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FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Industrial Race. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Feb. 12, 1916—1:42 1-5—4—113. THE FOREIGNER, br. c, 3 98 By Star Shoot — Pedigree, by Ogden. Trainer. R. A. Smith. Owner, Sunnyland Stable. 62176 F.Gnds 3-4 l 5o M8 6 7 7 I 1 61* L Morris 8 Mnsknlionge, Polythia, Rbt.Rork 61618 Bowie lm79y Ll%hvy M 98 2 2 2 8 2* 1- F Hunt 14 Titanium. Mnlvoito, Amackussiu 61482 Bowie 6..*fl:23 good CO M8 8 5 5 6 63I. J Moran 8 DryMooii, P.McLlin. D.ile.Morny 89614 Jamaica 61 t l:996tnnt 12 M7 9 10 10 92 9a 1 Moran 10 Oreus. Thornhedge, .TamaicaBelle 18691 Aifduct 5-8 1:01t:-.s1op 50 115 11 12 Hi lO" I 1 Moran 1:2 Curfew, Ruddles, Rep MASTER JACK, b. c, 3 95 By Zeus— France*, by Singleton. Trainer, J. E. Nash. Owner, J. E. Nash. .".2170 K.c.nds 8-4 i :13.-.fas» M MS 8 8 8 8 B=* 8 Mitchell 8 MnskaRonge, Polythia, Ris.Rock 62842 Jefson 8-41:14 fast 29 M81 7 7 7 52 6" H llamtn 7 1olyllia. l.ungaliuck, M.Lillian •1491 Bowie 7-8 1:29 fast 11-5 108 1 7 7 6- 8| R Leaster 7 D.deMorny, Sobgade. P.MeLlin 51469 Bowie 6i f 1 :234ifast li 114 12 12 10 C1 1 R Leaster 12 Bnonec, Trantula. Bengnleae 51457 Bowie 1 l:49sslow 8 yill 6 7 5 1MO H LVasterll Tus. Maiden. S.CIarenee, I.arCoy £1111 Bowie 8-41:13%fnnt yl 105 9 8 7 7 7"1 IS LonaterlS B.II-.mme. I..McLIilin, Polytiiia AMAZE, b. c. 4 108 By Broomstick— Daisy F., by Riley. Trainer. J. Marshall. Owner. F. P. Lettellier. 51029 Jef son 1 i:tl0fast 2 lot 3 11 1 i"k 2" F " itii.-i t i 7 Shoot »n. Rneedater, Rar One 51278 Pimlico 1 1:48 fast 1S 112 8 I 6 6 5- 1" K Cltiletti 7 Leocliares. Old Dad. CanioulIeur 51222 Launl 1 1-16 l:490slo,i 21 loo 6 i 0 I I 0-" F Cltiletti » Camoulleiir. HeroGirl, W. Violet 51122 Laurel 11-10 1:1: fast 14 Ma 112 -1 4 4- F Pryson 4 IlcnlGirl. R. Traveler, BandyBeal 89783 Laurel 3-11:13 fast 26 118 7 7 7 7 7"M Aml.rso 7 Blaze -. Dr. Joe, Sl.Ouentin 42299 Pimlico 6-8 lHVUlvy 29-10 116 1 2 3 4" 4" It Troxler 8 Anniversary. Shoal. Flv. Flower 41246 Pimlico 4J f 55Vsfast 6-5 1 13 2 2 I 35 3" R Troxler « Raleo, Simpleton, Devil Dng OLD FAITHFUL, br, c. 3 98 By Horron— Smirr, by Carnage. Trainer, F. P. Dunne. Owner, P. Dunne. 52135 Jefson 3-4 1:15 fast M Ml S 9 9 9™ T Jarvis id The Moor, S.m Court, B.Springs 50707 Latonia 3-4 l:14!.,fast 10f R 12 U 12 Ml M** L Coney 12 Keel Legs. Kama. Hunga Buck 49634 Sartoga 3-4 l:13%fn«t 30 10-5 7 8 9 9 3-4 H King 0 OurFIag. Mavourneen, LghStorm 49357 Sartoga 5Jfl:10 hvy 50 115 5 4 4 31 12J L Fator 14 Playfellow. Turnabout, So, Man 4S860 Empire Ab 3-4 1 :i fast 30 112 5 6 5 5« 51B L Lyke 7 Eternity, Wapiti. By Jove 48806 Empire 5J f l:07°4fast 50 111 12 12 11 11= 9" H King II Moody. Eternity. R.McIugliliu TIPF0RD. rn. h, 6 M 106 Bv Oxford — Tippetoes, by Long Island. Trainer, W. A, McKinney. Owner, E. T. Zolli coffer. 6M48 Jefson 5 J. f 1:12 hvy 4 988 I 2 3 2 2 H Thurberll TeacliersPet. Hopover. Horeb 51722 J"f son 8-4 1:18 hvy 20 llo 6 I 6 44 4- II Thurber 9 Gloom. 0. McKenna, Normandie 51070 Jef son 3-4 1:18 mud loo M7 7 0 7 7 7-H Thnrber 7 Jago, Phantom Pair, Itoney 4019; J.f.son f.J f l:ov.e,ooii 15 US 7 ., I «, o-, ii Mycra ft D. de Gake, MtiecdyPflot, Gortuun 46141 Jclfaon fci 1 l;0S*/£,gooa W 110 10 10 a l« ilu* H TUurbcili War Club, tSutamt, iivpealer ] DAY OF PEACE, ch. c, 4 108 By Jim Gaffney— Stella Moberly, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, H. Oots. Owner, H. Oots. 5175". Jef son 51 f l:M%hvy 3 110 4 5 3 2J 2* G Stack 7 M.Byng. I.arghetlo. ValieWest 5170:! Jefson 3-1 1 :17mu l S 10S 4 5 I 6" fi7 J Roberts 7 Ke-ist, Opportunity, CobaMLass f.1 663 Jef son 2-4 1:15 fast 5 106 8 9 9 8?. S" G Stack 9 It.Jcmii, I ov.sLaneIL, OnHigh 46131 Jefson 61. fl:09 good BJ 10S 3 2 7 6i 10" G Stack 10 Ragazza, Flying Frog, Plain Hill 45979 Jef son 3-4 1:16 good 7 104 8 8 9 12 13" G Stack Lt T.Archer, Peccant, H. Weapon 45656 F.Gnds 2-4 1 :16:v,hvv 15 106J 4 3 4 5= fi" II J Burke 7 Blaise, Trusty, Pullux 45267 F.Gnds 6i f l:06=ifast 20 116 3 2 I Ki 8" J Howard 12 Bestlioff, FlyingWiteh. BoneDry WALK UP. br. f, 3 90 By Cock o the Walk— Keadean II., by Galllnule. Trainer, W. Block. Owner. W. Epperley. 52909 Jefson 1 l:42%a ood 15 97 5 ] :: ! 3*1 3*1 E Josiali 9 Tan Sou. Sea Cunt. linen 51777 Jef son 11:48 good 7 92 7 3 4 2 2 4" R Josiali 13 Ionia, Salute. Old McKenna 51723 Jef son 51 t 1:11 hvy 20 102 2 4 5 2- 2 B Josiali It MyPonao. AmericanSlaid. Ionia 6MR Jefson 61 f l:07%fast 8 107J 4 7 7 5- 8»1 M Buxton 7 Winchester, C. A. Byrne. Salesn 51621 Jefson 5i f 1 :09Vsgood 15 103 4 6 6 6- 61 E Josiah B Maty He.ul. Dr. Howard. M.Erb 51508 Jefson 5-8 1:00%fast 50 103 6 6 6 6* .".= » E Josiah ! Rising Rock, N. Raider. Ra* 51191 Empire 5i f 1:09 fast 10 109 6 7 7 6* 6* M Buxton 8 Macii.Gunr, C.Fnces, JamaicaB. ALEXANDER, br. g. 7 115 By Plaudit— Meritorious, by Miller. Trainer, D. Vititoe. Owner, D. Vititoc. 52134 Jefson ::-t 1:l5r,fast M 118 19 7 6 4 47 K Martin 14 L.Lgfellow. Salute. M-Ginghnm 4X093 Latonia 11-16 1:47 fast 178 MS 6 4 3 3 V 3" J Hanover S BradsClioice, II. Burgoyne, Buna 4,o;. ; churchl 1 1-16 1:47";.fast 40 113 7 5 7 8 7l 7" J Hanover 8 Brynlimali. . Kub.Lder.Spearlene 4761!", Churchl l 1-16 l:477r,fast 23 110 8 8 6 8 10* 10-« J Roberts 1 1 Bar One. B .vnlimah, SiM;arlen» 47062 Lexton 1 1-8 1 :53%fast 28 107 5 4 4 4 5» 6"J G Stack « Adella W.. Redstart. Jellison MANDALAY. ch. c. 4 M 109 By Marathon— Foxy Mary, by St. Lawrence II. Trainer, J. J. Johnston. Owner. E. Arlington. ."1025 Jef son :. 4 1:15.-,fast 50 111 H 12 12 In He" T Nolan 12 Murpliy. Jock Scot. Madrono 41210 Latonia 5. f 1:10 hvy 16 107 10 10 11 It* 10« W Wright 12 Louis A.. Warlike. Airdrie 43956 Latonia 5 J f 1 :09*/-,slow 8-5 112 12 11 11 11 "11-* L Ly. e 12 Virgo. Bucklaide, Lieut. Lester 43810 Lexton 61 f l:07«, 17-5 112 2 2 2 2= 2« I. Lyke 12 Hereafter, Harrs Heir. Alex Jr. 42775 Latonia 6-8 59y5fast 41 115 7 6 8 8J 8* II Lunsfd 12 H.Comand, Wtwood. I.Uughea