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SOUTHERN TWO YEAR OLDS* i ♦ J Many Good Youngsters Quartered j at New Orleans. i • S. A. Cloptons Band Numbers Sixteen — J. Dundee Has Six , and T. W. OBrien Four. : 0 i BY J. I.. DBMPSBY. NEW OHLEANS. I.:,.. .lanuur.v 11. T.. :i western stabb- fell tin- Ik. no I- of winning tin- first two-year- . 1.1 nee of U21, Lor* Allen. :i 1 ;i.v s if Frizzle Mar.v King, turning the trick for T. .1. lcndcrga-t. ■ til I— mi Kaasaa city politician aad -port-man. . However, it appiam a- though tii*- West i- going to have a liard time holding its own witli tin- East in the two Year-old roNI liet-e. as the eastern j owners are unusually well fortified with youngsters J which are ready for hard racing. S A. Cloiiton has sixteen two-year olds in hit-are. thirteen of which belong to himself ami the J : other three to Dave ;idcon. These Mag the total number of hm-cs in his stable to thirty-seven. twenty-nine of orach bo owns, five belong to J ;iile.m. while the other three are the property of • .lolin Marino of New Orleans. The Cloptoii two-year-olds are: Loveliest, b. f. by Allmneiir -Lovolight II., by Bt. Amant. ! Cloy. h. g, by Celt — Oelee. by Isingla-s. Root, b. g. by Wrack — Diamontina. by Bam, Bashful, ch. f. hy Martinet— La Gloria, by Wool--thorpc. New Orleans, a, c, by Dick Welles Floral Day. by Nasturtium. His Noise, ch. g. hy Dick Welles Edna Shan noil, by Onondaga. Otaoo B., 1. f. by Friar Hock — Maud B. L., by Star Shoot. Forest Major, ch. g, by Star Shoot — My Princess, by Ogdea. Dure. b. g, by Stiir Shoot Dicker, by Ogden. Stamp, b. g. by Drmondali — Foot Mark, by Star Shoot. Extend, b. g, by lie— iun — Expressing, by Star SllO lt. Max Uuld. b. g, by Ormoiidale —Sweet Marie, by Ogdell. So It Joes. ch. g. by Ormonilalo Futurist, by llolden Maxim. Mr. Gideons trio coaslatH of: The Chamberlain, ch. g. by Dnllot Mrs. Sewall. hv Maoetto. Lady Delhi, b. f. by Delhi Lady Teresa, by Star Shoot. MawTcoion. ch. ,. by Brjra Mawr iinnii-. by Voter. JOHN DUNDEES SIX YOUNGSTERS. .lolm Dundee i- in racing OO an I III Quill scab now and he lias -ix two year olds to carry his colors at the Fair Grosssds mrrtlag Tlie Dundee two-year-olds are: .lohnnv Dundee, b. g, bv Hrnmmcl -Gylfi, bv Dr. Leggo. Little Alma. h. f. by Zens Kmiinania . by Boa ponder. line Dill. blk. f. by Druinniel Ten Din. by Jack Pout. Kill Block, ch. f, by Andrew -Foremost, by Aintree. Ilapiiy Baxtoa, br. g. by Dick Piaaell Cynthia. by Oddfellow. Evelyn White, b. f, by Bean Mis- Oert.-i. by Handsel. The Dundee youngsters are under the are of trainer William Block, win. also has charge of tin- big Clarence Baxtoa stable, lb- named the Andrew -Koremost gelding in compliment to this trainer. while HapM Huxton is n 1 for jockey Mirrilt Baxtoa. .loe K.-ith of Lexington Ky.. has selected the nanus for the three two-year-olds that he has here in charge of traiacr James II. Baker. The three are: Mr. Grafter, ch. c, by Kin;: .lame- Beoeerest, by i.oldcresl. Itiily Huttons. br. c by Kins .lames Parle All - gu-la. by F.iriniau. ainilla S.. ch. f. by Ormondale Dolly niacins. by Ifigraiae. William Derkins i- tralaiag sixtoea horses here. the property of -i owners besides himself. Only three tWO-year-OldS are ill this stable. These youngster* are: Nik. blk. f. by Black Toaey Ceetaaae, by Domino. Miss Finn. blk. f. by The Finn Babbit, by Dlaiulit. MiMM Uaxha, eh. f. by GoMea Maxim Our Bloade, by The Friar. Miss Finn is owned by .1. C. Milam and NiK by B. L. Baker. Others in the Perklas -tring are Dr. Carmen. MoAdoo. .1. C. Stone. Fair Orient. Meliora and Oriental Dress, owned by U. L. Maker and Lake Phelps; Julia N.. which bokaga to Charles Sackolx; The Swimmer, the properly of T. P. Hearj ; Badio, Watch will carry the colors of C. 1!. Ellison, and spoiling Chaace, Lady Brftaia, Doyle and Pallas, which race in hi- own laterest. T. w. OBrieas goad three-year-old Plaribaa, which enjoyed unite a reputation in the Boot earl] last spriag, In wintering in fine style here, and it i- his owners intention to name him for the Kentucky Derby and oilier big stake* up the line next spriag. In addition to Plaribaa, trainer Tom Shannon has four two -year -olds uuder his care, two ...Its and two fillies, and they are: Ilunella. eh, f. b] Plarlosa Margaret Lssrry, by Cisarioii. Pharalfty, b. e, by Plarioaa PareweU, by Ossary. riutrel. Ch. c hj PlarieaN -Man I by Marts Boats, , PtaribeUe, rb. f- by Ptarioao— Oooahar, by Ossary.