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E t of _ . _ ■ i , , at .■ , . -j $ ,, , p ] j j , | „ i , , | ] i , . , , E. BLANCS TURF SUCCESSES / Broke All French Records in 1904 When His Stable Won a Total Only Twice Surpassed. ■ The eminent French turfman and breeder, Kel- inonil Blanc, died on Sunday. December 12, Instead the following day. as was reported fneni Iaris. Some features of his eareer were presented in Daily Racing Form shortly after his death. Some others an- -upplied in the following from the Mai.cheslc r spoiling Chronicle of December 14: "Roberl Dcnmaii was M. Blancs trainer for a great many years, and in lito-l hi- muster had the satisfaction of being the moot successful owner eer known eluring a racing season in France, his srinnlngs amounting to KS2S,nS. Only twice ha-that record been beaten. Mr. James R. Keene securing 97. :;4J on the American turf in 1*07, while the Duke of Portland captured |awA2M in F.nglaml in lssii. "Hi- famous stud farm was first begun in 1883 St. Cloud, near Iari-. and during the next few yean hi continually added to it until it became the- fine -I breeding establishment i:i he world. Flying "v Fox which wcui the Twee Thousand Guineas, the |t Derby and st. Lesjet in 1MB, repaid the enterprise ., of M . Blanc in buying him for 97,900 guineas. at I Three of Plying Foxs progeny in 1PM won between J $:tO.O HI ami s3.-,.OflO. and the Following year two ,| of them. Oceuvernant and Ajax. iron nine races valued at over B*.0M. , In the same- year M. Blanc was slso the possessor f-of a Wonderful trio of twe-y £ar-eles, .lardy. Val |j elOr and Adam, whieh won about *ti0.000 in stake-. , M. Blaiu wa- SUM the era hit of many famous Bug- _ lish mares. He made many uii-iic e wssfu] attempt-10 win Ihe blue riband of tile Knglish turf. Tn isse.i lie wa- represented by Clovir. which . broke down: in 1901 by Oouverneur. which ran second; in IMS by Rueil. which was ninth; in IBM , by Governor II. ninth; in 1903 by Piabrlua sec- ond I : in 1904 by Ooiivernanl seventh, and in 190". in . by .lardy, which was second. "On mi fewer than -even occasions he won the . Brand Prix de Paris, and the Fix ilu Jockey Club. ur Fiench Derby, fell three time- to ISdSlS owned by hi. Blanc i. c. Clover in ISM. Saxon in 1901 and Ajax m 1904: while the Irix de Diane | French oak-i be secured by the aid of Nautenne 1879, Profane 11004, sfedeah IBM, twkm IBM and Maisa ilbloi. j "He was twice successful in our Middle Park -Piute, first when Oonverniiir. trained by Tom Jen . ning-. ween iu 1S90. and secondlj with .larely in . 1904. He also seemed the Bclipae Stakes with Vnl elOr. in 190... "M. Blancs stud was sold at Iaris in October. 191.1 anil realizcel J14.-1.10 francs feer forty-eight horses and mares, the highest prices being IS. 100 . franc- for Diinl and ls.uo.1 francs for Jefferson Burls." a —