establishing trade with soviet Russia and Germany He has asked tin State Department to say how far he can go Secretary Alexander said that he had been advised that a Russian soviet trade commission is now on its way to Ixindon to take up the question of trade with the allies and that the commission may come to this country countryThelina Thelina Reiishaw the tenyearold little mother burned Saturday while rescuing her younger sister two younger brothers and two playmates from a burning building at 1S05 Sedgwick street died Sun ilay at the Childrens Memorial hospital The chil ¬ dren were playing in the apartment of neighbors who were not at home when a can of gasoline ignited The little mothers clothing caught fire nftcr she had carried the other children to safety mid returned to extinguish the fire fireThe The Senate today unanimously adopted a reso ¬ lution calling on the President to state if tin Island of Yap has been ceded to Japan by the iillies as reported and if so what action the United States has taken regarding it The resolution was introduced by Senator I Iodg odg Republican of Massa ¬ chusetts Yap is a lonely island in tin Pacific vest of the Caroline group formerly belonging to idmany It is Important in connection with cable service to the Philippines PhilippinesAt At AVashington yesterday the railroad unions through their attorney Donald Richberg of Chi iago protested to the Interstate Commerce Com ¬ mission against allowing the railroads increases in rates which would increase the cost of living Itichberg appeared before the commission during its letring on the valuation of the railroads and pro ¬ tested against the commission reaching any deci ¬ sion as to valuation which was based on inflated alue of stocks stocksAdmiral Admiral AVilliam S Benson chairman of the Chipping board and chief ot naval operations during ivar was named by Admiral Sims yesterday as the me who told him Not to let the British pull the rool over his eyes as he left Washington at tin tutset of the war to assume charge of naval ac ¬ tivities on the other side Admiral Sims made this tatcmcnt before the subcommittee of the naval iffairs committee of the Senate SenateThere There is little hope that high prices will decline or at least six months Secretary of Commerce Uexnuder stated yesterday afternoon American factories now have orders to keep them busy for six mouths to meet domestic needs Secretary Alex inder said He pointed out that this fact pre ludes any drop in prices even though exports may all off rapidly due to the exchange situation situationSenator Senator Cummins is one of tin members of Cou iress organized labor will attempt to defeat iu No ember according to L E Sheppard acting presi lent of the Order of Railway Conductors who is in Vashington attending the railroad wage conference Senator Cummins was the author of the antistrike provision of the railroad bill which was thrown out n conference conferenceAn An animal profit of 2900000 would result from overnment operation of the Muscle Shoals Ala litrate plant for manufacture of commercial fertil zer Secretary Baker told the senate agriculture ominittce The secretary advocated passage of the Var Department bill to organize a 12500000 overnment corporation to operate the jUant for omiiKTcial purposes purposesThe The bill authorizing the Uuiteil States Grain Cor oration to furnish 5000000 barrels of flour to luropean peoples requiring food was passed with ii t opposition by the Senate yesterday afternoon he measure was passed by the House March 15 t now foes to the President

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