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■r O. , « a • " " _ » - 1 . ,, m ;. ,e i« ie IF SELECTION OF MARES FOR MAN 0 WAR William Allison, who boaght the sevea English mare- m w in Kentucky fo- Me— i- Riddle an I Jef-fords ami for especial mating wilh Man o War. has -aed an Hnglisll competition with three prizes .ml himself a- tin- referee tor those giving the beat reasoaa lor Hie selection ,,t the maies tor the Aaaericaa champs a. Here are tin- -even mares with their fuller pedigrees for American speculation rather thaa ci mpet i I ion : Mi— Btarligbl iinioi. by Watercress Colonial "Inn ..| lb- — tan l. Irj TreatOB, her dam Thankful Mo— b Parados The Apple dam of Oae I Love, bj Hermit. li iiuhariia 11010, by Bayards Gaase Ilea, by Ualliuule, ami racing to BarcaMlaes dam. Colette 1011, bj Collar Lady Di-dain II.. by Hanover, her dam Mkldlemarch, bj Billet sea of i li mom r t. . Itatano.a 1018, by Bel Herode Iink Clover, by . lton. her dam Trifle, by Baiafoin Ctmles. dam of Qneeng Holiday, by Bt. Shaoa Antlbes isisttt- fo Beabreese, by Isoaomy— St. Margoerite. a Ladj Comfy 1918, b. Rot Berode— Snoot dam I of Caligula and Snow Maideni. by Icrigoril. Smit i--ima 1918, by Bt. Angel,, DBovaata, by Si. Krusiiuin. her dam St. Marina, by Janissary— Bt. Marguerite. b llijmil. Bathing lllrl 1913, bj SpearaUal summer ;iri. ! b. Siiiiiiridge. her dam PermiKsion, bj Persimmon Bench. ■ Uattng to WeodjClalt t]am of KlPOTsftj