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! i i j ■ I i . ; j L J i ! i ; : f j [ 1 :| | " I ? i f ! " I 1 | I J] | ! s I I ; i e j a 1 I " ! ■ I p s s| II • I is ! ; 1 | " P , ■ 1 " e • is s I P! n JAMES ROWES GREAT RECORD Has Trained Many Famous Horses During His Long and Successful Career. James Lowe, who presides over the large and ■ powerful racing and breeding establishment of H. P. Whitijey. the leading winning owner of M0O, has nn enviable record as a trainer of race kataea. It was in 1S-70 Hint Kowe mnde his first appearance on the turf as a jockey and was for several years one of Americas leading riders. He rode Harry | j P.assett when he defeated L ngfellow in their famous j j race. When Kowe became too heavy to ride he took up the profession of training, his first engagement being with T. P.. and W. K. Davis of Virginia. Later he beenme trainer of the-famous Dwyer Pros, stable and as such won ninny big sinkes with such grent horses as Hindoo. Luke Blackburn. Hhndnmnnt luis. Warfiehl. Miss Woodford and others. In IMKli Ihe late August Belmont, father of ihe present chairman of the Jockey Club, hired Kowe as his trainer. While in his employ he wn many famous laces with Potomac. La Tosca. K.-icelnnd nnd others. After the death of Mr. Belmont. Kowe tried his hand at stnrting nnd he wielded the flag on the New York tracks. Latei In- handled the formidable stable f W. P. and L. S. Thompson. who owned such good horses as LAlotiette. One I Lave, Iteqiiital and Preston. In 1MM Kowe became associated with the late .lames K. Keene as the trainer of one of the most ] owerful and successful racing stables in the world. In 11*07 the Keene stable, trained by Kowe. won seventy races and I S3H7.342. the largest sum ever won b.v an individual I owner in one year, here or elsewhere, and that record stands today. In 1910 Kowe became trainer of the late W. C. Whitney stable ami after that noted turfmans death continued to the present time , | | ! in the same capacity for the son. the present H. 1. Whitney. During the last forty years Kowe ■ has trained some of the most faiims h-orse* of American turf history and n conservative estimate , j | of the money won b.v the horses he hns trained in , his lung and successful career i~ placed at tpo.OOO.- 000. Iii Ian veins I,,, has noi personally trained nil I the Whitney imises. hut as manager of that power , fill racing establishment has divided it into several divisions, generally retaining the stars of the stable . , ! for his own personal supervision and training. That he has lost none of his cunning and ability the , ! ! wonderful record of the Whitney stable in 1920 is . ! convincing and subsiantinl evidence. The training record of James Rowe for the pnst fourteen years. I here presented, shows that he saddled 87." winners. which won .fl.704.4q." . concrete testimony of his j j greatness in his chosen profession: Year Wins. Amount j 190.-. 28 S 22K.724 19011 U 155.518 ! 1907 70 897.342 : I90K " 0 2S4.33." ? IMS 19 111.72". J 1910 22 .V..340 1913 18 L-,.930 1P14 17 41.190 . 19L". 10 "...".9ti 19H! 18 8S.CM 1 19J7 13 3S.993 191S 11 2ti.732 j 191» Hi .".4.918 MS* 10 LV..434 J Total 141 375 ,704.40:, . , a — .