Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-12


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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS, LA.. TUESDAY. "JANUARY 11, 1B20. Pair Grounds. Ninth day! Pirslness Meiis Uae-in Association. Winter Meeting c f :t:; days. Weather clear: temperature 75 . Stewards, I.. . Smith. M. M.e fail.in and A. i . Mehle. Judges, J. P. Campbell and J. MtlA-uuun. Starter, A. B. Bade. Raciag Secretary. Joseith MeLccnan. Baciac starts at 2:P" p. 111. Chicago time 2:15 p. mvi_iXlndi«-.itc s apprentiei aHowaace. RTOQ/irh FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 7. 1910—35—2—115. Purse 51.000. 2 -year-olds. OaidO-ivr Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses A Wt PPSt Vi S Str !• in .loekevs Owners O H O p~S 52270PSTAR TIME w 108 2 1 V Pr~Tarvis A IVdatc-ro 2. P ::. C-0 "-:. 52175 PPPl- KINNEY will 1 2 3J P* T Nplan T H Cross 2 l" 10-51 :■;, FLYING PPAPTY w 10.; 8 .:" t* L McDottJ HeRering 15 38 :» 10 :, - .MAIP. KT KLXOPA w MO 8 I I- 4- H Gregory Hall Bros. i, n SB in .; 32870 LAND SAIL w 106 1 a ;■ ;.- H PoniV-iliC Van IBchelck 21- 25 25 10 5 53 1!»: WAR RELIEF w 111 E 1 B Ol J WitilamaJ H Loueheim 13 U0 20 O c KATE BRUMMEL v los 3 7 78 7 C Ponce H Roaeachcr T o o s-5 4-r. 83217 ■ 1.HVKI.IKST w 135 8 li N v F "Po.ttiS A Clopton 2 21 31 l 1-3 DADJA w P T s :• :i li Stearns W L Bernhardt 10 80 18 IB .. Time, 12-6, 24, 3623. Track fast. Winner — Ch. jr. by St.tr Shoot — Anytime, by Yankee i trained bv J Randolph: bred bv Mr John E Madden. Went t" post at 2:17 At pest 1 minute Start yeol and slow Wen easily: second and third driv-in- STAB TIME, a fast beginner, ahowi I the most speed sad lost some -round by eomiag wMe into tlie stiet.h. but litiish il gamely and oatetayed FPLU KINNLV. TJ»e tettet waa farced to coaae wide when the Winner ran OBt ami had to stand a hard drive near the end to outstay FLYING HF.AVTY. The latter ran a Rood ran- and was going fast at the end. MARGARET ELNORA came fast tkBOBfh the lust eighth. LOVELIEST was away slowly and always fur back. KATE BRIMMF/L also was alwavs far back. tOOJI SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 19, 1916— 1 :05%— 4— 129. Purse SI, 000. OOt-l. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. S100. ~ Index HorgPH AWtllgt % Str Fin .lockeye Owners O U C B 30902 RANCOCAS vr 110 .■ 2 9 3 V 1» C Rob *onCrowr. Stable 10 20 10 4 2 ." . 198 DAY LILLY w in.; H v fjj :M :: 2*1 .T Roberts 1" St John C 8 7 21 7-0 32271 ROLO WB 10" 1 S l1 11 2 :. S MeOmv .r A Coburn 3 «| 4i 2 1 .".2 155 TAX SOX w 116 12 1 :!». 4"k 4", 41 .1 V Mphv.I W Lean I s 7 2 7-5 52251 OCEAN SWELL. wb 105. 8 11 9i Si SI •, M F.nxton H C Fisher 8 1J 12 .*. 1 5213SPHiLAXDERER wb 100 6 7 0", 7 6" S* F smitu J C Caha 20 ZS X 10 :. 52219 EPISODE WO 113 2 12 6: Si 7 7: I. Lylce A S Woodcliffe I 0 0 2 1 52155*MISS RANKIN w in:: :; i | 5*1 s- s1 L McDottC Farrel! 1". 20 20 I I 52219 THE .MOOR wn 113 11 12. || 13 !- . Q Stack M K- .1 Lost"in 10 1". 1.". I 3 49728 WILL O THE WISP v 107 l:: 0 12s llMO- 10 C, Ston. 5! H Fletcher M 20 M I 4 H«— EXPLOSIVE w MS 7 S 1"".!0- U« U* F Murphy K P SummerfieldlO IS 10 i 2 5225 1* WEDGWOOD v. M S 10 11- 12- W 12 .1 MoTiRt.l .1 Murphy 4 4 1-6 4-7. 52093 VULCANIZE W 113 4 t 7 3*113 13 V GlUlettiD Gideon 10 IS 10 0 3 Time. 2315. 47%. 1:00%. 107%. Track fast. Winner — It. c. by l.ovetie — Iliantasma. by Ormonde or Golden Garter trained by J. .1. Case] : bred by Mrs. L. A. Livingston. Went to post at 2:42. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won liandily: seeond and third driving. RANCOCAS. away well, followed SOLO closely until in the last eighth, where he raced into the load and won galas away. DAT LILLY saved much ground m tke turns and. finishing fast, cot up in the last stride for second place. ROl.O set a fast pace ami tired badly right at the end. TAN SON ran a geed race and had no mishaps. BPI80DK tired after going a half mile. WEDGWOOD Mas awav badl . Wl Mil III i J StfSffll Alberta B . 188: 0137s Serial Star. Ill; 52271 Tony Sutton. !».: 51788 Has. IK!. Overweights— Philanderer. 1 pound. EOO /|0 THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1918— 1:11%— 6— 116. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds W«UtA and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses A WtPTst % ~% Str Fin Jockeys" Owners O H~0 P B *2177 ULTRA GOLD WB 6 110 13 3 4 21. I1 1- L Morris Sunnylund StablcS 10 E 2.. 6-C 51926ST. DHONNEURwa 5 118 8 7 1* ljj 2". 2 G Rabin Huucr Stable 3 4 : 6-6 35 52291 •ST. ISIDORE WB S 110 10 1 V 5* 2f» L MoDottJ E Nash S I 3 7-0 .V»029: SAGAMuRK w 4 106 r 1 7- # 4. 4- A RiChcr*kJ Arthur 0 10 10 4 I 521 17: "APPLE JACK II wis 0 10;! I I 6. S*k 81 5» .1 J MneyK H Harvey Z 1 21 1 1-2 712232 HERALD I — WIS I, id:. 11*-.; 3* 3* SI S* H Kins J If Goode 10 12 8 3 S-0 ."•2180 •GROUND-SWELL w 3 US 7 3 SHU 71 V" S MitiheHI. Gentry S 12 12 S I 50628 PROGTOWK w 0 112 0 10 ss Si- S.A S* A -ollin i C A Applepate SI tiO « 20 M in44M* LOUIS A. « i: 4 10S 12 11 !i- IP 9 VJ .i Roberts O Meara Bros. 10 20 10 S :: •rl«66 ROYAL DUCK wit 1 Kfl 1 12 11- M| HI 10- G Stack M £.- J Lowstein 8 10 10 4 2 51760 LOUISE V. W« t 101" 9 13 M* 11» U2 IP L McAtee I»unnand Cahn 20 IS 20 s 4 51929 SLGARMIXT W 4 Ml 2 I 123 12:! It* 12* P Mur]ihv B P Summorfield 20 00 00 20 10 52201 AMAZE ws 1 109 3 5 12 13 13 13 X Barrett K P Lettellier 10 20 20 8 4 Time, 2325. 47 M . 1:1245. Track fast. Winner— Ch. «. 1 y Joldcn Maxim — IHimate. by Goldfinch trained by K. A. Smith: bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnardi. W-nt to iiost at S:0C At post 4 minutes. Start K°od and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ULTRA GOLI . well ridden and away forwardly. was saved under restraint until in the last eijihth. win-re In- raced bate the lead with a rush and won as his rider pleased. TAHLEAl" DHONNKCR showed the mo-t early speed and set a gnat pace, but gave way when challenged by the leader. ST. ISIDORE linished fast and camely. SAGAMORE ran well. HERALD Showed speed, but quit. APPLE JACK II. was always will an GROUND-SWELL retired after going well or three-eighths. Scratched — 52232*Dr. Carmen. 110: 51920 Frederick the Great. 100: 5227 Alexander. 105: 52252 Frank Monroe. 113. Overweights — Louise V.. lj ponads; Sug.irmint. 5: Amaze. 1. PJTOQ/IQ FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916— 1:37%— 5— 10G. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds f-" *wO~iO and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000: second, 30: third, 20. Index Horses AWt PP St % % 3Tstr Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P B 52233-TIPTY WITCH ETwB G 117 2 1 2 2i 21 2,; 1U T Rowan Bauer Stable 4-0 1 2-0 1-S out 52294E. RICKBACHERw 4 lio 1 2 Ill- l1 1 2- J W MphyJ R Skinker 6-5 8-5 8-5 1-4 out 52274-DAXC1XG SPRAT w 0 its :: 12 2, 2 2 2 T Jarvis Treacy and WalkerS 10 s 1 out Time, 2345, 47V5, 1:12V5, 1:38%. Track fa-.t. Winner — It. g. by l.roomstick — Lady Frivolcs. by St. Simon trained by G. C. Winfrey: bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to post at 3:35. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. TIPPITY WITCHET was Bared close up from the start and raced into the lead in the stretch to win as his rider pleased. EDDIE RICKENRACHHB showed line speed in pacemaking. but was done after going seven-eighths. DANCING SPRAY was close up at the end and ran a good race. Sera tchPrt— 1 02234 Pictor. 107. KS Q/i/| FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1 :444a— 3—104. Pickwick Claiming Han-•3 « O TC TC dicap. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 00; second. 42: third, 28. Index Horses AWtPPSt V* Vfe % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O H S 52118DARK HILL w r. 5 lot; 0 1 Ill1 Ill1 1 J Roberts Farnum and Fizer 21 :$ 11-57-101-4 52254 FLIETYGIKEET WB 1 l"o 2 W E* 4»k 2l 2 Ponce Robson and Rdel 8 10 15 -r, 2 52296 FAIR ORIENT WBJ10C 1 . 2:1 4- Ol 4: S» 17 Pool R L Baker 7-5 S-5 2-2 2-0 1-0 72297 VETERAX vn 0 107 4 0 4- * 21 » 4- W HoiifchKry A.- Dahnken S 8 3 4-0 52221 THE WIT WB 4 111 0 •: o S 0 S*| S SWfcb J J Murphy Sf 7 0 7-0 2-0 52297 KLKLUX W 0 Ml :. 2 2 V :;.. 6 •; J J MaeyC W Hall 12 15 12 4 8-0 Time. 24%. 48%. 1:14%, 1:40%. 1:46%. Track fast. Winner — I!, g. by Fowling-piece — Pitch Dark, by Tarporley trained by H. Randolph; bred in England by Mr. R. Dalgliesh. Went to post at -1:00. At post 3 minutes. Starl good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. DARK HILL, shewing tine speed, was rushed into the had at once and kept it. but had to he ridden hard in the last sixteenth to out-fay FLIltHKRTYGIBRKT. The latter began slowly, but came with a rush through the stretch. FAIR ORIENT seemed to sulk and dropi ed back before reaching the stretch, but finished with a ru-h. VETERAN tired at the end. KlKLUX showed speed for threc-qnarters. Scratched — 522K=Tantalns, 107: 52296:nurry Shannon. 107; .022.! Panaman, 102. Overweight: — Veteran. 1 pound. CTOQ/I CT SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Fob. 12, 1916— 1:42%— 4— 113. Purse ,000. t3 mi o3 "i *3 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses A WtPPSt % M: % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 52276 HANK ODAV wn ! 100 8 i 1- P 1- 1- l» M Garter W Lock 2, 18-52 1 1-2 52231 SAMMY KELLY w v. 5 100 1 :: 3*1 2 2- 2l 2* H King T .1 Carroll 5 6 4 8-5 t" 52010 LIGHT WINE w 1 107 i 7 B 41 S* V 2- S Wida E K BtTBOn 4 7 7 21 S-5 32293 JACKSTEAW w 7 100 4 1 ." S" :1 0- I .1 Gruber A L Kirby 0 8 8 2 8-0 B2t23*GLEX WELL w 1 107 7 1 41 i* 5- 41 0- L Aroi W J Reidel 4 0 41 8-0 4-0 52008" :* HARVEY SMARRv. 5 101 2 S 7 Is 7° il 6* T Jarvis .1 - W XumakerlO 20 20 8 4 821S9*COCKROACH w 5 104 0 2 2" ::l ft 7 7 .1 Roberta B Howard I I s 2 so r.227«*ALHEXA WB :• 101 35S8S88L McDOttI .McPherson 6 10 8 2, 8-0 Time, 24%. 48, 1:13%. 1:40%. 1:45. Track fast. Winner — P.r. g. by Peep oDay — Erie Belle, by King Eric trained by J. Booth: bred by Mr. George Carley 1. Went to post at 1:30. At post 3 Bttaates. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. HANK ODAY. showing much speed, raced into a good lead at once and easily held sway for the entire race. SAMMY KELLY raced prom in ntly from the start and. under hard riding, outstayed LIGHT WINE The latter closed a gap ami linMicd fast and gamely. .IACKSTRAW tired at the end after closing a gap. COCKROACH quit after going a half mil* Scratched -02271-Omer K.. 8S ; ",2271 Lovise Wynne. s t: C2273I Pinilico. 87; D2282=Kesiah, 99: 522..:, Serbian. 104; .".22.0.0 Susan M.. lot: B2SM Loren.i Moss. i!i; 02272 Teachers Pet. 102: 52223 Rluebannock. 101; r,117.l Westermau. 92: 52205 Judge Price, 101: .-.227C Annette Teller. .12. Overweights Sannii Kelly. 1 poaadj Light AVine, 5. CrQ * /!£ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. March 7, 1916— 2:04%— 5— 101. Purse ,000. 4-year-itj md*J ~S:9 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. - Index Horses AWtPPSt *and Vfe~% Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P~ll 52181* SO LID ROCK W 8 103 2 2 4 3 2° Ill4 L Aron W Smith i 7 fi 2 1 52270OX ilioil w IMC 1 2 3 41 21 V 2- C Ponce .1 Robertson 0 ; 21 7-0 7-10 5227.VWARLIKE v, 1 M 10 I 7 7" 01 01 3 L VIcDottT J Pendergast 8 10 10 4 2 52275 ■"ALSTRAL, WB 0 112 8 10 !".l.;0 Sl 63 1: L Morris A Swenke 2". 21 t 6-5 2-0 52275-CAPITAL CITY w 7 10! 7 4 li S* 41 4" 6? L McAtee .1 Kennedy 11-516-516-66-5 3-5 52293* ROYDEX w 4 M 6 :• 10 01 5] 7! J- T Taris .1 Rooth 10 20 10 0 2 52154*RROKLAXD W • HO 1 1 1- 21 7= S= 7 J Roberts D McDermid 10 20 IS S 3 52256 LOTTERY wn 7 MS 4 | :, pj U v s" C Rot s„i Marshall Bros. I I I 2 1 52030 BILLY STlART w M MI I 7 S1 ! - H H gia SchwtzO W.-ndol 100 MO 100 40 20 52255 ADELAXTE « 1: 7 112 I 0 5* S 10 10 10 J Gruber r Oddo M St W 20 10 Time, 25, 50. 1:15, 1:41. 2:07%. Track fast. Winner — I!, g. bj Trap Rock — Amaranth, by Sir Dixon trained by F. Farrar: bred by Mr. P. J. Millett. Went to post at 4:57. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. W asily; secoad and third driving. SOLID ROCK raced Close up from the start and. saving much ground when coming into the stretch, raced into the lead and won going away. o.N HIGH tried 10 run out on all the turns nmJ feet mudi ground, but finished well. WARLIKE closed a gap Bad, finishing gamely, oatstajred AlsTK.M.. The latter suffered from interference. CAPITAL CITY had no mishap-. LOTTERY and P.ROi iKl.AN D quit after alternating in early pacemaking. Overweights — l.rookland. I pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921011201/drf1921011201_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1921011201_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800