Cleopatras Great Speed: Wins Her the Huron Handicap in American Record Time, Daily Racing Form, 1920-08-27


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- I t t r 1 e u 1 . , . , - - - ; ; : 1 j , . i ! ! 1 i 1 1 i CLEOPATRAS GREAT SPEED 1 1 Wins Her the Huron Handicap in American Record Time. , . Milkmaid Beaten by Alphee in a Fast Run Mile Broom Spun Takes a Race at Last. , . BV J. I. DEMPSEY. SARATOGA, N. Y.. August 20. W. R. Coes sterling three-year-old filly Cleopatra showed the best performance of her career this afternoon when she triumphed in the Huron Handicap over colts and fillies of her own age in track record time and won ;ith considerable to spare after having been a front rank contender from the barriers rise The Stakes had a net value to the winner of ,35 The seven originally carded went to the post! with Cleopatra ruling favorite, hut hv no means absorbing all attention, for Dinna Care, with his clean score of three victories at this meeting-r Ethel Gray, though a frequent disappointer, and Blazes, showing steady improvement, all had a good following and the Whitney adherents by no means conceded Damasks chances hopeless and he came in for solid support. Blazes, from a fast beginning, took the lead at once, closely followed by Cleopatra and Blue Wrack. with Dinna Care far back and seemingly failing ,,a,Vy,1,11 l,is effort to keep up. There were no ",a , aJ cha"Ses in e running until just before the last turn was reached, where McAtee brought leppatra around Blazes andoneeinr.theIead. the f Illy had no difficulty in showing the way to the finish to win in 1:50, which equaled the American record for the distance, made by Cudgel in 1918 Blazes struck himself in the last eighth and Blue Wrack was enabled as a result to pass him for second place. Todays card was one of the best midweek offerings of the current racing season and furnished enteitainmg sport for a big attendance. Favorites fared well, making a clean sweep of the program after Glen Yt ell and Milkmaid had proved failures by finishing second in the first pair of races Milkmaid wis attempting to concede much weight to the other fillies starting in the mile handicap and made a game effort to do it, but Alphee led her from the start and won by a length. Lunetta landed 111 third place. There was much bettin activity about Tailor Maid in the race, but Wid " from a slow start, had her all over the track and finally guided her into the heels of another horse, with the result that she stumbled badly and just saved nerself from falling, but it practically destroyed her chance. The,000 selling race had a fast band of two-year-olds to contest the purse and it proved an easy affair for W. S. Kilmers Our Flag, which won with consummate ease from Mavourneen, with Lough Storm following. After the finish C A Applegate advanced Our Flag to S7.500, but the horse was bought in by his owner with an advance of five dollars. Young Adam, which ran a good race in his last two starts, had little difficulty in outstaviii- the intended good thing Phalaris in the fifth race and drew out decisively in the stretch. Phalaris was hard ridden and held on long enough to beat Tan II. for second place. A crack band of two-year-olds started In the final race and H. P. Whitneys Broom Spun beginning fast, showed the way from the start to Grey Lag and Normal. The trio dominated the running all the way and were in the same order as that of the finish after covering the first eighth. Fifteen ordinary ones made the race in the opener ami it furnished a big upset in the victorv of Chimera over Glen Well, with Ernest A. landing in third place. The disappointment of the race was Better Believe, which was expected to be quite a dangerous factor in the result, but showed poor speed from the start. BELMONT TKACK IN GOOD CONDITION. In a letter from A. J. .Toyner to T. J. Healv. received this morning, the former states that superintendent Pelos lias had a force of twenty men picking stones from the Belmont course, anil that the mam track, chute and training tracks were ",Cr ..ttcr tIla" tllej im at "e present time, nils will be welcome uofrs to horsemen in geueral who mid been led to believe that the track at Belmont Pars was hard. Whether Si.- Barton will So in the Cup depends largely 011 now lie acquits himself in the Merchants and Citizens Handicap on Saturday. Trainer Bed-well said yesterday that it was Ids intention to run both Sir Barton and Boniface in that race. lne Harry Payne Whitney owned fotir-vear-old terrynian, by McDonald II. Paradise, ami hlghlr regarded. having shown excellent trails in private, but never started in a race, had to be destroyed this morning after breaking a foreleg Jack Thornny, J. T. Ireland and W. J. Shea will ship their horses to Aqueduct next Sundav. Jockey T. Rice was suspended for the remainder of the meeting by the stewards and his case was referred to the stewards of The Jockey Club. The notice of suspension was handed down late in the afternoon and followed after the stewards had sent for and interrogated jockey Frank" Keogh. The offense for which ltiee was suspended is said to have occurred in Saturdays opening race, won bv Lads Love, iidden by Keogh, In which nice IUce had the niouut on Gus Schcer. which finished second. Rice is alleged to have grabbed hold of heoghs leg while the horses were in the stretch. Jockey Murray was suspended for the remainder of the meeting by the starter for disobedience nt the post. Trainer Fettstel has arranged to ship Man o War to Belmont Park on Wednesday. The great racer will start in the Lawrence Realization Stakes. It is highly probable that this year will mark the finale of his racing endeavors and that he will go to the stud next spring. Busy Signals absence from the mile handicap today was due to a slight attack of skin disease. "Mr. Vosburghs weight assignment on my filly Continued on second sage. : ; CLEOPATRAS GREAT SPEED Continued from first page. was thoroughly satisfactory," said Mr. Bradley, "but in view of a .slight attack of girth disease she is suffering from we thought it best to keep her out of the race." There was considerable disappointment jhat she failed to go to the post. The.. nine yearlings bought at the recent sales here for Mrs. Payne Whitney! account will be kept at Saratoga and given their preliminary racing lessons until after the- Belmont Park racing is oyer, when they will be transferred to Belmont Park and probably kept there during the winter, instead of being trasfcrred to Brpokdale, N. .L Frogtown, one of tlie starters in the fifth race, was claimed liy C. A. Applegate at a cost of ?2,210. A. L. Astes Ten Buttons has been leased to F. D. St. John, who will race her. Trainer P. TV Cliiiin stated this morning that Frederick the Great bled slightly while being cooled out after his race yesterday. The poor showing of the horse was somewhat puzzling to the trainer. The yearlings bought by .lames Johnson at tlie receiit sales were shipped to- the Gentlemens "Driving Park in Baltimore; where they will be broken, G. W. Forman will ship all tlie horses he has here to Havre de Grace. : James Healy will ship the J. Lumsden horses to Ottawa on Sunday. His recent addition, Free Trade, is .showing aptitude at jumping and trainer Healy expects him -to develop into u star crosscountry racer.

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