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, , I I : 1 1 1 1 . j HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUEA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1921. Oriental Park. Thirty -Orst d Cuba American Jockey and Auto club. Winter Meeting of lo more days. Weather clear: temparatare 90 . Stewards. J. Hachmeister, C. 11. Lansdale and F. J. Bruen. starter. James F. Milton. Baring Se.-- retary. M. Nalhaiison. J t i . in.- starts it : : 1 ."i p. m. Chicago ti 1 u p. in. i. Indicates apprentice allowance. CT* "I Clf FIRST RACE— 1-4 Mile. Jan. 24. 1919— 2C— 2—1 Id. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. OlOU Special Weights. Net value to winner 50: second. C0: third, 0. "index Horses AWHTSt 4 M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C H H H.DI.U A1K li:: l - E Cebrian s 2 • 1-5 out spi;i;i US 5 I ": K PwimanT Monahan •: ; i • . iu MANN SMILES 112 it - F Wilson R Coe :: 3 S l qui COMCORRON 115 I H J Batwell W .1 Dal 2 2 2 l" ou OPULENT li-" - :; •"• ■" H Garner Williams Bros. 1 ul Time, 24. Track heavy. muttids paid, Hold Me. 85.70 straight 88.00 place; Kneed, 87.20 phtci : no slioa mntuels sold. Equivalent booking odds Ibdd Me 185 to loo straight. 80 to loo place: Speed. 290 to 100 plai-e. Winner -H. f. by Von Tromp 1 ;; 1 1 . by Cigaiitouui drained by .1. Lowe; bred bj Mr. Kd.-.. id C. brian. Went to post at 2:19. At post 3 mintips. Start good and slow. W asDy: secoad and third driving. HOLD ME outran the others from the start. Kept increasing her advantage, ran straight and was taken under restraint near the end. KPEED raced on the extreme outside all the . : and made a game finish. MANY s.MH.r.s tired la the last sixteenth. OPULENT ran green, I it Is - I looker and maj improve. Tk yl ftl SECOND RACE— o-8 Mile] Jan. 10. 1820— 59— S— 199. Purse 00. 3-year-olds aid J d -*-VF JL upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: th-rtl. 0. »"dex Horses AWtPPBt M 4 -4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q "u c 1 8 ■ F2055 »NQRF*K BELLKwb 4 103 I 2~~ l.P 1- I i: Barnes H !•: Davis I-;, i -. . ,52109 AUTOMATB RED w Z 103 1 :: J 21 :" 1J G ManganC K Allen Jo .-. 25 1, , 51771 Tol RUNG wn G 115 2 t 51 1- :■". W Ouvin I Mock 10 la pi 1 2 r»2122*AlGRETTE wn S 146 3 I - E ■"■ H 11 Lcasterla Prlo :" t;-_, :-", 51952 FLEWHIGH a 1 .7 7 7 4»* 3«* 3- :■ _ • Wilson C P Smith fi 8 6 1 r.2190 = *KENTMBRE w n H 1 g 7 I [ I J McLhllnKtmere Fin Sta2j 2! ! I -- .-,014 HONST GEORGEwe. 5 112 8 S S 7 7 7 W Meeh .1 1 setter 4 8 8 ". .-! M1SERICORDE an 5 IB 5 8 s s s s y Merimee J Harrah 1". IS 15 •; Time. 26, 5435. 1:0845- Track heavy. 82 mutnebt paid, Norfolk Belle, .s:;.si straight, 89.40 place, s:.oo show; Automatic Bed 847.99 idace •SI I. 10 show: Top Hung. 85.90 sliow Equivalent booking odd- Norfolk Belle, 89 to 109 straight. 7o to 100 place, 50 to 100 show: Interna tic Red. 2290 to 109 place. 020 to 190 show: Top Rung. 195 to 100 show Winner— Br. r. by Vol. Tromp— Arcadia BeBe, by Emperor of Norfolk trained bj J. W. Plaakett; bred by Mr. Edward Cebrian. Weal to post at 2:49. Al post 2 minutes, start g I and sh w. Won handily; second and thin: driving. NORFOLK BELLE raced int.. a long had oa the turn out of the backstretcfa and was brought on the outside when entering the stretch, then bung oa well la a driving anisii AUTOMATIC BED ran Ul11 bat tired .itter getting to the leader at the sixteenth post. TOP Rl Nfi ran well and Anished gamely. KENTMERE lagan slowlj and bad a rough race. AIGRETTE nnfathed close up lUerv.eigi.ts -Flewhigli. L pounds: Automatic Red. :i : Norfolk Hello. 1. 21 1-52 THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlomjs. Jan. 24. 1917— lTo5V5— 5—102. Purse 0o7~3:eIr-»-Ps J_VP ha olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtllStV, u, v, str Kin Jockeys Owners 0 U C F" »~~ E2195 IHIA.KK rtsns 112 i 8* li 1 1" W Crump K Hob: 7-5 7-10 52087= HUNTRESS w 10 103 1 _• :; » and i K Barnes J .1 McCaffert 2 3 t 8-5 1-2 »2059 JUARDSMAN w 6 M9 5 1 l» ::".::- :; .1 Dreyer li A Cotton N 10 14 I 52075 »COUNT BORIS wn 6 104 g .. 5] "ll- Wilson W li Hall 8-5 and 8-5 52128 ABBESS w I 102 , 1 2* % g 51] w BidourO Muckenfusa 15 15 15 t : 52124 = »DRIFFIELD wn Ml I 7 i A- 5»i 1; II BridgesA C Nlehaus 8-5 2 1 4-5 2-3 52979McLELLAND w S 191 :. .; 7 7 7 7 F Hunt H E D I i g E G- • Time. 26. 52, l:07/5. 1:143. Track heavy. |2 paid. Bulger, 5.49 straight. 88.10 place. 84.20 show; Huntress, .40 place .80 show; Guardsman. lo shoa . Equivalent booking odds Bulger, 870 to 100 straight. 296 to loo place, 110 to loo show; Haatress 70 t.. ion place, to t.. loo si,,,w: Guardsman, 220 to 100 show. Winner It. h, b. Magistrate -Bettj B. II.. bj Harry Bdwards drained by c. Beynolds; bred by Br J. I". Keith. Went to posl at ::oi;. At ] ost 5 ariautes. start g....d and slow. Won easily; second and tided arli inn BULGER, after racing int., the lead, was taken to the middle of the traek in the stretch and held HUNTRES8 safe at the end. The latter ran a good race and might have won had her rider taken her t . the extreme outside where the footing was best. GUARDSMAN set the earlj pace and tired in the last. quarter. ABBESS a- [n a Jam al the half mile post and was pulled up. DRIFFIELD began slowly and moved up with a rush on the outside after meeting with Interference, but was then takea te the In- side rail, where be finished in the deep Loinu. COUNT BOBI8 snly ran fairly well. Overweights Huntress, 1 pound. pTO-g |0 FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1 :0b1*,— 5—102. Purse 00. 3-year- *J*d lOO olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtllStV Vt % Str Fin Jnekeys Owners O li 0 P S 52975 -*50LD STONE wn 5 101 7 I 2 i i 1 i J Francis H T Baxtei r ii ii 6-i 53122i*FLEER ws 4 148 : I 1» J1 j- 2«J 8 Bnllmanl Leydecker S G I 52955 tZINDQ a i ins i ■ : gi ,• |.,, ,s j i. , , . p ,;..-, ,-,..-, ,,.- ,:■• ,., 52121 OMEME w 5 191 | ; i; . :, :,- c k Barnxsa B Mock 1: 12 12 5 2! 581492DOCTOR I a » 149 : ■ I- t I n Garner V Derosset 4 I i 52949s *MAYROSE wa M 5 7 7 8j • ■- F Wilson R p Brooks I I E I i 51997 MUGI VAN a 1188 1 .". 7 7 7 Tryon Williams Bros 3 .; : 7-5 7-18 Time. 26, 51. 1:07. 1:MV». Track heavy. 82 ii. uT u I- paid, "odd stone. 817.40 straight. .30 place .20 show: Fleer 811 oo place, 83 7o s|,o. . Zindo, 88.20 show. Bqjatvaleal booking Gold st ■, 770 to 109 straight, 315 to 190 place, 190 to 109 show; Fleet 150 to 100 place, is.", to 109 si,..w Zindo. 00 to 100 show Winder— B. g. by Goldea Makhu- BrlgbtstonC, by Deutschlaad tralaed by B, T. Baxt.-i brad by Mr Thomas |. Murphy 1. Went to post at :Lo— At post 2 minutes Start good and slow. Won driving; srrsad and third fhr-same. GOLD BTONE was Kept 111 the best going all the way and. taking the had on the list turn. In.: it gamely in the Baal drive, FLEEB set the earlj pace and finished resolutely. ZINDO Hnisbed lo the middle Of the track and was gamin- al the end under ;i weak ride. OMKMK began slowl] and Bnished fast 1., t to the inside mil. MlGlVAN was eased up. ■T " -■; |"»d FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— liOb1— 5— 102.1 Purse 00. 3-vear-*3 *d J. O-!" o.dr,. Claiming-. Net value to winnur 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtllSt M . Str I in Jockeys Owners Q II r p g :.1!7.» 8PUJS 107 _ ! it 1 1 I .1 Francis . L Taylor lvv :: :; i ~ 52953 -• ROSEATE wn M I _ i - :. .; ■■■ 11 BrMgesA C Nlehaus ti 7 7 Ll j ;. 52120 KINGS BELLE V H L" caster 1 HirolU 1 I 1-5 1-2 ] 1 52999 UItAFTSMAN w» m 14 444 C Barnes 1 iiodgu 10 lu -V I . 52058l*fiRATIAN 105 3 3 21 Fell. P Ttunt W P Weatland S-.", S-5 S-5 3-5 1-3 M034*NATURAL 105 i o r, Fell. F Wilson Williams Bros. 4 4 4 M 4-J Time, 26. 52, 1:07VS, l:Mf. Track heavy. mutuels |i:iit]. Spues 2.30 straight. 00.80 place. .*3..".» show: Bos.-ate. |1BJ8 place. ..,n thaw; Kings Belle. S2.KO show. Equivalent toekaag odds— Spues. 818 to 100 straight, ISO to 100 place. "•" to 100 show; Roseate, 415 to 100 plnce. 125 to KHl show; Kings Belle, 40 to mo show. Winner— IV y, by t hurl, m Edward — Shoo Fly. by Meddler trained by YV. 1". Taylor; bred by Mr. Eugene Rueker. Went to post at 4.01. At prist 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. SPlGS outran the others from the start, raced in the best jioin;: all the way and finished gamely. but tirintr. ROSEATE linished fast in the middle of the track in lvsolute fashion and gaining on the winner. KINGS BBLLE showed speed, but quit ill the stretch. G RAT1AN stumbled and fell arier passim; the half-mile post and NATURAL fell over her. Overweight — Draftsman, 2 pounds. CTQ-| CRT SIXTH RACE— 1 3-16 Miles. Jan. 1, 1920— 1:57«5— 6— 105. Fourth Running- NEW UlOtJ TEARS HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and uDward. Net value to winner ,800: second. 00; third, S250. ~ Index Horses AWtPPS.t14 H % Str Fin Jnckpys Owners O H 0 P H 52058 RRKAD .MAN wb 4 116 :: .; P 1* l1 1 1?. H JarnerT- I: PoTt ::-5 3-5 3-:. 1-.". out St«7l NIGHT wind n 4 M 1 _ :; P 2 2"- 2 a E Barnes T Doyle M 34 M 4 out MM1 CROMWELL am B 121 I 1 4 :;l :;- ::* H F Werner C K Moon- 7 : 7-.W-.". 1 lout 52051 LACKAWANNA w :» *M 1 I E I 1 1 1 F MertmecAnnonla Stable t7 7 7 2* out 88408 GRUNDY WB 7 IN 4 .". 8* P| :. :. E J Mia Armonla Stable t7 7 7 Q out tCoupled iii hettiag; m separate place or show betting. Time. 26y5. 54/5. 1:2345. 1:53. 2:16V Track heavy. mutucls ]i.iid. Bread Man. 13.50 straight. 82.80 place; Night Wind .50 place: 00 shot mutuels sold. Equivalent «■■■!■! odds— Dread Man. 7.". to KMl straight. 43 to DM place; Night Wind, 175 to 10n place. Winner— IV c. by Golden Maxim — Evelyn l -ri~ . by Braak trained by I. Dei lor: bred by Mr. Thomas M. Murphy. Went to Baal at 4:30. At posl 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wea dii. iug: second and third t:ie same. I.KEAD MAN raced into a Ioiil lead soon after the star! and. saving much ground on the last turn, held NIGHT WIND safe la the stretch drive. NIGHT WIND ran a surprisingly good race. bu was tiriag at the end after getting to the leader. CROMWELL ran fairly well, but tired after reaching the half-mile post and was ;, distant third. LACKAWANNA linished gamely. GRlNDY quit early. Scratched — 62001 Sweep lean. 103. Overweights — Night Wind. 7 pounds. K.fP~i SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— 1:88%— 5— 105. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OmIIDO and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWt PP St % Vt 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P 8 SSlt4**LA KROSS wn 5 104 2 :: 8* : .= 2. 1- 1*1 J Francis Williams Bros. 6-5 8-5 S-i 1-2 1-4 40920 MANOKXN wb 7 110 7 2 1- Ink l"t J* 2?. W Crump li K Allen 4 4 2 11-2 52I0I-*TIM. J. HOGAX W 8 MB 3 I 411. 8 V :.♦ 8* R LcasterG Warwick f. 7 7 2 8-8 52002 -SEA PRINCE w 4 110 5 I 7 7 E* 6* 4" H Cam. r H K Swan 8-5 S -I 7-." 1-2 1-4 52105 *RHY.MER w 7 10:! 4 7 «•"■ 4nk 4" 4 51" E Barnes H Shields I 3i ::. M ::-5 52121 » WHIPPRWILL WtttlM 6 4 2l 5 6- G 8* W MeehanJ J Keves 8 10 10 4 2 52125*LITTLE BUSS w I M 1 1 1 * 1 7 7 J McLhlinT Cheek 30 30 30 10 E Time. 273i, 55V5, 1:24, 1:5325. Track heavy. mutuels paid. La Kross. .0. Ml straight. 86220 place, .50 show; Manokin. .70 place. .30 show; Timothy J. Hogan. S3. 40 show. Equivalent booking odds— Da Kross. 400 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place. 125 to 100 show; Manokin, 135 to 100 place. 88 to KMl show: Timothy J. Hogan. 70 to 100 show. Winner — D. g. by Martinet — Chemulpo, by Hen Strome trained by P. .1. Williams: bred by Messrs. Williams Bros.. Went to jtost at 1:68. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. LA KROSS moved up steadily after rounding the far turn and. passing MANOKIN in the stretch, won going away. MANOKIN" showed the most early speed, but raced wide on the turns and tired. TIMOTHY .1. HOGAN raced gamely, but was hard ridden to outstay SEA PRINCE. The latter dropped back in the early running, but dosed an immense gap and finished fast. Scratched— 52125-Our Nephew. 102; 52141 J Semper Stalwart. 107; 52105-Night Wind, 105; 520893 Thorn Hloom. 107. Overweights- Khynier, 1 pound: Whippoorwill. 2. c =