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SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Jan. 8, 1920—1:11—6—102. SINN FEINER. b. g. 5 115 By Land League— Mill Bay, by Red Heart. Trainer, W. Cedar. Owner, W. L. Oliver. 52125 Havana ImSBj l .." "•-.Iivy 2] 113 1112 ::"• » .1 Batwell 8 J. Healey. ltarN phew. Ut.Bnsa 5207* Havana lm60] bit fast Id im I 1 :: 4 2* :. R McDott 8 Clin, Bnncrana. Sol Uiaaey r-2856 Hasan i 6| t l:07-,fast ■■. 115 7 li 4 4* 4i J Batwell 7 Zindo. Ben. James, NorfolkBelle 5199* Havana ImaOy l:4**faat 6 ill 4 8 2 2 -1 V J Butwelt 19 Allsmoke. Jam.-. Garhaga 61933 Havana :.i f 1 :07 fast 13 IB 7 0 o 3 **• J Batwell 7 MHryGlrl, Uaaacacar, 1olurCub FRANK BURKE, ch. g. 6 112 By The Commoner— Ice Water, by Watercress. Trainer, C. R. Smith. Owner, C. R. Smith. 51972 Havana 5 f -l:8K*Afa8l 23 ill l I 2 .- 2fJ Bom*ickl3 Jill. Bonndel, Eastern OliVw 51932 Havana 3-4 1:15 last 1- 11- 1 - : i!l i.I Domielc !l View. Hairy Hover. Incinerator 4*443 Havana :: 4 1 :B--,rast 2] no :, 7 7 7- r,-: n Atkinsnie Burliagame, J. Healey, M. Mirror 4*34* Havana o-4 1 :ir.5;-.Koo l 2| b.l i 4 6 4i i- K Atkins n 10 T.G learner, 1. Jewel, II. Cora COS7 Havana 6| t l:07 ifast a 119 3 8 8 7 T Ti McCrnn N Hon Otis. Bunice. Shasta LAMA. b. m. 5 105 By Martinet — Galinda, by Galveston. i Trainer. A. F. Dayton. Owner. A. F. Dayton. 2848 Havana f 1 08%fast 8 -MS 7 7 7 71 fin:; !• Hunt K Red, Huntress. Marty Ln 51972 Havana 6 f BOs-fast 5 Mt 7 * 7 7 •• K Hunt 12 Jill. Prank Burke, Koundel 69661 II deGce ::-4 1:17 .slop 4S M 7 7 7 7 7,; F Hunt 7 Zouave. Link Boy. Kirali «9T» Bevre 8-4 1:14 fast Mt MS I 2 5 9j:i"F Hunt BJ Pop Eyes, First Bullet. Clark M. BMlDnrn 8-4 l:s:, hvy 89 MB 6** G Milker 8 Ofhalt Laaa, Diomed, Marmite STILETTO, b. at, 5 110 By Assagai — Annie Lauretta, by Emperor. Trainer, H. Shields. Owner, H. Shields. 52102 Havana .71 f 1 :14I-Iu N 112 5 Q **R Ball 8 Iase.May. MissWgnt. LeBalafre 52015 Havana 61148 fast i MI t G ii i:1 ,ri H Ci.irner 8 Bgonriiine. EdGarriaon, PyJaaa 51932 Havana 3-4 1:16 fast I H2 5 5 5 6«* 1*i J Batwell it View, Harry Glover, Incinerator 5187* Havana 51 f 1 :M%go«d 1 Ml I S 8 6 2l K Barnes 19 Bunlla. SinnFeiner. TwtySeveu 519 : Havana 51 f l:P-.-.good 31 l"t I 6 4 31 66 E Barnes 10 t;rdsnian. Allsmoke. Nobleman JACK DAWSON, ch. «r, 7 107 By Roehampton— Yodler, by Meddler. Trainer, G. P. Sherman. Owner. G. P. Sherman, 52101 Havana 5| f I :l::*-h y 20 104 S I I 1 I " .1 Si union--- B Kb-.r. ThaiJ.Hogaa, Aigrette 52913 Havana 51 f 1 :i:i»-,fast 12 H4 2 .7 4 6* 4 J J Simmons 9 Bibbler. Firewortli. Sentry , 51955 Havana 1 l:42%taat 12 Ml 7 S .8 8 8" 7- I Fletcher ! Lariat, Homam. Lady Hester 51816 Havana lm50y l:47%faat 12 Ml :: G 7 8 S G:J I Fletcher s Hewitt. Censtaatiae, El Coronel 51870 Havana 6 t l:M%gOOd 25 bl 2 3 7 81 7TJ J Simmons 10 Burella. Stiletto. SinnFeiner FAR EAST. b. c. 4 112 By Delhi— Off, by Orme. Trainer, J. Henry. Owner. M. Williams. ."■-141 Havana .71 f 1:1.7-.iivy I KM 3 3 :t 5* 5JJ C Hir-t 9 B.flralwart, B.Chaage, Ma.j.Ki-k ::]i ] Havana 51 f 1 :l::-hvy 10 110 I 4 5 4" 6* J C Hirst 8 Fleer. Tias.J.Hogaa, Aigrette 51710 Havana 6| f l:14.-,slow 10 Ml 2 6 1 i G4 I Fletcher 6 Lui-Meine. G.Rump, Doublet II. 51683 Havana 51 f Biii.-slow 7 109 8 8 S 8 83" J AV Dodd s War Laaa, Elga. White Crown 51*38 Havana 51 t BliF-hvy 3i 111 4 7 8 8 8" J W Dodd 8 Hemlock, Kewessa, Omeme 0KEMUS. b. g. 9 107 By Rotterdam— Alice Mantell, by Ornus. Trainer. A. Mitchell. Owner, A. Mitchell. "-Ml Havana 61 f 1 :16%nvy 25 102 1 7 B 1:1.1 Smttfa 8 s. stalwart. B.Chaage, MaJ.risk 52101 Havana "1 f BISHhvy 60 HM 7 7 7 7- G"l L Beninan S I-leer. Thn.J.Hogaa. Aigrette 52964 Havana 51 f 1 :0Ssfast 10 IM 1 4 I B ••• J Butwell 9 Directr.Ianies, Our.Nephew, Vim 52913 Havana .71 f 1 :0!t%fast 2* 104 6 6 6 €* 61 J Smith ! Bibbler. Firewortli, Sentry 6M6S Havana 51 f 1 :l74.,fa.-t 100 104 6 5 5 51 C"J Smith Assumption. Bcussion, T.B.Duke DINTY MOORE, b. g. 4 M 109 By McGee— Polly Grant, by Sir Dixon, Trainer. E. W. Padelford. Owner. W. M. Shecdy. 52054 Havana 61 I l:0B%fast 10 KB B I I 7* |* E Atkinsn ! Direct r.Iames. OnrNepbew, Vim 51994 Havana ."1 f 1 30 lol 1 8 : - B Atkinsn !» I.lazeaway, Jii-tlancy. Sis. Susie 51143 Laurel 1 l-pi 1 :.7in fast is 107 •: 1 2 3 4J 8*» L McAtee 10 Atty. Mtiir. Arbitrator. Stir Up 61M2 Laurel 1 1-1* l:50;.fast S 8M 6 Go 3 31 31! F Cltiletti 9 Sir Jack. Bar Coy, Donatio