Valuable Race for 1921: Entries Total 346 for Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes, Daily Racing Form, 1920-08-27


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VALUABLE RACE FOR 1921 t c Entries Total 346 for Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes. 11 Nominations National in Scope, i with All Prominent Breeders i Heavily Represented. t . t The Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes for 1921 closed I for entries oh July 1, 1920, with a total of 340 nominations. This race is a newly established fea- 1 ture of Kentucky racing and will have its first t running nt the coming fall meeting at Churchill 1 Downs, when its gross, value, it is estimated, will exceed 0,000. It is a dash of one mile for two-year-olds, with 0,000 .added, and under its con- c ditions of declarations and payments with such a large entry list the aggregate value of the race for 1 1921 may exceed 0,000. 1 Nopiinations to the Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes of 1921 camp from far and wide, showing that thoroughbred production is fast becoming a great l national industry. All the prominent breeders are represented, the largest nominators being E. K. Bradley, J. X. Camden, A. li. Hancock, Hal Price l Headley, T. C. McDowell, J. B. Madden, G. L. Blackford, "W. It. Coe, W. S. Kilmer, A. K. Ma- l comber. W. B. Miller, J. K. L. Ross, J. H. Bos- l seter, Short Grass Stud, Simms and Oliver and H. P. . Whitney. The following are the conditions and nominations to the Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes of 1921: l Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes for 1921. 0,000 added. By subscription of 0 each cash to ac- company entry. For two-year-olds foals of -1919. 0,000 added by the Kentucky Jockey Club, i Incorporated, of which ,500 to the second horse, 00 to the third horse, fourth horse to save its 1 stake. Colts and geldings to carry 122 pounds; fillies, 119 pounds. The original nominator of the winner to receive 00; of the second horse, 50; of the third horse, 00. , Declarations and payments To remain eligible, , the following cash payments must be made: Jan- uary 1, 1921, cash payment each entry, 5; July 1, 1921, cash payment each entry, ; 50 addi- tional to start. Acceptances through the entry box the day before the race at the usual time of clos-ing. To be run under the auspices of the Kentucky Jockey Club, Incorporated. One mile. Adams, Dr. J. Fred, Baltimore, Md. Filly, by Transvaal Lazuli. 1 Alexander, Charlton. Paris, Ky. Chestnut colt, j by Cunard Lady Levity. Alexander, K. D.-Chestnut colt, by Trevisco , Starry Nigiit; bay colt, by Trap Bock La Recolt. Applegate, Col. "VV. E., Louisville, Ky. Brown filly, by Dick Finnell Helena. Baker. Geo. F., Dayton, Ohio Chestnut colt, by Delhi Stareadia;. chestnut colt, by Dick Finnell Coruscate; bay colt, by Dick Finnell Paradise Son; brown colt, by Dick Finnell Sandringham Belle. Baker. R. L. and Co.. Lexington. Ky. Bay colt, by Hessian Erla Lee; brown colt, by Ogden Rase-bell; chestnut colt, by Peter Quince Miss Gardner. Belair Stud Win. Woodward, owner, New York Drown colt, by Heno Naughty Lady; bay colt, . by Heno Daphne; chestnut colt, by Heno Gen-eseo; bay colt, by Wrack Medora II.; bay colt, by Wrack Russian Sable; brown filly, by Celt Primula II. Berryman, C. H., Lexington, Ky. Bay colt, by Ballot Bassetting; chestnut filly, by Ballot Enterprise; hay colt, by Ballot Gold Lady; chestnut filly, by Ballot Spendri ft. Bianchi. O: A., Lexington, Ky. Bay fill?, by Jjm-Gaffney Zienap; bay filly,, by Jim Gaffney Sonla; bay filly, by Uncle Hawkslights. Blackford, G. L., Denison, Texas Joyce Hoffman, ch. f, by Prince Hennis Mary Genevieve; Pete Foy, ch. c, by Prince Kermis Golden Lassie; Hermis Kemble, ch. c. by Prince Hennis Fannie Keinble; Hermoden. ch. c, by Prince Hermis Modena; Mary Maxim, b. f, by Golden Maxim Mary Bodine; Lexicon, b. f, by Golden Maxim Lady Lexington; Maximac, b. f, by Golden Maxim Lady Mac. Bradley, E. R. Idle Hour Stock Farm, Lexington, Ky. Bay colt, by Helmet Vaila; brown filly, by Helmet Padula; bay filly, by Black Toney Macaroon; chestnut colt, by Cunard Winning Widow; bay filly, by Short Grass Bed of Roses; brown colt, by Black Jester Dreamy; bay colt, by North Star III. Breathing Spell; bay filly, by North Star III. Bandana; bay colt, by North Star III. Stumpy; brown filly, by Helmet Miss Ringlets; brown colt, by Helmet May Bird; chestnut colt, by Cunard Sweet Alice. Callahan. T. W., Louisville, Ky. Brown colt, by Dick Welles Penalty. Camden, J. N., Versailles, Ky. Brown colt, by Light Brigade Heliosis; bay colt, by Light Brigade Sard; bay colt, by Light Brigade Yolanda; bay colt, by Light Brigade Enigma; bay filly, by Light Brigade Hermosa; brown filly, by Light Brigade Crackle; bay colt, by Peter Quince or Light Brigade Bunchy; bay colt, by Peter Quince Alslke; chestnut. colt, by Peter Quince Allspice; chestnut colt, by Dick Finnell Lardclla. Christian, E. C, Lexington, Ky. Brown or bay filly, by Sweep Experience. Clark, C. W., San Ksteo, Cal. Bay colt, by Vulcain Moonet; bay filly, by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree. Clark, I. E.. Schulenburg, Texas Orbess, ch. f, by Orb Miss Panmure. Clay, . Chaiitcu, Paris, . Ky. Chestnut colt, by Jim Gaffney Alice Dudley. Clay, T. J., Lexington, Ky. Chestnut colt, by Jack Atkiu Princess Pat; Coe, W. R., New York City Chestnut colt, by Harmonicon Black Eugle; chestnut colt, by Harmonicon Jacoba; chestnut colt, by Hurmonicon Merry Thought II.; chestnut colt, by Hurmonicon Welsh Maid; chestnut filly, by Harmonicon Catacomb II.; chestnut filly, by Harmonicon Election Bet; chestnut filly, by Harmonicon Laughawny; chestnut filly, by Harmonicon Vale Royal; bay filly, by Hells Bells Fair Maid; bay filly, by Black Jester Pasquita. Courson, F. E., Lexington, Ky. Chestnut colt, by Jack Atkin English Esther; chestnut colt, by Frizzle Precocity. Harden, W. W., Nashville, Tenn. Bay colt, by Sweep Droll. Dortch, Nat F., Louisville, Ky. Flying Prince, ch. c, by Zeus Sweet Pea. Doyle, George L., Paris, Ky. Chestnut colt, by Magneto Lillie Krufer. Fair Acres Farm D. T. Matlock, owner, Winchester, Ky. Bay colt, by Sweep Frances Gaines; chestnut filly, by Dick Finnell Bright Start; bay filly, by Hessian Anuie Handy; bay filly, by Watervale Sensitive. Gallaher Bros., Lexington, Ky. Bay colt, br Rock View Mary Talbott. Gerry, Robert L., New York City Aknustl, ch. c, by Dick Finnell Alice Baird; Stock Pin, ch. c, by Peter Quince Stick Pin. Gilbert. II., Winchester, Ky. Chestnut colt, by Ballot Winnie G. Grefer, F. J., New Orleans, La. Chestnut colt, by Vulcain Floral Park. Gwathmey, J. Temple, New York Bay colt, by Seahorse. II. Teacher; bay c,olt, by Wrack Sobriquet; chestnut colt, by Trojan Robinettn; bay colt, by Wrack Orgress; bay filly, by Wrack Clasher; chestnut colt, by Trojan Humility; bay colt, by Wraek Bacchante. Hancock, A. B., Paris, Ky. Chestnut colt, by Celt Sand Dune; chestnut colt, by Celt Work-maid; brown colt, by Celt Silent Queen; brown colt, by Celt Darkwater; chestnut colt, by Celt Pyramid; chestnut filly, by Celt Network; chestnut filly, by Celt Logistilla; black filly, by Celt-Bobolink; bay filly, by Celt Pietra; bay filly by Celt Honey Bee; bay filly, by Celt Clara Atkiu; bay colt, by Wrack Star Gift; bay colt, by Wrack -tAurlue; bay colt, by Wrack Bold Lady; bay colt, by Wrack Diamontlna; bay filly, by Wrack Delft; bay filly, by Wrack Blazing Star; bay filly, by Wrack Sumptuous; bay filly, by Wrack Single Shot; brown colt, by Rock View Gold; chestnut colt, by Jim Gaffney Royal Message; brown, colt, by Martinet Rod and Gun; chestnut filly, by Martinet La Gloria; bay colt, by Marti t c 11 i i t t I 1 t 1 c 1 1 l l l l . l i 1 , 1 j , . net Morning Glory; bay filly, by Martinet Rc-sponsful. Field,. Hardin, Mexico, Mo. Brown or bluck filly, by Tony Bonero Rose Pompom. Headley, Hal Price, Lexington, Ky. Chestnut" colt, by Ultimus Ollie Belle; bay colt, by Ultinius Xarco; chestnut colt, by Ultimus Nigcllu; chestnut cot, by Ultimus Melissa; bay colt, by Ultimus Velocity; chestnut filly, by Ultimus Lydia II.; chestnut filly, by Ultimus Fair Empress; bay filly, by Ultimus Prunella; brown filly, by Ultimus Star Dreamer; chestnut filly, by Ultimus Nevada; chestnut filly, by Ultimus May Hempstead; chestnut filly, by Ultimus Dreamy Eyes; bay colt, by Uncle Ballymena; chestnut filly, by Uncle Anna Ray; chestnut filly, by Uncle Malta; black colt, by Jack Atkin Matterhorn; chestnut filly, by Trap Rock Moulin Rouge; bay colt, by Jack Atkin Bessie Simpson; brown colt, by Ultimus Lady Paramount. Headley, IT. P., Lexington, Ky. Chestnut colt, by Vnndergrift Oseetah. Herring, Henry, Lexington, Ky. Gunpath, b. c, by Sweep Bell of Arcadia. Hewitt, II. II., .New York City Chestnut filly, by Star Hawk Inspiration. Himyar Stud Phil T. China, owner, Lexington, Ky. Brown colt, by Colin Sanicula; chestnut colt, by Pataud Hulme; bay colt, by Pataud Dancing Wave; bay celt, by Maintena.nt Surmise; chestnut colt, by Peter Quince Flying Frances. Jeffords. Walter M., Glen Riddle, Pa. Chestnut colt, by McGec Stolen Moments. Jones, Montfordo, Bristow, Okla. Chestnut colt, by Stnr Shoot Wide Eyes; chestnut colt, by The Finn Lady Sterling. Keene, J. O. and G. H., Lexington, Ky. Bay colt, by Luke McLuke Agnes Virginia; bay colt, by Luke McLvke Carinya; bay colt, by Luke McLuke Tsarina. Kellcy, Frank J:, Chicago. 111. Chestnut colt, by Boots and Saddle Miss Behave. Kilmer, Willis Sharpe, Sun Briar Court, Bing-hamton. N. Y. Chestnut colt, by Magic Affinity; bay colt, by Assagai Contessina; bay colt, by Assagui Hathor; chestnut colt, by Magic Los Altos; bay colt, by Allemcur Magic Shot; chestnut colt, by Cock o th Walk Private Flag; bay colt, by Assagai Romagne; bay colt, by Magic Royal Quest; bay filly, by Allemeur Sabratache; bay colt, by Assagai St. Fey; chestnut colt, by Magic Sobranje; bay colt, by Assagai Sungene; chestnut colt, by Sundridge Sweet Briar; bay colt, by Assagai War Doll;- bay filly, by Allemuer White Dinah. Laxton, John, , Toronto, Ontario, Canada Baby Mine, b. or br. f, by Anraer Spring Maid. Lehan, Dan, Jefferstown, Ky. Margaret Windsor, br. f, by Hon Bronzewing. Livingston, Jefferson, Chicago, 111. Brown colt, by Vulcain Conspiracy; chestnut colt, by Rock View Orlo; chestnut colt, by Brurnmel Panella; chestnut eolti by Brurnmel La Mode. Long, Geo. J., Louisville, Ky. Bay colt, by Sain Anoia; bay or brown colt, by Sain Mytileno; bay colt, by Sain Onadore. Macomber, A. K., San Francisco, Cal. Bay colt, by Dodge Hoop Skirt; bay colt, by -Dodge Lip Stick; bay or brown colt, by Star Hawk Orleans; bay colt, by Star Hawk Myrtlegalc; bay filly, by Star Hawk Cngrail; chestnut colt, by Trap Rock Kisaga; bay colt, by Uncle Sunbonnet; chestnut colt, by Hesperus Rural Delivery; chestnut colt, by Hesperus Lathenin; brown colt, by Hesperus Mortenia; chesnut colt, by nesperus Narcotic; brown colt, vy Hesperus Instigation; bay colt, by Hesperus Bella Mayes. McDowell. Thos. C, Lexington, Ky. Bay colt, by The Manager Star Jasmine; bay colt, by The Manager Alanarkn; chestnut colt, by The Manager Kings Daughter; bay fily, by The Manager Little Daughter; chestnut filly, by The Manager School Mistress; bay filly, by The Manager Caution; chestnut colt, by The Manager Star Cat. MaeManus, James Brown colt, by Huon Ross-"lare. Madden, J. E., Lexington, Ky. Chestnut colt,, by Friar Rock Miss Kearney; chestnut colt, by Friar Rock Mercadel; chestnut colt, by Ormondale One Star; bay colt, by Hessian Passan. Marshall, Rody P., Pittsburgh, Pa. McGoldrick, b. g, liy Smoke House The Widow Moou; .Charming Hours; ch. f, by Smoke House Morning Hours. Milam. J. C, Lexington, Ky. Bay colt, by Golden Maxim Brightstone. Miller, Win. B., New York City Chestnut colt, by Friar Rock Sea Shell; chestnut colt, by Uncle Blakeslee; chestnut colt, by Uncle Broomleaf; chestnut colt, by Uncle Last Cherry; chestnut colt, by Uncle Dike; bay colt, by Ultimus Queen of the Water; bay colt, by Uncle Miss Granville. Moore, Charles W., Lexington, Ky. Chestnut filly, by McGcc Pink Rose; bay filly, by McGee Lady Quex. Morris, John H. Versailles, Ky. Chestnut colt, by Ballot Tardy; bay colt, by Peter Quince Result. .Moseley and Madden, Lexington, Ky. Chestnut colt, by Sea King Rallyshe. Mueller, Theo. E., Louisville, Ky. Chestnut colt, by The Finn Little Buttercup; black filly, by Plaudit Namesake. Nevada Stock Farm George Wingfield, owner, Reno, Nevada Apricot, b. c, by Atheling II. Scarlet Oaks; Tomahoi, b. c, by Atheling II. Carico; Jake Berger, ch. c, by Atheling II. Glad-iola; Billy Dunn, b. c, by Atheling II. Thistle Bcele. Nickols. S. K., Lexington, Ky. Bay colt, by Wrack Frances M. Nuckols, Charles, Midway, Ky. Chestnut colt, by Peter Quince Nell Wilder. Oak Ridge Stable Lewis Garth, owner, Chnr-lotteville, Va. Bay colt, by Sea King Coat; bay colt, by Sea King Aloen. B.; chestnut filly, by Sea King Elizabeth D. R.; bay filly, by Sea King-Fair Louise; chestnut filly, by Sea King Dingle; chestnut filly, by Sea King Plain Dorothy; bay filly, by Sea King Dorothy Gray. Parrish, C. W., Midway, Ky. Brown colt, by Light Brigade Flaming Flamingo. Parrisli, J. W. Chestnut filly, by Buss Early Love; chestnut filly, by Buss Triad; bay gelding, by Buss Agnes May. Piatt, Thomas Chestnut gelding, by Delhi Mistress Quickley. Redstone Stable Arnold Rothstein, owner, New York City Chestnut colt, by Friar Rock Smoothbore; chestnut colt, by Friar Rock Lou Blue; chestnut colt, by Friar Rock Mallard; chestnut colt, by Star Shoot Old Squaw; black colt, by Ogden Phantom. Respess, J. B., Erlanger, Ky. Bay colt, by Dick Welles Floral Day; chestnut colt, by Dick Welles Tallahassee; chestnut colt, by Dick, Welles Miss Lida. Ross, J. K. L., Montreal, Quebec Chestnut colt, by Spanish Prince Wheat Ear; chestnut colt, by Prince Palatine Melody; brown filly, by Marathon Delia Mack; bay colt, by Marathon or Prince Ahmed Golden Wedding; chestnut colt, by Marathon Canice; bay colt, by Marathon May I.; bay filly, by Maraton or Prince Ahmed Brynwood; bay colt, by Marathon Pesky; chestnut colt, by Marathon Bella H.; bay colt, by Prince Ahmed The Lark; chestnut fily, by Marathon Sainura; chestnut filly, by Marathon Smirk; chestnut filly, by Marathon Lingar; bay colt, by Prince Ahmed Gif fords; bay filly, by Marathon Marjorie A. Ross, Samuel P., Washington, I. C Bay colt, by Sweep Ilighflown; bay colt, by Ormondale Cloak; chestnut colt, by Ultimatum Crosspatch; brown colt, by Light Brigade Magic Lantern II. Rosseter, Jchn H., Sonoma Co., Burke, Cal. Bay colt, by Disguise Agnes Velasquez; chestnut colt, by Friar Rock Bold Girl; chestnut colt, by Friar Rock Daneeress; chestnut colt, by Friar Rock Sweet Marjoram; brown colt, by Disguise Sea Air; bay filly, by Disguise Berrills Choice; chestnut filly, by Friar Rock Collar of Roses; bay filly, by Diiguise Mauretania; brown filly, by Friar Rock Shelby Belle; chestnut filly, by Friar Rock Traditional. Rucker, Eugene, Georgetown, Ky. Bay colt, by Ben Brush Rhodas Pride; bay colt, by Sweep Mariposan; brown or black filly, by Sweep Lady Eastman; bay filly, by Ballot Lady Doncaster. Ryan. Thos. H., Wilmington, III. Rip Tide, bay colt, by Sea King Trick Wing. Short Grass Stud Farm, Inc. Emil Herz, New York City Chestnut colt, by Short Grass Marion Hood; chestnut colt, by Short Grass Set Square; chestnut colt, by Short Grass Queens Lock; bay colt, by Short Grass Gentlewoman; bay colt, by Short Grass Consora; bay colt, by Spanish Prince -Tuunita; chestnut colt, by Short Grass Marie Powell; black or brown colt, by Short Grass Miss Present; brown filly, by Short Grass Intrigue; chestnut filly, by Short Grass Ida Claire; bay colt, by Short Grass Cheer. . Slireve, John II., Washington, D. C. Chestnut filly, by Celt Puritan Girl. Simms, E. F., New York City Colossus, ch. c, by Delhi Pictons Pride; Hephaistos, b. c, by Vulcain Neva W.; Southern Cross, br. c, by Luke McLuke Pamphylo; Trajamus, br. c, by Rock View Bcl-gravia; The Almoner, b. c, by Sweep Sue Smith. Simms and Oliver, New York City Ballot Mark, b. c, by Negofol Ballot Bred; Barracuda, ch. c, by Trap Rock Balancoiro; Bellevue, ch. f. by Fair Play Belldame; Chatterton,. ch. c, by Fair Play Chit Ciiat; Draft, br. c, by Fair Play Dragnet; Dumfounder, b. c, by Ferolc Dona Roca; Finery, b. f, by Fair Play Felicity; Good-Time, br. c, by Negofol Hour Glass II.; Honorable, b. c, by Fair Play Haute Roche; Horologe, blk. c, by St. Amant Hour Hand; Lighter, b. c, by Negofol Luck-stone; Lucky Hour, b. or br. c, by Hourless Lucky Catch; Missionary, ch. c, by Hourless Mission; My Piny. b. c, by Fair Play Mahubah; Olympiad, ch. c, by Ferole Olympia; Prelude, chestnut filly, by Frinr Play St. Priscilla; Royal Tracings, ch. c, by Tracery Royal Carnage; Swngt;j, ef.i. ljy Trap Rock Souveraine. Stifel, Otto, St. Louis, Mo. Chestnut colt, by Mentor Maggie Isham. Thraves, W. V., Lexington, Ky. Lady Asker, br. f, by Sweep Martha Lee; brown colt, by Jim Gaffney Gypsy Love; b. c, by Granite Liska; brown colt, by Black Toney Melton Mpwbray; bay filly, by Short Grass Superl. Threlkeld, W. S., Pleasurcville, Ky. Bay colt, by Ben Brush Sweetheart Sue. Townsend, John Wilson, Lexington, Ky. Blue Brush, br, c, by Sweep Blue Ball; Sweepy, b. c, by Sweep Enameline. Umensetter, J.. Louisville, Ky. Chestnut colt, by Golden Maxim Lady Panchita; bay colt, by Golden Maxim Kiva. White and Garnet, Ilopkinsviilc, Ky. Black colt, by Zeus Black Swan. Whitney, H. r., New York City Brown colt, by Royal Eagle Paradise II.; bay colt, by Peter Pan Foldnrol; bay colt, by Broomstick Spun Glass; bay colt, by Broomstick First Flight;, bay colt, by Broomstick Panasine; chestnut colt, by Whisk Broom II. Inaugural; bay colt, by Pennant Fril-iery; brown colt, by Peter Pan Bubble; bay colt, by Broomstick Cerise; bay colt, by Peter Pan Florence; chestnut filly, by Broomstick Courage; brown filly, by Peter Pan Polly Flinders; chestnut filly, by Pennant Regret; bay filly, by Broomstick Stirling; chestnut filly, by All Gold Idle Hour; black filly, by All Gold Tryst; bay filly, by Whisk Broom II. Rainy Daisy; chestnut filly, by Pennant Enchanting; chestnut filly, by Whisk Broom II. Dovelet; bay filly, by Broomstick Ilansa; chestnut colt, by Whisk Broom II. Pageant. Williams, M. W., Hopkinsville, Ky. Bay or brown colt, by Zeus Lassie.

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