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FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Merchants Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Feb. 9, 1918—1:11 1-5—6—116. TW0PAIR. b. c. 3 09 By Broomstick — Trumps, by Sandringham. Trainer. S. A. Clopton. Owner, S. A. Clopton. 513M Pbailco 8-4 l:t3%teat E 115 4 I .4 :.! 3*| J Putwell io Polynia. Don Homme. Pastille 61221 Lauid 2-1 l:15%slop 2 109 ". 1 2 21 4i F Cltilettl li Despair, Pastille. M. A. Noonan ,1182 Laurel 3-4 l:13%teat ll ill I 4 4 q V K Cltilettl 8 BtepLtly, Gea.J.M.Gea. Aatillea Siosi LaareJ 8-4 l:14Wjteat 71 111ft 8 I I 5 ."l L Morris r, BalUagB., LghBtarai, MuttikitiM 50976 Laurel 3-4 11 Ml 3 4 3 l1 l- F Cltilettl 4 Sup.-, woman. T.BaggagC. P. Ann E8S77 Laarol 8-4 1:14, fast M Ml .". 6 5 0 5" F Bijaaa I GcsJ.U.Qi, Charity, hLRaakia RAPID DAY. ch. g. 5 109 By Rapid Water— Sweet Day, by Peep oDay. Trainer. R. McGarvey. Owner, W. 0. Btoner. ."2294 IM .lids- :;-4 1 :l:.- fast ", 111 2 3 1 21 .!". M Gamer 111 P.Pi.kir ifi. lol/fn. I.H-hlr 52871 JeTaon 5! f 1 :0s hvy 81 115 :: 3 2 2* 2» A Collins * Aagoa. C.otheRooat, H.O.H.eN 519,S Jefson 1 1 :39%faat 7 110 1 3 3 4 P 3* M Garner 8 Tip. Witt bet, Dane.Sprtiv. Slerlg 51779 Jefson 3-4 l:14*.good 3 100 4 4 2 Ii 1* A Collins B Bterllag, V.-Ciiairnian, Pickwick 61650 Jefson 3-4 l:12%fast 7 MB 5 12 3* 2» M Garner B Ballet Proof. Panaman, Aagoa 51531 Jefson 3-4 1:11 fast 11-10 110 4 3 3 Ii 1" M Garner fl Ca/aLaaole, A.AIexder, Scurry 51254 churchl 11 MBjteat s-5 113 3 3 2 1 l1 1] M Garner 8 Legal, Travesty. Dread Man CAPTAIN MAC. ch. c, 4 118 By The Manager— Royal Dainty, by Royal Flush III. Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner. 0. W. Clark. 142! Churchl 7-Sl:25fast 19-5 116 6 6 7 7 2h 3 ft 8 Wlda 7 Kinbiirn. ILIdlellonr. 61325 Churchl 1 1-X l:51%fast 1 126 2 3 2 2 2U 21 N Barrett 4 Sterling Dresden. Travesty 51074 Latonia 1 1 I IM8%faat 81-M 114 2 2 2 2 21?. _- S Wida 4 Doa-iacona. Irnler lire. Pllgrba E8B17 Latonia 1 l:37 ifcteat 9-8 112 4 4 4 2 2U li N Harrett 8 JackHareJr., Iwla, Weodtrap 50662 Latonia 1 1-8 1 :50%fast 1-2 US 2 2 2 2 21" 1" N Barretr 4 Bterllag, Travesty, Grand Slam MUSKALLONGE, ch. c, 3 109 By Meelick— Gay and Festive, by Knight of the Trainer. B. C. Bunbury. Owner, H. C. Fisher. Thistle. "■ If.nds 3-4 1:l3.-,fast -.-lulls 3 1 1 l» 1"-L Lyke B Polytbia, BiasRocfc, Wlnt. -Star 51927 .lefson 8-4 1 1 US 1 1 1 1- 1- S McGraw 4 Indine. Petrarch, Lady Stella 51057 Latonia 8-4 1 :!2.-,fast 11-10 101 3 I 2 2." 1 ■- S Mil Ira v 12 Coj :ie. Rlateg Rook, Kama M78B Latonia 8-4 I 116 2 2 1 2- 2v s McGraw 13 Baagooa. McGoedwla, Gaagway 59813 Latonia Eft f lM8%teat 13-14 111 2 1 1 IS 2»» 8 McGraw 12 BehaveYself, Col.Raker, Ggway .0521 Latonia Eft f 1 :06 V.f a st 11 1 6 ♦ 1 1 lJ 1» 8 McGraw 11 iek. Rangoon. Sea V.-l.-t 19017 Kwrth Eft f 1:1* fast 9 114 6 3 I 2 :» J Smallw 1 B Artisan. MriceH., Madf Bllsgl LADS LOVE, ch. g, 5 108 By Hamburg— Ballet, by Ben Brush. Trainer. R. McKeag. Owner, B. A. Lane. 52252 F.Gnda 3-4 1:15 hvy • IM 3 2 2 Ill- 1. Lyke B ColaaihiaTeaa, Dr. Carmen. Title S2177 F.Gnds 8-4 l:124sfaat 12 MSft I I 4 B V*| .L MeTagt 12 K. Iti. khher. R.Pmof. Cllsbler 5196S Jefson lm70y 1 :47-.-.hvy 4J 114 I 4 3 4 8] 24 .1 MiTagtM Chief. Title. St. Qerasala 51906 JeTaon 8-4 4 112 I S 4 2 I | T Nolan ! CoLTenn, I .d.-i -sie, A.AIeCder "17 1. .1 fson 3-4 CI.; mutl 8-5 112 3 2 2 2- Vi T Nolan 7 Bedason, I VsUissie. T. Swimmer 5127. Lfson 2-4 1:14 fast -2 118 2 3 3 1 1 J T Nolan . II huh... -Ian. Pro Love. Talisman 51505 J.fson Bft t 1 062-,fast 10 1o7 6 6 I I 4 :• S Wida 6 G.i.rce Starr. AngOO, Yt.un.e.l COLUMBIA TENN, b. g. 5 10G By Hanbridge— Please Welles, by Dick Welle*. Trainer. J. H. Baker. Owner, J. H. Baker. 52294 F.Gnda 3-4 I 15 i ". 1 2 2 V -_ T Jarvta 10 B.RIekbher, Bar Bay, 1 .Haklr l:: : F.Gnda 8-4 1:18 hvy 7 112 2 1 1 2 2- B Pollard N Lids Love, Dr. Carmen. Title 52829 JeTaon 3-1 1 :14-. fast 2?. 114ft 1 1 1 l1 l|ff W Tlnr 11 0 fTnrll. flagaaiarr. Tftagwat 51998 JeTaon 8-4 l:14Hteat 20 107 6 3 3 M Ift H Kins I UaLave, D.sLasaie, A.AIexder 51596 J.-Iftrson 3-4 l:14!,hvy 15 10S 2 2 3 A .". - K DavteO S BalletProof, A.N. Akin. Vneed 51394 Chnrehl 7-s 1 :27 good 29 112 3 2 1 1 1- T I ConnIly » RafoaRiley, LouisA.. Talisman 51212 Latonia 8-4 l:18%hvy 6 P-s 3 11 l| 14 F Wilson g Harv.Klog, Optaalty, M Maxim MAHONY. b. h 5 104 By Beach Sand— Fancy Dress, by Ben Brush. Trailer, C. Trotter. Owner. Florisant Stable. ■"-i ■■.i.i" son 8-4 i:i:;«-.f-!st 13-5 MSft 1 1 1 1 2»" H LanaTd IS Grayaoa, JeckSrot, Dan. spray 1998 JeTaon 3-4 I:l4-,tast 18-8 Ml 7 7 7 7 73 ll LanaTd a Col.Teaa, tadaLove, .-Lassie 51788 JeTaon 3-4 1:18 hvy 2] us 4 5 6 6 6" H LanaTd • Yoanred, Himlooataa, Haorian 51834 JeTaon 1 1:14 fast 16 M 7 5 4 6- l«| H Lunsfd ! It. Day. ITa.a Laasla, A.AIexder 8519 Ft. Erie 3-4 1 :14-.p;oodl9-10 115 2 5 5 Ift 8 | M Garner 7 MayorHouse. Kuklnx. CsLassie 48134 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 7-5 113 5 7 8 21 1*1 M Garner 10 R.ll. Might. !■". Hundley. L. Wrack BULLET PROOF, b. g. 4 114 By Helmet— Bachelor Girl, by Broomstick. Trainer. A. Thonia;. Owner, ... a/ent Bros.. 52220 F.Gnda 3-4 l:16andmud 11-5 !17 S 0 8 I* V .1 Rodgea 7 Aagoa, Wyomiag, Bt. Qaeatia 52177 F.Gnda 3-4 l:12%test 4 112 7 2 2 2 2" .1 Rodg*esl2 R.RickbacI r. T.Hakler. LkyB. 51827 JeTaon ::-4 1:1s mutl 2-5 117 2 111* I4 P Cltilettl S Toao M la. : rt Bobby Allen 517 I JeTaon ■■ f 1:0S hvy 7-10 113 4 4 2 2 2r- F Cltilettl 4 Aagoa, DacIeVLaaMa, Bt.Qaaatla 51850 JeTaon 1-4 I:12%faat 9-5 MS 4 3 1 lJ I3 F Cltilettl 5 Paaaman, Rapid Day, Aagoa ."•1596 J.fferson :.-4 l:14*-hvy 11-39 IM 3 3 2 l3 T F Cltilettl « AN. Akin. Tonaced, Gea.Mabj BESTE0FF. b. c. 4 106 By Assagai — Bettie Sue, by The Commoner. -Trainer. E. W. Moore. Owner. R. A. Moore. E0824 Kwrth 1 1-8 l:56%teat 6-5 Mi 4 11 1 1- l«| E Baraea 1; Veteran. Gala de Caaae, fork r.eis-. Kwrth 11-16 1:48 fust 1 10413 2 2 1 V 2r E Baraea 8 Pre,.;;,.. RbeDeril. UoaolalaBoy "-"" . V, dliine l1:42e.siou B-5 120 4 0 6 4 2 2 E Barnes 7 Ply. Bobby Allen, Who fares 49199 Kwrth 1 1-M 1 ■ n.-.-.f aa 6 ME 2 2 4 E 4: ::nk t: Kenndy B Irish KIkh, iNtero. Jgynawwood 18898 Windsor 1 1 :3.s 12-6 MS 3 .", I I 2- 2- B Kenntly 5 PaulWeidel. Claymore, Dresden 48864 Windeor 1 1-18 1 :47%aood 99 5 1 1 1 1* l- B Kenndy 1; MyDear, Bpdragoall.. Dglaaafl BM23 il .:• 11-4 2:07 hy S 111 4 2 2 2 2» 2" B Simpson 4 P.Weitl.l, Itoyallesler. Mas. Dill KASHMIR, ch. h G 107 By Delhi — Gingham, by Domino. Trainer. C. Buxton. Owner, R. Firneno. 51208 Empire 1 l:42".mud 17-18 128 111 1 1- 2 E San.le 8 Sweet Manic, Coaler fmplre 1 I 14 1 :i7-f ust 8 110 1 1 1 1 lh 4*-?. M Buxton 4 Reeoant. T.McTact, R. Dane. II. 50898 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:48*4test 7 MS I 6 6 8 6 6,c C Ponce 8 Veto. Thunderstorm. Tailor Maid 90574 Jamaica lmTOyl :45%goodll-10 111 222 2 2- 23 M Buxton 1 Recoaat, Ralea. PaatoraJSwala 88481 Aqdoct 7-8 l:24%fast 4 114 7 7 8 6 2i 35J T rhivies 8 Major Parke, Pickwick. Daleo 88884 Aqdact H 1 1 ilafstaat 4i 119 1 4 4 3j 43j c Kamaaer 8 BeaMiat Bea.Park, MaJorParke ST. QUENTIN. b. g. 5 107 By His Majesty— The Marchioness, by Bala. Trainer. J. P. -Dunn. Owner, Dunn and Cahn. F.Gnda - 1 1 :ir.i.,nm 1 M MB 7 118 V I. McAtee 7 Aagaa, Wyoaaiag, Pickwick 5:117 JeTaon r,-s 27 114 I 6 4 6 8*1 L McAtee li E.Uielier. Marv.Mav. A.Jaekll. E19CS JeTaon 8-4 lnilr.hvy 10 113 2 2 2 35 3" L McAtee I Aagaa. Pitkuk, 1libberlygibbet 51779 JeTaon 1-4 l:144fcgood 2ft u ] 5 I o4 ti-j L McAtee B RaaxDay. sterling, V.-fhairman E1739 JeTaon Eft" f 1.-88 hvy 8 115 2 1 3 3h 4" L McAtee 4 Aagoa, ISul. Proof, UactesLaaaJa