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DEATH CLAIMS TRAINER W. J. YOUNG UUC1XOT0X, Ky.. January 1. The funeral of William .1. Young, widely known owner ami trainer • f thoroughbred horses, who died at hi- home in ihi- city yesierda.N morning after an llbsma of noart a year, directly attributable to an ailment of the heart, was held at :i ocimk ihi- afternoon, interment being in Lexington cemetery. Mr. Young : was From his .von ill identified with the turf He made- hi- debut as a trainer and driver of trotters, and went to the running luif twenty years ago He wa- successful no! Was held in high i-leem by all who knew him. He owned and trained The Abhpt when In- won tin- l.abiiia Derby in IBM .Midway. Bulse. Lseoha and Captain Mac were • among other good horses lie trained.