Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-12


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA, TUESDAY. JANUARY 11." 1820.- Oriental Park. Thirty ninth day. Cuba Ainonoan Jockey and Auto Club. Winter McctiBg of PMi or mon days. Weather cloudy: temperature 90 . Stewards. .1. Ilachmeister. C. H. Lansdale and F. .1. Bruen. Starter. James F. Milton. Pacini; Secretary. M. Natlinnson. ftacteg starts nt 2:30 p. m. Char ago time 1:57 p. m.. •Indicates apprentice allowance. trtkQOfy FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917— 1:05 5— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-yoar-OOmd 4 olds. Maiden?. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Tin lex Horses A WtlM»St~~~44"tr~KTn" JockeyT" Owners O H 0 P 8 58864 IjOTTA SPEED w 101 S 7 *• 2 * 1 lJF Wilson E Cebrian 21 33 2_ i 1-- .-."it JOSEPHINE K m MS 1 1 PJ 1 7f V .1 Hoffler 1 Hoffbr 18 8 3 M 51188*T03CA W« M :: 6 8| ■" 41 3s I Fletcher A L Austin 7 8 8 " 8-5 :i!M0 MISTKP JIGGS w ill sm H S» I W MoehanW B Ptoaearan : •". S - i 88181 KENTMERE alii E 5 -■ G I J Dawson Ktaaere Im sta t I i K-S l-r. 51818 SCINTILLATE w 184 1 I I* 10 Bl € E Barnes Holm.; 15 l"i 15 C :-p:P" sciittv wn 111 i . W 71 7! 7- a Pickens J M Lavery • 7 I 21 1-5 ."2!«l AUTOMATIC RED W 111 7 s 71 0* V P .1 Bwtwell G K Ail. n 8-5 2 Z 1-."...". 88245 FELIX M * Ka 2 - I v » » J rYaacte I. E Swan 28 - 24 N 1 52046 SHORTYS FIRST v. K I M : I .- 1" 1" C Bamea C K Moon: 20 31 38 I I Time. 24. 49. 1:88%, 1:09C. Track fast. |2 miitueis paid, i.otta spied. s7.7u straiKiii. . i." place, s:.t;n show: Josephine k . 8.80 place, 86.50 show: Twsca, .s.i.imi show. Kquivalenl booking odds Lotta Speed, 2,v" to 100 straight, l--" to Kk» place, so to PMi show; JoaephteB K . 71,*i to pin place. 225 to 1 k Mhow; Tosca, 330 to 100 show. Winner B. f, by V©B Tromp— Lotta Creed, by llaininoii trail. ed by J. Lowe: bred by Mr. Ivlward Cebrian I. Went to post at 3:31. At post 2 minutes, start goad and sl"W. Won easily; second and third driving. LOTTA KPEBD worked her way up on the outside and, raciag lata the bad in the stretch, won going away. JOSEPHINE K. began well and showed the most early speed, but tired. TOSCA came fast. through the stretch. MISTKP JIGGS closed a big gap. SCINTILLATE was in a Jam ra the far turn itnd was pulled up. then came agate. KENTMERE tired. AUTOMATIC BLT unit after moving up while rounding the far turn. Scratched 51217 Talent. 108; .-,2c.l riewhigh, 108. Overweights Tosca. 1 pound; BctetUlate. 1. PT OQOO SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920—1:11—6—102.; Purse 00. 4-ycar-olds and 3isfOIO upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0, Index Horses _ AWtPPSt % hi % Str 8Mb Jockeys Owners O H « P 8 52847 P IRIGOURDINE : 118 II l : l I i .1 Dawson Ktmere Fm Sta L S -I 1 1-2 52224 HUNTRESS w 18 188 :; •• -"■ -- -■ A Mi Phiin.f J McCafferty 2 l J 4-4 2-6 58841 *DOCTOR 1. m I 112 E E !» :: JJ S« .1 ButweU C Deroauet ."• E E 2 1 52247 *SEM STALWART w 1881 :• I 9s I B" 4] .1 Prancia ,T C Eaten 81 81 88 I I r8285-CAV*AN BO WB 6 112 7 8 P I* 4- r. W Crump K Woods .. 2J 25 1 1-l 52246 DRIFFIELD WD 1 115 I S ■ t W Ketaa A C Xbhaus I 7 7 i. t-S K2206 PAR EAST w 1183 8 7 7- 8*7* 7 C Barnes M WiUtema 28 20 26 -8 1 illiiO K1NGOZ1 sllN 1 R S* :i !«.t e Barnes Sneyer a-*G*n»ley 58 BR Et !• 10 r I ft ~ I GALOPIN WB61M 8M 1" iO M 83 . BulcroftW G CampheU 28 28 M I 4 152855 NETTIE WALCTT W 7 162 L 3 ■■"• 7 8s 18 .1 minors W P Padgett 1" 1- 12 ." t Time, 2323. 47-3, 1:14. Track fast. |2 nmiiils paid. Perigourdine, |7.50 Btralght, 84-88 place. 83.88 show: Huatress, 84.30 place. St. no show: Doctor P.. si Hi si ow. Ppiivabnt booking odds Perigourdine. 273 to 188 straight. ll" to 108 place, sn to urn show; Hun-tress. 12." to 180 place. 100 to 100 show; Doctor D.. 12» to 188 show. Winner Br. m, by AeronautMisa Perigord, by Perigord trained by ll. l Kennedy: bred by Mr. Edward B. Cassatt. Went to post at 2:55. At post :: minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. PEBICOCBDINE outran the Others from the start, set a fast pace and won in a canter. HUNTRESS passed DOCTOR D. before rateria* the stretch and finished gamely. The latter tired and just lasted long enough to outstay SEMPER STALWART. CAVAN HOY could never Improve his position. Scratched "2201 WlilnpoorwiU, 104; 522S53Le Balafre, 107. Ivc-rwejul.t- c.alopin. 1 pound. ST OOOClj THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1990—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-ycar-olds and l8 £d O Ai %J upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. index Horse* A W t PPSt j Vi aStrFIn Jockeys Owners O H C P S 52266* KORAN w i « 1 :; 1»_ 1 VI 1* L Penman H Henl.-l 7 7 7 2| 8-6 52866GUS 8CHEER w B 112 1 I 4» 2" 2- 2 I But-.vell K J Crawford 8-5 8-5 8-0 3-5 1-3 .VPJ8: *Pc iPAIl CUB wa 1 MS :: E ■■ •; 0*3* F Hunt J .1 Keyea 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 52266 THE BELGIAN II. wa 7 115 2 ■; 5*6? 6i 4J J Cmpbell Florida. Stable 3. 3] 3] 8-5 3-5 5*108 *DISCCSSION w 5 188 S 2 2* 3] 8* :.- S Boyle M Goldblatt 3 ■■ 1 845 3-5 52228»THE HI IK DUKEwn 3 105 7 1 :: 41 8* 0:l E AtkinanKl Morro Stable :: 3 8-8 3-5 52143s *REDLAND WB8-_M 5 7 7 7 7 7 K Parr.es G Holnns 15 15 1" « 1 Time. ZZ„. 47, 1:13%. Track fast. 82 mutnela paid. Koran. |14.20 straight, .70 place. 8830 show: Gits Bcheer, 88.88 plate, 82.88 show; Polar Cub. 83.80 show. K piivah lit booking odds — Koran. 110 to 100 straight. 283 to PMI place. I!.", to 100 show: Cos Scheer, 95 t PMi place. :;n to 100 show: Polar Cub. ..". to PMI show. Winner p. in. by Ilihiriou- tomnion Sue. by The Commoner trained by A. 1. Wariey; bred by Mcs.is. Williams Pic s. i. Went to post at 3:20. At pest _ minutes. Start good and slow-. Won driving; second and third the same. KOPAN outran the others from the start and saved groand 011 all the turns, but tired and .inst lasted Ions enough to win. ;cs SCHEER ran a good race and. iieiii.u taken around on the oatslde while rounding tlie far turn, covered much more gronnd than the Winner. POPAi: ciP Bnisbed fast after being cut off in the- Hrst pigl Ih. THE PLCC DUKE was crowded back while rottndteg the far turn and was pulled up. THE BELGIAN II. ran well. Overweights li. -,11:11111. 1 I ll. jrrtOO/ FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs, cjan. 24. 1917— 1:05 -,—5— 102. Purse 00. 3-ycar-*J miH*-" olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second, 25: third. 5. index Horses AWtlISt „ u % Str Pte .Jockeys Owners O H C P S 52307 FRIGHT WB I 85 5 4 ■ ■ . P Wilson l neck Stable 8-5 2 2 4-5 2-5 52267-B OP ELIZTWNwb 5 183 6 a 2" V ■_ 2- . Hoffler T Hoffler 2: 3 2: 1 1-2 c .V»P»H.ICST PANtV w ISM S 2 4* V 6» V A Pic k. 11s Armenia Stable 3 S •". 2 1 r»»«7i OCT THE WAY WB « 112 3 I 1 2- V V .1 Bvtwell M Goldblatt 2" 2. 2 1 1-2 5261S3SAX 11 KUO a I Ml 3 B I ■• S N l BrneaM .1 Albright I T C 33 C E ." 1H~. HARAN wa 1 Pi 7 7 6* 6 .■ 6s. J McMahnF C Griffith 31 18 30 rt •"• 53090 TACOLA WB 6111! : N s ~ ~ ~ 3_ W riiiii| i P. Potts 1 E I 1 TZ-lHi ORLEANS GIRL wb 1d 1 I R 8 8 8 K AtklnsnCurb Stable M 58 58 88 10 Time, 23-,. 46, 1:003-,, 1:07. Track fast. s:. mutuela paid. Fright. 88.80 utraight, 84.30 place, SI. on show. Belle of Elteahethtowa, §.M place, 83.40 show; -lust Pancy, 86.20 si„,w. i-:.iuivab nt booking odds— Pright. 380 to 108 straight, 113 to 100 place, 100 to 108 show: Peile of Cli/.abothtcwii. tin I.. 100 place, 7o to 100 show; .lust Fancy, 210 !•■ Umi Mhow. i 1 B. 1. by Trizzlc Si ritc-. by Wat rboy trained by K. K. Karrick: bred by Oaeck Stable. went to p..st at 3:45. Al post :: mindtcs. start good and slow for all bat TACOLA. Won driving; si "lid and third Hie same. KPIUHT was outpaced in the early running and was brought on the outside whin eatcrinc the stretch, where she cane wale, but Implied with a rush and. outstaying BELLE OK ELIZABETHTOWN, won drawing clear. The latter was much used in forrteg and making :i fist pace and was tiring at the end. ,11ST FANCY Bnisbed fast on the inside. TACOLA began llalfootcd and was as good as left, il T Tin: WAY sal a great pan- for ,1 quarter and gave way. Overweights Pright. 1 I P. -lust Fan.;.. 5; IH bans Girl. 2"... Out the Way. |; Tai.di. ■•-. KOOOI FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919—1:38 1-5—5—105.: Purse 00. 1-year-olds tall 0i and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. Index Barnes AWtPPSt"" ■•: % Str Fin ~ Jockeys Owners O 11 C P I " _1418 HARLOCK w 1 KM 4 I lJ l1. lak l 1J E Barnes J H .Moody 4 1 l 1-:. 7-10 32188 *FAUX -COL w 8 188 1 2 4*2* 2» 2" 2" I Fletcher Williams Broa. 1 1 1 1-. 1-0 : HX HOCNTR W38U3 3 3 5* 5* 4. Pi:. AV lleohanW B Fianegan 2S 21 21 7-H1-3 52248 CLdP WB5I13 5 5 8s I1 .". I* 41 N Collins p Crist 4 I 4 8-6 4-3 _2030*POMERENE w 5 188 E I 2*5 3 ::- :: 5* .1 Pram-is Armonte Stable 41 4". P 8-5 4-6 51934*NAPTHALrU8 WB 6 183 2 G 1 E C B 1 N .1 P..n.s Smith Jr 15 15 15 i i Time, 25. 50. 1:16, lfftlK. Track fast. 82 mutuels paid. Harlock. sy.pi straight, 34.00 plan. 83.00 show; Paax-Coi, 83.40 place. 83:80 show; Hoealr, show. Bquivalenl booking odda Harlock, 355 to 108 straight, loo to 108 place. 58 to loo show: Faux-Col. 70 to PM» place, 23 to Pin show: Borate, lio to loo show. • Winner— P. g, by Peep oPay Peneiietta. by The p.-ppcr trained by J. w Kayter; bred bj Miami p. £ 11. Oota. Went to post at 4:12. At post 4 minutes, start ■ 1 and slow. Wea drhrteg; second and third the same. HARLOCK outran the others from the start, withstood challenges on the last turn and Ilnished resolutely- KACX-lOI. came again and was goteg best at the finish. HOCNIB ran well and made a rame Bnish. POMERENE was knocked about and ran well to the- stretch. Overweights Harlock. 1 pound. JTOQOO SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. *J Mdandiiy Jmi 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt k /fe Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C p 1 B2208a»OUR NEPHEW w c. in:: 4 :: :■.!_ 1; • 4 2J lsk F Wilson I- J Kearaa S T i 23 8-5 r.2268 MANOKIN B 7 113 7 t 2 J 2 2 1 21 J CanadyG K Allen :! :; :: 8-5 3-5 52283 DLKE RCFF w 5 113 2 1 :;. «sk ;,: 4 3 a W Cramp J de Batrampea 2J 21 2 1-5 2-5 ,- -p»88 MILDRED wn 1 131 8 8 6" 8* 8* 8 P A Ptekens Marianao Stable- 1 1 t s-d 4-5 52203*OMALLEY w 6 183 6 .". 7 7- Ill- 6» E AtkinanPogoiottl Stable IS 10 10 1 2 52208* J AMES w 7 112 1 2 P l1 P 5 6s .1 Bvtwell T Doyle 3 3 6-5 8-5 S2224 OKEMUS mnl 8 :• 7 1 .. V VIV II Wakofl A Mitchell 81 81 28 I 1 S2288 -•eONSTANTlN E was 5 108 5 E 8s* 8»* 8»* 8»* 8»* J Francis W Siir.ms ,". S .". 2 1 -.111 LE1NSTER wsii . Pk 3 9 9 : 9 8 9 I Dawson. O Bartolomeo 39 20 8B H 5 Time. 24. 50, 1:15, 1:41. 1:43. Track fast. 82 mutuels paid. Our Nephew, 813.70 straight, .50 place, s4.lo show: Mam. kin. 83.88 place. 83L28 show: Puke Buff, 83.80 show. Bquivalenl booking odds -Our Nephew, 585 to 100 straight, 17-". to 100 place, 110 to loo show: Maa-okin. On to 100 place. 00 to Phi show; Puke Buff, 00 to px show. Winner !;. u.. by Dr. Leggo— Georgia Girl, by Solitaire IP trained by F. I Kearas; bred by Mr. Adolph B. SprecV ■Pi. Went tn post a I Pin. At post 1 minute. Start food and slew. Won thriving; second and third the same. HP NEPHEW finished with a rush after being outrun t" the- stretch turn. .MANOKIN raced into the had. but tired badly in the last sixteenth. DCKE PPFF ran well, but was on the insid,. during ! most of the race- and was bumped a couple of times. JAMBS quit after goiag ttircr quaiteu in the lead. MILDRED ran well. Scratched — o22sv" Plantarcde. 110; 52803 El Coroncl, Pi.".: ,*,2oll Iic-rr.-a - Feu. 110; 32208 Tlll.lllt. 111. Overweights Mildred, 1 pound; Jat s, 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011201/drf1921011201_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921011201_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800