Miss Muffins from the West: Closely Inbred Domino Filly Purchased by Com Mander Ross for 0,000, Daily Racing Form, 1920-08-27


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MISS MUFFINS FROM THE WEST CLOSELY INBRED DOMINO FILLY PURCHASED BY COM-MANDER - ROSS FOR 0,000 WILL CARRY HIS COLORS IN SPINA WAY STAKES SATURDAY Three crosses of Domino right on top. Hows that for a pedigree? This is the manner of the breeding of Miss Muffins, the Mly purchased a few days ago by Commander J. K. L. Ross for 0 000 Luke Mcl.uke, sire of Miss Muuins, is of Domino descent, and Running Stream, dam of Luke Mc-Lukes sire Ultlmus, by Domino; and Peter Quince, sire of Miss Muffins dam Carmen, by Commando son of Domino. Such inbreeding this, in the human I family, at all events, is not infrequently the high road to the madhouse, but Miss .Muffins is anything but s",w a lunatic. In fact, when last I her at t Latonia, she had her head in the manger and Iter told groom she me was ever looking for more the iirst t to clean up in the morning, and after breakfast stretched herself out for a nap before it was time for r morning exercise. Luke McLuke is a member of the Carbine. Lord Clifden. Voltigenr branch of the No " f,mily and 1 his dam Midge introduces the stout strain of Musket through her sire, Trenton, which is also the sire e of Lotowanna, dam of Gladiator and Colonial, dam of Hessian, La Vcnganza and Air Man. Carmen, though she had nine tries as a two-year-old, could not win, and the more I look into these u brood mare racing performances the more convinced do I become that racing success has little or no bearing on a mares winner-producing qualities. Micaela. granddam of Miss Muffins, strange to say, survived n leg fracture and is n really well-bred 1 daughter of "Watercress and Silea, by Sir Modred, from Silence, sister to La Heine, dam of the Derby winner Volodyovski, by Rosicrucian. Miss Muffins is at Saratoga and will carry her new owners colors in the Spinaway Stakes Saturday . Racing folk will find it good, fast action. She ran in four races last spring in Kentucky and won two , of them, the Hinata Stakes at half mile a in 47. and the second, a purse race nt live-eighths in 50?-In two other stakes she was second. In the Debutante Stakes, at half a mile in 47?, she was second . beaten a length and a half by Bit of White, Ed Bradleys crack, and in the Clipsetta second to Mr Bradleys other good Ally, Believe Idle Hour. In this race she was beaten right at the end by a neck! , the five-eighths being run in 1:00. Oil, yes! Miss Muffins can run and is doing well. Hero, is her t;ibiJatiHU.iiiry.. .i fcm m nj m-iv. ,-l-rw--tw-?r - - - ... I Domino 23 J Himyar o r ; Ccmmando 12 J Mannie Gray . .. 23 E ; brown, 1S9S Emma C j Darebin 1431 G,,e,m !- 11 . Domino 23 J Himyar 2 E 1 Running Stream. . J Mannie Gray , .".23 E S J . I Dancing Water.. I Isonomy 19 k f t! . rretty Dance 14 E S g , Trenton 18 M,,!Sket 3 J Toxophilite 3 E M IDshtr. of 3 W.Australian M hMv iqi - I "Midge 2 I J I Frailty Goldsbrough 13 E C " black.. 1902 I KIora -MtIvor IS II rn 1 Iscnomy 19 J Sterling 1 y j.; : 2 . I- Sandfly J I Isohi Bella 19 E g S I Sandiway Doncaster n E 1 Ih . f I Clemence 2 E j g i-ommanuo Commando l 10 t 1 Domino 23 5 Himyar 2 E , . Mannie Gray 23 E . 1 ht 14 M i I Peter Quince 9 j " C chestnut, 1905 1 Tmlciet Lo,,l Lyon 1 E ! 5 2 I Fair isioii J uly Audley 14 II T 2 , j Enchantress Scottish Chief 12 E ! 3 . Lady Love 9 E 1 I , Watercress ...10 j Springfield . . . .12 r.Ai1iba,ls E i 6 Micaela ....14 j hrown, 1SS! Wliarfedale I Hermit !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 E I I Bonnie Doon 10 M 1 bay, 1900 . t sir Modred 17 j Traducer 20 II L Silea J 1 Idalia 17 k I SiIence J Rosicrucian r E , s Hue and Cry 14 H 1 mporteu. " --Jf J - "- - , i

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1920082701/drf1920082701_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1920082701_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800