Maryland Commissioners: Arrive in Kentucky to Secure Data on Manner of Conducting Racing in Blue, Daily Racing Form, 1920-08-27


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MARYLAND COMMISSIONERS Arrive in Kentucky to Secure Data on Manner of Conducting Racing in Blue Grass State. LEXINGTON, Ky., Aujust 2i. Messrs. Joseph P. Kennedy and E. Clay Timonus, members and James F. Hayward, secretary, of the Maryland State Racing Commission, arrived in Lexington this morning from Baltimore and sjieiit the dav with Major Thomas C. McDowell, Edward G. Stoll, secretarv. and Sam C. Xickols. Jr., former secretarv of the Kentucky State Racing Commission: Their visit was for the purpose of securing information concerning the toLduct of racing in Kenttickv and particularly to study the commissions svstem of registration of colors, collection of license and general office operation. They will return tomorrow morning to Baltimore and later will go to New York to visit the offices of The Jockey Club. The Maryland commission is to have a general meeting witii the officials of the Marvland racing associations on September 7 at which thev will determine matters for fall racing. The gentlemen from Maryland are hopeful that New York, Maryland and Kentucky may work out a plan whereby one license will serve at the tracks of the three states and colors will have to he registered onlv once.

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Local Identifier: drf1920082701_1_8
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