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SARATOGA The horses which -seem best in Thursdays races are: Saratoga, N. Y., August 25, 1920. 1 GLEN WELL, Queen of the Spa, Ernest A. 2 Busy Signal. Milkmaid. Lunetta. 3 WapUi, Faunus, Thimble. 4 Dinna Care. Cleopatra, I.lazes. 5 Ground-Swell, Young Adam, Frogtown. C Oriole, Sedgefield, Blowing Bubbles. F. J. Ortell. Chicago Handicap. 1 Better Believe, Glen Well, Larghetto, Locust Leaves. 2 Milkmaid, Lady Gertrude, Tailor Maid, Ed- wjna. 3 Mavourneen, Thimble, Polly Ann. Wapiti. 4 CLEOPATRA, Damask, Blazes, Dinna Care, r Ground-Swell, Young Adam, Fizer, Tan II. C Oriole, Blowing Bubbles, Sedgefield, Normal. New York Handicap. 1 Larghetto, Better Believe, Glenwell, Locust Leaves. 2 Busy Signal, Iwin, Milkmaid, Ballet Dancer II. 3 The Ally, Tidings, Thimble, Mavourneeu. 4 Blazes, Cleopatra, Dinna Care, Damask. 5 Ground-Swell, Shillelagh II., Young .Adam, Frogtown. GLORIOLE, Normal, Broom Spun, Dimmesdale. Buffalo Handicap. 1 Better Believe, Glen Well, Larghetto, Locust Leaves. 2 Milkmaid, Lady Gertrude, Tailor Maid, Ed- Wina. 3 Mavourneen, Thimble, Polly Ann, Wapiti. 4 CLEOPATRA, Damask, Blazes, Dinna Care. 5-Ground-Swell, Young Adam, Fizer, Tan II. G1 Oriole, Broom Spun, Dimmesdale, Blowing Bubbles. Observers Handicap. 1 Glen Well, Better Believe, Hoosoh, Ernest A. 2 BUSY SIGNAL, Milkmaid, Tailor ilaid, Lu- neta. 3 Tidings, Lough Storm, Polly Ann, The Ally. 4Dinna Care, Cleopatra, Damask, Ethel Gray. 5 Young Adam, Tan II., Fizer, Shillelagh II. 0 Oriole, Normal, Dimmesdale, Tidings. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Glen Well, Better Believe, .Larghetto, Locust Leaves. 2 Busy Signal, Milkmaid, Lady Gertrude, Tailor Maid. 3 Muvourneen, Wapiti, Tidings, The Ally. 4 CLEOPATRA, Dinna Care, Blazes, Damask. 5 Ground-Swell, Young Adam, Fizer, Tan II. 5 Oriole, Normal, Sedgefield, Blowing Bubbles.