Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-23


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 22. 1921. Oriental Park. Forty ninth day. mI.m -Ainei i. -an .Jockey :ii il Auto lull. Winter Sleeting f UN days of mare. Weather clear; temperature 90 . Steward-. .1. ILh hmci-toi . I . II. I.an-dalc .in. I F. .1. Union. Starter. «MI K. Milton. Itncing S.-c-r-t :ll . II. Natll.in-on. Killing st.irt-. :it 2:15 li. in. Chicago Base 1:4- p. ml. •Indicates apprent i o allowance. jrOfT OA FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 21, 1916— 34%— 2— 113. Purse 1921.sh0. 2-year-olds. OOOv Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. I TnilPX Horses A Wt PP"s"t~vr *4~ Str Kin Jockoya~ Wwners i H O P 8 h " .V 407-.It l [ Jl M w ItS 4 1 1 Ll W Kebmy B Cebrian » 6-6 2-6 1-6 C3847 PINNACLE . lin i. 1 l* - B Ktundyli P Whitney - Q -1 i !-6 S8407ELIAS O. a 111 1 I 3« 8»* C H MlllerE I Springer 8-5 1 - :;-.". 1-1 B814M OPULENT r 113 3 4 I I I* .1 DomtckWUItMM Bros t* 7 7 If 6-6 .".■,•170 SQUAW CHIEF wb IM ! 7 S 6*1 1" Wilaon W R Coe ORRIS lli 7 •• V B Bills Williams Bros ft 7 7 21 6-6 NAVI8CO W 11" S I 7 7"i- .1 Dawson 1 G .Julian 27 26 27 10 ."■ i 5X491 CAIM1TO « 111 6 6 8 • J Penal verAnaoala Stable 3D 36 :; i 10 5 .Coupled in betting; no separate place •!• thorn bettiag. Time. 23.,, 34% leqaal* track record. Track fast. materia paid, Job Joe, . :;.7o straight, 82.50 place, 62.10 shew; Piaaacte, tS.1V place, 62224 -how: Elian 0 . 62.30 Know. Bqaivalenl booking odd* Jos Job. K5 to mil straight, 23 to 109 place, •". to loo dew; Pinnacle :;:!•". to mo place. 1" to 100 show: Klin- .. IS to loo show. Wiaaer B. f. i Yon runup Joardaia, by Watercress traiaed by I. Lowe; bred by Mr. Edward Cebrlaa. Wiiii i" pest al 2:83. At post ■• minute-, start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv-bag. .lor .lor set a great pace from the start aad area easily. PINNACLE raced la closest pursuit, finished gamely and outstayed KI.IAS O. throagh the ln-t eighth. The Utter raced gamely. OPULENT came extremely wide when enteriag the stretch, bat Balsa* il fast, BQUAW CHIaTf ran straight, but i uulil nut get up. Beratehed Anna II., lie. grtprO-l SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920 — 1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and [ O dal i3 •! -L upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses A WtPPSt M, ,4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 ; B9188 AHERICN EAGLE w 6 111 II 2J 2»1 1s ll W Crump E .Mock 1 1 1 2-6 1.5 B9M1* DRIFFIELD wa 7 114 1 E 4" 3 ■■- 2 N .1 P/rawA C Niehaua 6 E I 21 G-5 BM6M LUCIE MAT wa t 107 4 2 Ill* 2*3* A Ptckena i: Strewhridge I ■ I 2i i-5 52338 GALOPIN btb 1 ii- - 7 3** 4- 4"t 4uk c raws a W G Caaaphiill 20 86 20 s 4 ."•2438 SUPERIOR w 4 166 :• 4 .". 6* 6j 6 F MerhaeeW Duggan t t 1 6-6 4-5 .VJ*J47*l..lY [ONE wb i M6 E ■ 6* s" 6" 6| .1 Fraacia .1 s Baldwin 8 I I •! K-5 ; BttS4**JUANITA III. w I BO 8 * ■ H Bi "- L Penaaan t TurkI I • 6 -1 ■ r 6S49S DINTY MOORE w I 168 • 3 7!I 71 71! 6»* V K.lay W M Sheedy 2] -_ Q 1 1-2 5tSSB*FAR EAST « I M8 7 I 1 I 8 I . Pita M Willi; ms 66 M :;0 H .7 Time. 23. 47?-5. 1:11%. Track fast. Su nuitu.-ls paid. Aaaericaa Eagle, s:.7» straight, 6S-1« place, 62.7U show; DriCfeM, 65.64 place, S3. 70 , show; Lade May, M.io show. Bqatraleat iM.okiny odds Americaa Eagle, 83 ta loo straight, ", m 100 place, BB t KM show; ; Drifseld, 193 to Hki place, ■" t" kmi show; Lucie May, 1241 to loo show. Wiaaer Ch. li. by Tin- Maaage* Star Cat, by star si t traiaed h T. Smith; bred by Mr. Thaaaas - . McDowell. • Went t«i peat .it i:.".t;. At past . miaatea. stmt c I and -low Woa easily; second and third driving. AMERICAN EAGLE, clone up from the stmt. p.isS ni LUCIE MAY after rounding tin- Inst turn and drew away to win easiag ap. DRIFFIELD saved groaad on tin- turns and outstayed LUCIE .MAY in the stretch drive. Tin- latter set a great pace to the stretch ami tired. GALOPIN ran a goad race. I Beratehed 52434 Semper Stalwart, 113. Overweights Lady lone. 3 poands. - ptT prQQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920 — 1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and 1 OWO«Z upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. | Index Horses A Wt lPSt~r~%SttrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 8 - " j ! : -J IS1 -PRIX. MYRTLE wbb 4 M7 7 7 7 Jl 4" 1 1-* MerlmeeJ D Bartolomeo :: :: :i ii-5 ,i-5 . Bt4Sl*8MITE wb 4 144 ■ i ■■" 4* "■ -" B Kenndy W H Hull 4 14 -i 4-."i Btt4M MUGIVAN a 1 Hi 1 4 :- 2" 21 J* A rryon A Teaapeat ■ -• ao s 4 j I SSStS** HUNTRESS a M Ml i 1 4S* 4 •• 4] R McLhllnJ J MeCafferty 3 2 2 4-6 2-6 Bt4B l*DIRECT*R JAMESwb 1 104 1 •". ink pi iu ;,»k r Wilson H Herdel i i ti U .;-." BS4S4 LA KROSS wa 5 111 I 1 B»* i «* ■ 6* W Cramp Wllliama Bros 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 »l»tS*PRESUMPT*N wa 12 141 ;• 3 6*11 7 7 .1 Fran. is M M ShieMa 21 2| 21 1 1-2 i Time. 2345. 48. 1:14%. Track fast. j S2 mntaeu paid, Priaeeaa Myrtle, 1.30 straight, 6i-20 ataee, 6S.70 -how: smite. 64.89 place, .S3. 40 ! show; Magivaa, SS.30 show. ■qahraleat iiookinu adds -Priaeeaa Myrtle. 47.". to 1o» straight, 109 to 109 place, B8 to KM shew; ; 1 Smite. 110 to 100 place. 70 to 1oo show: Magivaa, 313 to 100 -how. Wiaaer B. f. by Prlace Ahmed— Myrtle Marion, by Wooistborpe trained by C. H. Neal; ferei by r Mr. 11. t;. Bad well. Weat to post at 3:1 . At po-t 19 miaatea. Stmt good and alow. Won handily: atcoad ami third 1 drivlag. PBINCES8 MYRTLE began slowly aad had a roagh race in the early raaadag, but found an ii I opening next to tin- Inside rail in tin- stretch ami. Baiahiag with a rash, won going away. SMITH was bumped by HUNTRESS at the start, but ran well ami finished gamely MUGIVAN ran a goad race and 1 finished close up. l.A KKOSS moved up on the outside after rounding the far turn, but tired after get- ! ttag to the ledaer. DIRECTOR JAMES set a last pace to the last eighth and qait I Beratehed — 52408Misa Wright. 110: r.L 434 Mayrose, 107; .".0X77 Ordeily. 10s. z rrtrOQ P0URTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920 — 1:11—6—102. La Discussion Handicap. dOtlO Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75: second, 50; third, 5 - Index Horses A WtPPSt "4 Vs % Str Kin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P 8 SttM W AK~Z NE wn S l"!t :; :. V 1- 1- 1" N J IJrnesR T Nickeraon i 31 -,h 1 1-- : BtlMHERRON w I il 6 l :; 3 8 V W Crump K L Alvaraa 1-1 1-2 H 1-5 1-16 0 I "•24! -J HENRY ;. wa 6 W 1 I 21 B* 4,# S.*l K Wilson t Moaahan 6 3 9 2 I r-.;:t-l! DR. CHAS. WLLSwb 3 63 4 4 i"M j* i" L Penman N K Deal 16 15 15 0 :: BtsttO discission w S 166 S - 6 El o- El !• MerlmeeJ R CarvaUo 10 10 10 1 1 StSSO TACOLA wa C 112 1 i I I 1 I .1 Pita O U Potts :: :! ;; 3-3 1-1 Time, 23. 47V 1:13. Track fast. miitueis paid. Wat Zone. 1.90 straight, 63.39 place, 62.89 ahow; Herrea, 62.30 place, .59 show: Henry J.. 63.30 show. Bqnivalenl l king odd* -War /.one. 430 to loo straight, oo to loo place, 40 to loo shew; Herrea, S, to 100 place, 23 to loo show: Heary c. 63 ta loo show. Wiaaer B. . by Doraado— Boco, by Matchmaker traiaed by A. I". Dayton; bred in Bagiaad by Mr. A. Crossmaa. Went to posl at 4:t». At post 6 minutes. Start « 1 and slow. Won driviag; BBCOBd and third the same. WAR ZONE set a last pace all the war. saved groaad on the turns and stood a drive reso lately. HEBRON was on the outside and came wide when eateriag the Stretch, but finished fast and barely failed to win. HENRY J. ran well and oatgamed DR. CHARLES WELLS in the final drive. Ihe latter ran well, but tired. TACOLA was outrun all the way. Overweights Discussion. 1 pound. _ pr§J erQ/i FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917— 1:05V5— 5—102. Purse 00. 4-year-•3 m O Lh ~n: olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPStT and % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 - - iSS4MZINDO wllll t; J li I1 1- li C H Miller J 1. Wade :: :. :: i-5 ?.-l . 4tT9S*BLONDEL wa 6 103 1 •. 6» B- 5* l" F Wilson II Herdel N 10 10 4 2 Ct45t* MARION HOLLIN8W 5 166 1 1 2" 3*2 "llk B KenndyW II Hall 4 4 4 6-5 1.7 StSSI LOYALIST w 5 105 :: :: 4 1 t; t t . Iitz Roaedale Stable 6 •; ."• 2 1 5tS4M*LANGHORNE wb 9 Ml I 7 2* 2* :: V I. I.nman W 1 CanapheU ti ti 6 BJ 6-6 62401 CA VAN BOY WB 6 112 : .7 61 5 6* 6*6 W Cramp I! C Woods :i ll 2!. 1 1-- ." -J43: HOCNIR W 19112 s S 10* V 7 7- R McD*OttW I". nnnngan I I •■ 21 6-5 Btltl HUN TER ll. ATT a i kM 11 1 7 . l 8 61 E Barnes .1 11 Moody 15 15 1.7 I :: .- i 4 «» 1 si.ir i;v SILVER wb 5 191 7 1" 1! N] H P R LeaaterAnaonia Stable 1 1 1 6-6 3-6 BOdiTStSWEEPLET a E 67 7 11 » II 10 10- s Low.- A Batcroft ." -70 .70 L"i pi ,"»l«»7 tHOSLER w 1 Wl 16 B 8 Bj 11 11 X .1 Brnest E J.cnuhan M N 10 20 10 fMatael held. Time, 23j, 48. l:00i, 1:99%. Track fast. miiiuis iwid. Zindo. ?;7.7o straight, .00 place, ,20 show: Bloadel, 3 J9 place. .ST.Lo show; M.mioii llollins .V8.i-.il show. . Bnaivaleal booking odd- Eiado, -7 i,, inn straight 130 to loo place, tio to Kin -how: Blaantet, .70.7 to loo place, 200 to loo show; MarioB llollins, 80 to 109 show. Winner it. «. by WaUh. Zind.i by Woolsthorpe trained by .1. Barks; i. ied by Mr. .1. Prather. Wini to pos| ,t 4:90. At po-t 1 minute. Start goad and -low. Won driving: second and third the same. ZINDO showed the I speed iimii the stmt and. going right to the front, raced MARION 1111.- i.l.vs into dcfc.it mnl gamely withstood BLONDELS challenge. The latter taiahed fast on the in-ide. MARION IIOLLIN8 tired, loyalist was cut oil soon after the start and Balahed on the outside in ij soli going. LANOHORNE ran a good half. Beratehed 32431 fickle Fancy. 110. Overweights Bweeplet, i ponnds. - CrtprOer SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 3. 1918— 1:444— 3— 92. Purse 00. .earolds a e3«3«J*3 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlP St_ Mt % Str Ki n Jockeys Owners O ii f P s Bt49S3BIANCA w 5 KVi • E 8] :: 4- 1- pik W~Kel.-a~T Dascn 6 i 6 21 6-5 - 1633-J SILVER SANDALS a T li . ■■ E 5* 6s :. 4- _; E Baraea A l."zarau I l l 3-6 1-5 ; S2454 HOMAM w 7 101 - 1 2" 1 2 ! ll F Wilaon Toggle :: :; :: 1 1-1 SS4tS*NIGHT WIND WB61U 6 R 6 7 I I !• S Boyle T Doyle 41 .7 .7 2 1 .-,•.1.71 CONSTANTINE WB 6 166 t 7 V -1 ■-.:■.:,_:. i; LcatiterW Sims 6 7 7 2. 6-6 Bt404*RHADAMBS w :•. ; pi:: l • r;. p~ i ::•. .;; . Penman L H Baxter I E9 E4 66 M ."•.•.HI LAMA w 5 144 ! 1 I 6 7- 7 * V* C H HUlerA F Dayton 10 19 1ft 4 2 BS4M BLAZONRY wa 4 113 7:7- a I 8 C Kaire s T Hedge 1 4 4 7-5 7-M Time. 24. 49V 1:1B%. 1:42. 1:4835. Track fast. sj niutiici- paid. Bianca, 620.00 straight, 1921.sh.09 place, .40 show; Silver Sandals, .s i.ihj place. .10 -how ; llnmam. 63.00 show. Equivalent i king odd*— Biaaca, 990 to 100 straight, 390 to 1 n» place. ILO to Hmi show: Silver ■r Baadals, Hm» t., mo place, 53 to 100 show; R omasa, SO to loo show Winner B. m, by .--:i-ai Alpaca. i irenioiit traiaed bj v Porterle; bred by Mr. Walter O. , Paimer i . Weal to po-t at 4:32. At past 3 mlantes. start K" d and slow. Won driviag; second and third the « same, iu i a was saved befaiad the leaders until an the stretch turn, where she moved up with a • rash and raced lato ■ good lead alter eateriag the stretch and had to be ridden oat at the end to our stay SILVER SANDALS. The bitter Bnished gamely and was wearing the leader down. HOMAM race-well " to the stretch and tired. RHADAME8 wok- up mil showed the t early speed, but quit la the " stretch. BLAZONRY ran out aa the tir-t turn. Beratehed— 52404 Kiagosi, 108; 52454*PIaatarede, 110. Overweights Biaaca, 1 pound. _ rOP *yft SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. «3fOOvJ 4-year-olds and irpward. Claiming. Net va.lue to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. » index Homes A WtPPgi "4 % % Str Wa Jockey Owners H C p s - " .Vl.-.l INCINERATOR i m I 5 4J 3 2» 2 | I] B Boyh F Wrhtpen 12 l-1.7 21 09494 SINN FE1NER « 5 WE I 1 :■ I- M :; 2» L Penman W L Oliver 3] 31 11 6-5 3-5 Btl4S*FOSTER EMBRY wn 5 142 2 12 r I :i . I- Wilson R B Allen 1 I 1 2-6 1-5 52493* KI, CORONEL a EMS 3 1 6 64 5 •■- Ij R LcaeterO Toggle I 6 I 2| b-6 1 SS490HATRACK a t M6 E I l 2* 3» I" 5J J Dreycr H A Cotton 2 I] 12 ., | SS4S4 *JACK HEALEY a » 106 7 7 7 7 7 7 6s J Francia .J 17 I I 2] 6-6 . BS493 OUR NEPHEW a 6 149 I 61 61 7 C H MillerF J Reams !■ 4-6 2-5 Time, 24. 48i. 1:10%, 1:41. 1:44%. Track fast. . mutiiei- paid. Incinerator. 1.00 straight, 0.70 place, 1921.sh.80 show: Sinn reiaer, S10.70 place. ,, .oo show: Foster Embry, 49 shear. i:.|iiiv.iient booking odd — Incinerator, 197S to loo straight, 735 to itn» place, Llu ta KMt show: Sinn m Fataer, 133 to ltsi place, 199 to loo show: Foster Bmhry, to to 109 -how. Winner- li. f. by Aeronaut ila-li. by Heno itr.miid by 1. Wri-peii; bled by Mr. Ldward I., "as-salt ;. i. Went to po-t nl 5:15. At post I minute. Start good and slow. Won driviag; second mid third t;ie ,e sane-. IM INERATOR responded resolutely after following Hie pacemaker closely to the stretch aaa i« outstayed SINS FEINER. The Utter Batshcd well and oatgamed Ihe tiring FOSTER KMBRY. Tiie ie latter tired after racing to Ike front aad leading under restraial to the stretch turn. 01 li NEPHEW IF wa- son When going to the posl Overweights— Jack Ueajcy, li pound;-, 1m m-.tator, 2, uiii Nephew, .1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012301/drf1921012301_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1921012301_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800