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FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming1. M cl June 28. 1916—1:05 1-5—3—118. Index Course Dist TimeTYkOdds Wt St % % % 8tr Fin Jockeys Started Order of Ftnlsk ERMITANA, b. m. 6 103 By Von Tromp — Isolation, by George Kessler. 4s Trainer. R. M. Hallenbeck. Owner, R. M. Hallenbeck. . D2168 Tijuana 5-K 1 42 last .. IBS ::, i I Mar* eflllB Mad Hurry, Mistake. " 4s 52881 Tijuana 5-8 1 41 25 107 8« I. Qaafel 13 Trulaiie. Duly Fashion. Yukon _ 61882 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 4:i 1 9 7 ", .T Class 8 Don Jose, Mox. Tillotson R 51763 Tijuana 6-8 1 42Kfaat 7 1"0 4- C Whiftonll Velvet. Little link, Lavnjra 51716 Tijuana 6-8 1 IS HO 4° .1 Glass 11 Tillotson. Cancion, MHiB ~ MURIELS PET. br. in. 8 108 By Marta Santa— Little Fraud, by Deceiver. H Trainer, W. Wright. Owner, W. Wright. -J 5ZW Tijuana ,vil* fast 22 IN I W Petty 11 Divland. 1ink Teeny, Welga n 51959 Tijuana ::-4 1:14 17 MB " -, " Perry 11 Lobelia, Harrlgaaa Heir, Gila 618*9 Tijuana •" f 146%fast 29 112 l« C Duggan 10 Bob Baker. Tralaae, Yukon B 51S03 Tijuana ::-4 13 In M" L Mills 10 Cat field, Yuki.n. Anna Jackan 51701 Tijuana r.-s 142%faat lo 1 1 j t"1, l: Carter lOBerder, Cal Corn, Blagleader [ COL. MURPHY/, b. g, 4 107 By Theo. Cook— Harvest Queen, by Peep oDsy. r,i Trainer, C. H. Rowe. Owner, C. H. Rowe. 52H1 Tijuana 5-S l:01%fast 4 • 110 ~.r. V Chiavtall C-A.Ckejr, 1». Adams, LewisB. "Vi B31M Tijuana 51 f 1 :»■ fast 7-5 10J 8»« B MarCellill Divland. link Tenny. Welsa M9!t0 Tijuana 5 f 148 fast lf 1"! C!fl Yearfrinll.Mincial.lini. CTr tlieWay. Perck B 51S97 Tijuana S-8 llBl%faat 11 112 !•» J P.oon v 11 Pfre«l«ce, I.a.lySmall. UtfUdeB. NBB4 Tijuana Ei f 141 faat E9 UB 4-"J Yeargin 12 Keg, Mineral .Tim, Bteldiff PERCH, b. m, 8 108 By Ivan the Terrible — Skeptical, by Himyar. Trainer, Z, Barnett. Owner, Z. Barnett. , ",.107 Tijuana 5J-f VHR fast I IN •" . J CaUahan 10 -8nil.3fajrRie. MoteOn, BusyBird v E2BB2 Tijuana ~ t M fast 10 111 5*4 B Carter 11 Hoover, CarCura. Clear the Way _ KUB9 Tijuana 54 1 148 fast t;-0 i 7 :- B Carter 11 Min..lim. lr tlieWay. C.Murphy E 01902 Tijuana 6 f l:071rfast 9f 10:. "i B Mari.lli 0 Mil. la. Riposta, Smiling Maggie ..1641 Tijuana 51 f 148%faat c 107 I J Clesaaatall Hex. BabyGfn, .1. I. MOrdock :: PRETTY BABY. ch. m, G 108 By Sir John Johnson— Irish Girl II., by Roy. Eblem. J Trainer, J. Hoskins. Owner. J. Hoskins. . 6SBBB Tijuana 51 r 1 :is; fast 5 112 y V. Hayvrd 11 Hoover, CalCnm, Clear the Way ~ ri642 Tijuana :.-4 1 :la%fast 6 Nt .1AY Taylor 1 Jolm Jr.. XelliiAYitwcr. MoveOa 51584 Tijuana 5] f 148 fast 9 IB8 4-1 W Iliniihy 9 Don .lose, IrMi Maid. TIBotTO « £151.. Tijuana lmTOy l:47%faurt 14 112 S A Martin S Marie Council. Reveler, lteydo 51244 Laurel 3*4 l:M%srood EC MB 3 1 ! 3 J Grneiscnl4 FiikleKaiK y. 1". Connelly. Iranm THIRTY SEVEN, b. g. 8 115 By Abe Frank — Kiamesha II., -by Clifford. Trainer. L. M. Schultz. Owner. L. M. Schultz. 52032 Tijuana 5-8 1:89 fast 14-0 1 1 1 I* 1. Mills 11 BaayGirt, BwtTooth, Kaslerati , f.i 74:. Tijuana ::-4 1 ». 110 n4i 1. Mills 11 MoTeOa, Bgeorte, T.BenrMge _ 51i," r. Tijuana n1. f 1 41 4-5 ]o7 1" L Millis 8 Pluager, Our Leader. DandyVan 1 61537 Tijuana 5i t l:0S%fast 17-3 114 1- L Mills 11 Wcinland. Steleliff. Art Itick 50205 Reno 3-4 l:14%fast 2i 112 3» L Mills 8 Sliam.f;recn, G. Flush, Y.Tllbow , • NELLIE WILWER. br. f, 4 110 By Martinet— Marie T., by Ogden. Trainer, F. W. Ritsch. Owner, J. W. Tate. 51902 Tijuana ."■ f 147%faat 47-10 110 %* G Teargrln 9 Hilda, Riposta, Perck 517C4 Tijuana Eft f 14B%faat 4 MS 2* O Willis 11 M.I.a-s. May Manleby, l.Maid 51682 Tijuana 6ft f 148%taat E 111 Pft O Ycargin 12 Velvet, Dish Daisy. Welga * 50I42 Tijuana 3-4 1 7S M V% G YcarKin Pretty Baby* .Move On 51.".B4 Tijuana Eft f 148%fast 13 111 C|T McCugh12 P.Moody, Chantre-s. Waskofk DODE ADAMS, br. m, 5 113 By Luck and Charity — Tripod, by Bonnie Joe. Trainer, I. A. Clarkson. Owner. Clarkscn and Ramey. , met Tijuana 5-8 141 %f a at 2li IK G Teargin 11 C.A.Cotnisky, LewisB., Rleadcr 7 r, 51M4 Tijuana 5-8 141 fast 44f ill S« C McCkle 8 Clear Lajke, Klpoata, Hilda 51858 Tijuana B-8 141%fast 22-6f HI I1 A SekgWr 12 Sad Ram, 1luaser, Limerick 51887 Tijuana B-8 1:0:: 11-3 111 C1H Kinp 9 Emily M., Alice Carr, Lavaga 51€O0 Tijuana 5-8141 fast " 112 5»ft V Ctottd 10 Kifosta, Cal Cum. Ncg SISTER POLLY, b. f. 3 M 92 By Ruby Bird— Red Wing, by Downpatrick. Trainer, W. M. McClintock. Owner, G. E. Archer. 52210 Tijuana 5ft f 148 fast 83 91 2* P Hum 11 Ola !..■ •. Crowa, Chattan Court r *- 52MB Tijuana 5ft 1 147%faat 43 90 7"J a Yeargin in Riposta, Cover Up, Irish Daisy E1877 Tijuana 5-8 l:02%fast 49f no . i; Burns 12 JackLee, VeraWood, AuatAnale , ] E1B37 Tijuana Eft 1 146%fast BO 1*8 v 11 Betttg 8 C.opawn, HyaBpoai, iJwendos , 517K. Tijuana 5! f 1:10 fast 42 107 ir-l K 1ost G Full Moon. AiidreyA.. H.K.Aslier ; [ HUGO K. ASHER. blk. c, 3 97 By Enfield— Febette, by Bloomsbury. Trainer, I. N. Womach, Owner, I. N. Womach. -Tijuana I l:42%fast 7 91 8" l Hum 10 Examiner, T.P.HMha, L-lace ES148 Tijuana 3-4 1:M faat I IM ::. D Hum to PnlHIoon, IJ. Flower, LadyLovitl 1 58*18 Tijuana 3-1 i :1"- fast 99 112 2-L 1" Martinez 8 Rawla, Belks Mower, Daisy B1877 Tijuana E-8 142%faat 19 112 ".7 E Kator 12 JackLee, VeraWood, AuntAnnie . 61715 Tijuana 51 f 1:M fast G H5 V R MeCVan 1 FuMM.m.m, Audrey A., Bis. Polly J .. DO ADMIT, b. m. 6 113 By Rey Hindoo — Admit, by Ingoldsby. Trainer. H. Bell. Owner, Millerick Bros. • riiiuii.a 5i* 14S%fa«t 28 II.: r Martinezl2 V. the Way. P. Direct, Rosellis s . 51917 Tijuana 5-8 142%f»st ." 108 I1 . Yeanrin lS..A.Carr, VaieatineLady, O.Wall 11 51782 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 17 i«h; i; Taylor 12 Irish Daisy. Josenta. Clsrreriuma E1887 Tijuana 5-S I:03%fast 7 ill • | C Thpson !i Ennl. M.. Alice Carr, Lavaga 5M88 Tijuana 5-S 142 fast 261 113 "JC TrnpsonlO Blposta, Cal Cum, Ke$ CHAS. CANNELL, blk. g, 10 113 By Dick Welles— Lunette, by Favor. Trainer, J. Pelter. Owner, Pelter Bros.. 52882 Tijuana .v f I 47 ■ fast 88 112 7 ■ , A Zelglcr II Lobelia, V.Welles, Hgans Heir 1 . 1857 Tijuana 3-4 1 :!•".. -.1 ast 17 11.". V - A Keifrler in striker. Modiste, Examiner 5171 1". Tijuana 5-8 141%faat -7 112 7»ft A /.■ U;l. r 11 Tlltotison, Can-ion. Milda 5O-01 Bono 3 1 l:ll%faat 7-5 113 2 A icigrler 8 HikeDaly, P.Douglaas, Argeata 0