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. 1 • . 1 TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico. Friday. December 31. 1920.— Thirty -second clay. Lower California Jockey Club. Winter Meting of l--~ or no. re days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, Framis Ntdsoa. Associate , Stewards, J. W. C ffrotB and I. i Wing. Starter. Hairy Morri-sey Kaeiag Seiretary. Leon Wing Racing starts at 1:30 p. 111. Chicago time 3:30. ■ First Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 0£tX-±i ldl% — I — 110. Pur-e S500. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Eqniv. Odds. lad. Douse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. SlSlB*Pall Moon 101 1"- 1-: Pator S*J 100 S2018 BeUe Flower 107 -■ B MarlneUi K20-10U 88418 II. K. Asber IN D Horn 893-100 51943 Lady Lovltt 148 4. H BetUg 750-100 .-»t!MH Crown 111 5] B Hayward r,lfi! 7 Ihelan «K 81 G Y.argin 4280-1 0 88041 Aadrey A. iu 7 A Zelgler nv. i fl ryiOKl Aunt Annie HJ Is! Willis SW-1Q0 82441 Jack Led! M I N Foden 448-101 St918*BaJsy 107 Fell. H Jones 638-101 SH inutiiels paid. Full Moon. 815.80 straight. 88.40 idace. 80.20 show; BeBe Flower, 88.20 place, 85.00 sbo« : Hugo K. Asber, 84-40 ahi a BqulrahMH hooking odd* Full Moon, 880 to loo straight, 820 to 100 place, 210 lo 100 show; Belle Flower, 3lo to 100 place, ISO to 100 -how; Hugo K. Asher, 120 ■• 108 show. Time. 1:16. Track fast. Winner— R. S. Towasends hlk f. by Diet Fiu-neU— Caller On. by Oddfellow i trained l y J. G. « ;i u~ : bred by Mr. McBrayer Moore. Went to post at 1:58 At post 8 minutes. Start | ad and slow. Won driving: second and third the sane. Overweights I.ady Lovltt, 1 pound: Crown. 4. KOI 4.7 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. June Jand±1I 28 1916 — i :055 — 3 — 118. 1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value tJ winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. ■oaiv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52*41 Yukon 107 1*1 P .Martinez 2394 103 5212*3Delancey 112 rj E Hayward so-l-c 581 08 Cover Up IM V K Oravea 480-100 , .-•» 106 Kittle .lak. 112 li M Matthews 1400-lOB I .-1»!9 olive D. 11 M A Zelgler 11084-109 52100*Bv. Harrigaiilo:; at B Taylor 52982 2Oal Corn 1 7 V I Callahan MO rOO ." •,! « Daisy N. BO I O Gross SK 104 I r T « K 1 Chattan crt mi 9 B Carter : t.Mutuel field. *. muiuei- paid, Viik.n. s!jmi straight. .*lo tin place 83.09 show; Defatn ej 83.00 place, 82.20 1 -how ; Cover I p. 82.00 sboa . Kouivalent booking odds i ikon £889 1" 1 straight, 130 to 100 place, so ! loo shea ; Delan eey, 50 to loo place. 10 re 100 show; Cover 1 p. 30 to loo show Time. 1:07-;,. Track fast, Wiaaei -C, B. Irwins ■ h g, 8, by Dentarfaland 1 — Lady Vera, b] WTootathorpe trained by B Irwla; bred by Nevada stock Fana. Went In i"»,t at 2:22. At post 1 minute Start 1 good and sion Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched — 52128 Dimitn 107: 52062 Fireplace 107: ol9f» 5 J. J. Mnrdock. 110 overweights Yukon. 1 pounds; Olive D., 1: Kva -lyn Harrigan. 1: Daisy x., "; Chattan Court. 3. C0 1A0 Third Race— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916— OAllo lii_A_Vlb , Purse 00 3. year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. K jiiir. Odds. . Ind Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. afdJMpiujnjnt ill 1 . G reargia ZM M j I | .= ; : . i ; . , | ; ; i i I I 32111»n.o.t. Kitchen 104 2-J B»we 438-100 32080 Red William 111 P E Ila.war.l 76O-1O0 52969 Dandy Van 144 4 W Perry 814 144 52983 Bat. Mount nlOS ."• P Martinez 3860 100 51878 Propheej 111 *| C Oroaa 1220-199 -.2107 K.ith Bankinl48 71 It Rettlg 140-148 52919 Fltagerald 112 8 R Dorit f 52988 llvndla 111 :e K Carter WWO-108 52999* Handy cirl 87 18 r Horn 87*0-144 51939 *Capt. Evans 97 11 B Marin. Hi 838-140 .- 1 « K Rej Alfalfa 107 12 N Foden I IMutuel field. 82 mutueis paid. Plunger, 89.99 straight, 88 SO place, 82 80 sbow: BeBe of the Kitchen, 84-40 place, si till .how. Red William. 85.80 show. laiuivalent hooking odds [lunger 299 to 199 straight. 98 to 190 place. 10 to 190 show: Belle of the Kitchen. k:o to 109 place, 199 to 100 show; Bed William. ISO to 199 shew. Time. 1:42. Track fast. Winner J. w. Tates be. at, 8, by Hen Trovata Sweet Marjoram, liv Diana Forget Iraineil b F. w. Kitsch; bred by Mr. John E. Madden 1. Went to post at L:ls. At post 1 minute. Start good and -|,,w. Won easily: second ami third driving. Overweights Belle of the Kitchen, 4 pounds; Bed William. 1: Katherine Baakta, 1: Fitzgerald. r ; Battle Mountain, 2. xj£i±-±v KOI 40 Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. .V2l-;7 Coronado 113 K P Martinea l 52983* *M*tn Girl M 2= B Marinelli I10-10Q 99111 Honolulu mr. 3] N Foden i:,iia 52993 *B. DeitchmanlOa 4, B Taylor 219 MOO 99198 Sham. Green 113 Bsl A Zelgler 2140-100 52112*Welnland H8 4* W Perry 588-199 52111-Al Wick IM 7 J Callahan S89-M0 82 mntuels paid, Coronado, 895.00 straight, sit. so place, Sli.liO show; Mountain Girl, S3. 00 place. 82 80 show : Honolulu. S7 lo show. i;.piivalent i.oiUing odds Coronado. 1959 lo 198 straight. 390 to loo place, 299 to 100 show: Mountain Girl, 59 to 190 place. 99 to 198 show; lion, lulu, L7o to loo show. Time. 1:47«5- Track fast. Winner •. B. Irwin- eh. K, I, by Inch- Ituhy Nethorsolo. by Star Kuby trained by C. H. Irwin: bred by Messrs. Meaclley t; Millerl. Went to post .a 3:13. At post 1; minutes Sta-t good and slow. Won easily: second and third dri ing. Scratched -52099 Commander. MB. Overweights Mountain Cirl. 1 pound: Bill Deitclnaan, 3. ja± jv KOI Kfl Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 191G— 1:112and — 3 — 110. i Purse 00. 2-year-old.. Handican. Net value to winner 20: second. 20: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. Tnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 52939 Crh o DawnlCI I1 C Van Dusen f750-K Q 52939 M. A. NnanIM j- .1 Callahan 54 : I 52109IBI1I Lane Wfi :: B Taylor 360-101 52199 Klrkwood 96 4*1 B Marinelli 1900-100 5194SzDark Friar Wi ■" 0 Willis . 52991 Jack Lee 96 I i; reargln 2408-14" tCoiipled in betting as W. C. Goodloe and J. II. Woodford entrj . SJ mntuels paid, W C. i Boe and J. H. Woodford entry, 817:00 straight, 89.90 place, 82.29 show; Martin A. S.. In place SL 20 Btjbw; Billy Kane. 82.40 show Kipiivahnt booking odd- W. c. Goodloe ami .1. H. Woodford entry, 7."io to loo straight. 69 to loo place, lo to 190 show: Martin A. Noonan lo to 198 place, 10 to 199 show; Billy Lane. 29 to 190 snow. Time. 1:13. Track fast. Winner— W. C. Goodloe* ch. ■. 2, by The Man ager Shuck II.. by Jean Bereand trained by 1. U Hukili: bred by Mr W. C. Goodloe. Went to post .ii 8:49, At post i minute. Start good and shnr. Won handily: second and third driving. Overweights— Klrkwood, 1 pound: Dark Friar, 1 K9151 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— is ex 1:1123— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year- olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ?429: cecond. 20: third. 0. Eijuiv. Odds. Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 59198 War Smoke :tl V B Carter 1239-181 .V-!t 37 nlyni. King lit 9 B Hayward 340-100 53694:Carrie Moor. to:. :: J Callahan i 59095 *l,.l, in BlklOl I B Taylor 51 983 Don Jose l": 51 II Rettlg 800-100 5lS92 Reydo MB V N Foden IH8H-10n 52099 Myrtle A. 108 7 P Martinea i::o-pn 5 1995* Short Si op sg s i: Marinelli 359 nm sj mntuels paid. War Siuou, . si 10.00 stmighi 800.80 place. Ml WI show; olympian Kin;;. . ! o. place. S3. 10 show; Carrie Moore. 82.00 show Bqulrslenl booking odds War Kmoke, 1230 lo , 100 straight, 2940 to 190 place, 920 to 100 shou : Olympian King, 149 to 100 place, ."in to 100 show; Carrie Moore. 30 to«100 show. Time. 1:1245. Track fast, i Winner w. A. Bucks eh. g, I. by 1,ncle -Ollie Bell, by Charnxns trained h A. Back; bred b] Mi sen Headley 9 Miller. Weill to |iost at Lift At iiost 1 nuiiutc. Si giMiil and slow. Won driving; second ;ii!,l third the sana*. Overweights Myrtle A.. I pound-: Short St. p. 1. " 521 u 52 Seventh Race— 5-8 Mile. May 20, 1920 — 5£— 4— 107. Purse 00. 3-ycar- oldr and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: tlv.rd. 0. Bajaiv. odds. lad. Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 51741* Joe Blair U4 1*2 J Callahan K4M0Q 52119*Corncntter 144 _■ . I Hum ICO-1 I i AI!H1 i »Ni ■ 149 Bowe loia-ioo ."»nfi7 Jnlta Fredklll t. B Hayward 121 04 530S3*Clear Lake 106 S B Taylor Bin-ipi »52023*Clde Weaverlid C W Perry -104 ." 1 • 4 1 i Walt. Macktll 7! N Foden SlO-100 ." 1 K 1 1 Big Smoke 111 n CGroa I9M 82 mntuels paid. Joe Blair. 84.00 straight, 83 Ml place. siMio show: Conn utter. |7.00 place, t/4.80 shoa : Seg, 83. lo sboa Kpiivalenl booking odds Joe Klair. 1lM» to Ion straight. 7o lo 100 place. 98 lo 199 show: Corn cutter. 289 to 199 place, 1 lo to loo show: Neg, 7 i io 198 -how. Time. 1:01. Track fast. Winner C. A. or ells ch. h. 9, by I.onnie .b.,. Miss Blair, by Bowling Green trained by I . A. Norvell: bred by Dr. I. K. Clark. Weal to post ;!t 4:41. At past 7 misutes. si m good and slow. Won essil : second and third driving. Scratched 519881Bcberl K. Owen. Ill; 52085 Dancing Girl, 107: 51940 Tl Hot son, IM: 51748 r-iit Hawk. I 8 o ■ ■rweight- Juantta Fredrick, 1 pounds; Claude Weaver. 8,