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GOOD RACING AT HAVANA Fright Defeats Band of Fast Sprinters— Close Finish Between Koran and Gus Scheer. HAVANA. Cuba, laaaary 11. Pright, rarrylag . the ...!, r- • f the Oaeck Stable and ridden by F. Wil I son. beat :i good band oi -prinier- in the fotirih I I race at Oriental Park this afterauoa when she came from behind and. fialnhlag with a rush throagh the hoiiie-treieh. Kot up in time to beat Belle of Eli/.a-betlilowa by a half length, out tin- Way set the i arli puce, but tired badly when the decisive racing came. The winner ran the five and a half fur I ags in 1:117. the fraction of time beiag S%, l1.-. and 1 :07. It was a tighl finish between Koran and Gas Scheer in the third race. The latter loot the race b ■ au-e l.utwcll foned him to come around on the oitt-ide to -it up. lie was gobtg fa-iest at the finish and catchiag the leader with every stride. E. Cebriaa furnished the winner of the first race when I.oita Speed carried his colors to viciory with Wil-on up. Automatic Bed, the favorite, never was prominent and was beaten off. Font I reamer of Louisville. Ky.. employed in the niuluel department at Oriental Park, was taken down with a severe hemiirrh.iKe yt-lcri!a. and died this afternoon. His body will be shipped to the States for latersaeat. Mr. creamer was formerly employed as secretary at tin- Kentucky State lair. Jockey Weiaer has joined the stable of Thomas Meiiahin. for when, he will tide for the remainder of the aseetiag. The third baby race of the year will be staceil a- the openiiiK contest tomorrow, in which ten highlj regarded maidens will be asked to race a quarter of a mile. Six of the number have already beea seen under colors and have had raeaag experience, while the others have all been Bhowiag up well in the morniiiK gallops. Harry Payne Whitneys bigh-class Iinnacl.-. by Peaaaat, is aaaoag the starters and oa his excellent race ,-iKain Hold Me can be liitru-teil with the honors of favoritism. He- is a qaick -taller, ha-abuadaat speed and is fit and ready. c. I. Barigbt, tin- well-known spottsaaaa from New York, waa an arrival and expects to remain for a lengthy i-it. Barrj Peddle of Bchaectady, N Y.. win. has been eajoylag the raciag for sereral week- after hariag a very successful visit, departed for home. Jim ley .1 Pita wa- taken suddenly ill and had io eaacel his eagaieaieats today. 4, _ __ ,