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FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR MONDAY, JANUARY 3 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Raring atari* al 2:ir p, m. CUenga time 2:15. ® Superior until runner. X Goad mud runner. :|: Pair Bind runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b BBnkere. First Race — 3-8 Mile. n.ii .v Pane. S year-oliN. Fillies. Special Weights. record: Jaa. 7. ion; ::.5. 3— IIS. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Pec. A.Wt.Han. i ; rare i:.. b. f. by Friar Rack Maud M. I... b Star sii„ot 115 Lv.lvn White, b. t by Seas Mis Uertel, by Handsel. . . 113 My Revile, b. f. by iltimas Reflex, by Kir Dixoa . . . 113 Kittle Wanner, rh. f, by Yankee -Kitty Warfiild. by Plaudit 115 Baby Bretyn, b. f. by Horroa Hatsnnx, by Briatlllaal II IIS War Relief, br. f. by Jranite Kapje, bj Kroonatadl ... 115 Lotto O., b. f. by Harripaa l.itludin. i . Hi Mixbneaa. US Second Race— 3-4; Mile. 1-year-oMx. laiaalag. Track reioid: Feb. !*. 191S — 1 :11 - I lit;. 51SM CerlBa 112 Lit;1.-. 1P7*723 31422 Ltuv Kate lttlt 1:1:..-. 1MX720 32155 Day Lilly K S 1:14 % 1P1..715 ■BPVP1 •Indine los i:ir, mix 715 asspppj bPctrarea MSLUK Kt»x715 ."2155- Blown Ti.ik 115 1:14% 115. .710 514S4- :ilt Prince 1111:14.-. HKtX710 5Ltt7t *Alb.-rta S IPS 1:14 HllX71l» 32P7P bAlcatraz lid 1:11 1HBX710 I51P45I Toss I p IPS 1:15 •.-, 1PS..71P 132131 Pbilaaderer 113 1:17". .in 1MX7S6 51595 bRuuinic • IPS X 705 5M13 Rlarney Stone 105 1:1s 111.7 HI 51!i»i bTutt 109 1:11.-. 105X710 HI23S Toniniie . Mi ... 1PS..7W 51PPJ •Reliu taut lPdtl:22%h 98.. 700 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-old-, and upward. Claiming. Track record: Fib. 9, 1P18— 1:11%— P — 116.1 50919- "Sandy H 1PP 1:12% 4 IPS. .723 52PS7 Toe the Mark . ..114 1:12% B 11SX72P aOPJ5a Hope Princeaa . ..lP8 1:lS%a 8 9.;/ 71 •". 32114 b.M.idain Byng 117 1:13% S lP8:fc7l3 321341 *Lady LanpteUon H 1:14% o IPS X 715 32163 blty Hck IPP 1:13% 5 113*715 51PM Countess IPS 1:14% S M. .715 52PPS Ivanmist 112 1:1S1i 0 111X710 52PP4 Reau Brum 1 II. .105 1:13% 4 111x710 52153 Rack Ray 117 1:12% l:t 1110710 521S3 •I.Kirali UP 1:13% I IPS X UP 52115 bRepeater 104 1:15% 4 111x705 S13P3 *bLoys 104 1:13% 5 1P3X7P5 524MPJ b inttlate 109 1:11.-. 8 113X790 51714 b.Midian Ids 1111-. 4 111*744 517ll •Pewankee H 112 1:17% I IP3*7«0 n 52135 ialiot Ml 1ISM:U :, PP..7PP| a Fourth Race — i 1-16 Miles. Cotton Town Puree. I 4-year-oMa and apnrard. Alloaraaeee. I Track record: Feb. 13, U»13 1:41-, :. -134. S21BKI I SUNDIAL II 1o7 t:4d S 104.. 751 i 52137 Rany Shannon 11:: 1 :4t; 7 fcP4..T4Pl 8 1 52137- Chief 115 1:17-.-, ti 1040740 ■ 52130 bDanriuc Spray ...105 1:45 5 99X740 t .",1951- I, i.aii, dc Cans- ... PH 1:47.-. 1 KM X 728 B 521SP blladrian MS 1:47.-. 5 1P4X7M 0 Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Iniliisirinl Race. :! vear-oids ami upward. Allowance*. .Track record: Feb. 12, ISld l:«2% I 113. 5-J17C The Pareipner PH i:Sl%h :i 18X728 - 5217d bHaater Jack. :i PS.. 720 „ 51P2S bAmaz- 4 Kis.715 - 52133 bOl.l Faithful :i 9SX71U j, 51843: Tipford Mi 8 133X705 r, 5175.",- Hay ,| Peace .... 1 MS. .7PS .- I | 52008 Walk l"p . 90X705 S 52134 bAl.xandc. 102 l:4d% 7 115X71HI II 51P25 bMandalay Ml 1 IPP. .TM l Sixth Race— 1 1-1C Miles. 4-year-olda and upward. Allowances. i Track record: Peb, 13 1815— 4:44%— 3— 184.1 5jllM*b1 ark Hill 188 1:47% 5 111.. 725 l I 52138 bOaldca Dawn 185 1:46% 4 106®72fl I 52118 War Club 109 1:45-.-. t 112X713 : 52188 bGraand-SnreU .»7 1:47 5 107x715. 52118 •bKfanpaloac IPS 1:83% 5 111.. 715 -1 j 51852 Lady Rmaecttne .117 1:49 4 105. 715 - . I 52044 *bl .r.l Herbert 188 1:48% H HI7X715 * I 52150 •bSniart iuy 4 ll_. .710 .-.t:o; Jock s...t T 148X710 J 51PP8 bst. Ueraaala 9:1 1:47% 4 182 XUO . [517281 bRiifiis Rib-y 1 lo l:4ti.,in H 108X705 : 52178 Troilus 1 1 li 1:50.-. 7 109.705 h 51438 bChnBenper Kit 1 :49:;.-. 1 110X7801 iso.i.-, bPraanecter MP 1:45% 7 188X788 ui ! Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 4 vear-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Pen. 13, 1915 1:44.. -3—134.1 513889 Inekatranj 108 1:48% 7 91.. TIB * 52838 •bLacena Nana KM 1:49 5 87x720 * 52872 Retsy 1111:48% 5 99X715 •_ 53181 •Rood 108 1:45% 7 105x715 5215P *l Coloni I Lit loo 1:48% 1 90. .715 - - 52158 Mab IPS 1:47 7HI_x715 | 5:msi *Lattery 104 1:48 7 101x710 „ 1 I 51738 *l Rib 88 1:58 4 8BXU0 ,, 52115 Tan II 188 1:48 .114x710 „• 50888 bQneea Blonde ....110 1:48% ■ 187 XUO J„ j 52154 bBrookhiad 117 1:48% I 97. .710 I, , I 5J097 *bDean;laiM s no 1 :45 r. 7 186X785 ,- ! 52872 *l. Lucius lll:4s::. 7 88X705 B j 52888 Serbian 118 1:48 5 109x705 r, 44-jsi bHaadarlaa Coal ..101 1:48% .". i»9x7Mi Ml| 52180 lohnnr Orertoa ..ill I l«- 4 Ki7..7io in 40019 : bGrnadee His 1:48% 5 M6X788 hi