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ONTARIO CASE TO BE HEARD JAN. 24 TOBOKTO, Out.. January 11. -I.y an onler-in-eouncii of December 2*. the Ontario gerei ament decided, aadei tin- constitutional qaesttoaa act. to place before i he courts three matter- relating generally to the right of the provincial legislature to deal v ith racing where betting is carried on at tin l rack- In the appellate divis:ou of the high coin I today Edwaid Bayly. K C. representing ;In- attorney general. a-Led for direction- regardinK these ■ qaoatloas. Tin court fixed Monday. January 2i. for tin- hearing of argument. Notice of argument is to i be advertised, so that those wishiag to appear may do -o W V Tilley. K. C.. appeared fu the Caaadlaa l Racing A— ociations. .1. W. I array. K. C . for tin-We-tein ■ Bactag Associiition and I. L. McCarthy, K. C., for the Ontario Jockey Club.