Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-23


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I h i [ ; ; , ; - I - 1 | - " j ! . j I i j ! ; 1 r 1 ii I 1 ! I z - : 0 I _ - - . . in ij - a - ; FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS, LA.. SATURDAY. JANUARY 22, 1921. Fair Grenada. Nineteenth day. Baaiaeaa Mens Itaeini; A— o.lation. Winter Meeting of :.:. days Weather clear: temperature 75 °. Stewards, i:. C. Smith, M Macfarlaa and A i Mehle. Judges, .1. H. Csmphell and J. Mcleaaaa. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:13 p. m. Chicago time :M." p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. PTQprOPf FIRST RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. March 7. 1916— 2:04%— 6— 101. Purse ,000. 4-year-OftJeih 4 olds and upward. Claiming. Net. value to winner 00: second. 00: third, 00. Index "Horses A WtPPSt 44 H % Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 8 3-J4S2 BROOKLAND w 4 106 1 I 3 31 -: I 1 .1 Heerel l McDermld 7 P 10 4 s" 5244»»PADDY DEAR wb 7 146 S 1 Is I" 1] - - .1 .1 MneyS A Clopton 23 IV 4 7-5,7-16 .-»»l«!» WALT. TRNBOW WB 6 110 7 7 4- A V V 1*1 W rlelnchS McNelM 21 4 21 1 2-5 419 CORYDON wb 4 ill I :: B* 2 A- V v E Pool A Laaader 1 6. 6 2 4-5 .7-1110 LOTTERY a 7 111 1 I 6 6* 6" 5" B1 N Barrett Marshall Bros is? 2[ 6-5 52S01 MANDINS COAT wb 5 106 .7 4 7 7 7 6" V Q Stack M Loweaatela 7 P 7 i"; 6-fi .",;;." : WILLDO w 8M9 I .7 61 6* ii1 7 7 1 ConrllvH Herron 7 10 7 21 ti-.7 Time. 24%. 49%. 1:14%. 1:41. 2:08. Track fast. Winner Ch. k, ly Star Shoot -Dike, by Sir DiXOB train, d by D. McDermid: bred by Mr. .lohn 17. Madden I. Went to posl at 2:19. At post 2 minutes. Start | I and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- ing. ItKOOKLANI raced into the lead with a rush after Im-jiik saved for the lifst mile and wen hard hold. PADDY DEAR showed the most early speed, but tired in the last qaarter. WALTER TURNBOW raced prominently from the start, bat was tiring la the stretch. CORYDON had no mishap-. MANDARINS COAT and LOTTERY were always far back. Overweights — Walter Tarn bow, 2 poands; Willdo. 1. prtrhprQQ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1 :11%— 6— 116. Eclipse Purse. Purse ,000. «3dalt300 4-vear-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses A WtPPSt S4 *4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P H 69407 MINUTE MAN w 4 110 2 1 2 2- L"i 1" T Jarvis M Dattner :! 4 4 1 i-:: 52401 TAB. DHONNURwb 5 111 7 I 1- l1 l V T Rowan Baaar Stable 6-6 7-6 7 101-: oat IfttSOO MAHONY WB 6 164 i 1 ::i V V H LansTd Florisant Stable :; 4i 4 6-6 2-5 53970 vim; CHING wb 4 1071 I I 6* 61 4 c G Stack M and .1 Low*eteia 16 36 i". r, • 5467 ST. QUENT1N WB E 112 7 I c- 6" 6] V P Kin*; Damn AL- Cahn 10 II 12 I 6-6 51496 ALBERT A w 6 166 17 7 7 7 •:- S Wbla Knight 16 SO M I 51677 END MAN w 1 10-!i I! 5 V V. 7- 7 .1 .1 Maej ft A loss 1.7 16 15 5 1 Time, 23 %. 47. 1:11%. Track fast. Wiaaer— Br. «. by Pataad — Mi— Measents, by FUigraae tral i by J. H. Davenport: bred by Mr. John i:. Madden l. Went to iio-t at 2:40. At post 1 minute. Start geed and slow. Won driviag; -econd ami third the same. MINUTE MAN suffered from betag cut oiT sharply in the Oral qaarter, but moved ap with a great rush in the stretch and outstayed TABLEAC DHONNEUR iu a Close finish. The latter set a great pace and only seccambed right at the end. MAHONY raced |ir. lnincntly from the start and tinished fast and gamely. YUNG CHING Balahed fast. BT. QUENTIN was badly outrun. Overweight — Tableau dHoaarar, ■" poaads; Yung Chiag, B44j; Bad Man. 3... K4T prQQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1918— 1:11%— 6—116. Peerless Purse. Purse ,000. tlislOOtl 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses A WtPPSt % ~fr Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C PS .72467 UNITED VERDE w US 4 5 .7 ., 21 1 N Barrett C W Clark 2 :. 13-61 1-2 .".2116 BUNGA BUCK w 146 E 4 I- 4 V 2- T larvis M Dattner 12 29 20 i I 62478 *RANCOCAS WB 169 2 2 2*3 31 1* :• L McAtee Crown Stable 21 :! 2 4-6 1-3 .■24«»7 TRUST OFFICIAL w c. 107 7 : 2 1 4 IV H King 3 Marino 3 5", S-.7 7-Ki BRITISH LINES WB 106 6 6 I H I 7 • F Smi.h T J Penriorsast 34 M 66 96 M .".-»4!»7 RAS v, 107 1 1 1 ■ 6 i II L-unsfdKlori.sant Stable 86 46 40 pi 5 5-J478UAV LILLY W 91 1 7 Lost rider. .1 McCof 1 St John 1.7 20 12 4 1 52440 BROWN CHECK wa 166 I Refused to go. E Pool B R Bradley o 4 4 7-a -j-i Time. 23. 46%, 1:13%. Track fast. Winner 15. c. by Golden Maxim- Yankee Tree, by Yankee trained by 8. V. Harms: bred by Mr. Thomas M. Murphy I. Weal to paat at 9:04. At po-t 1 minute. Start uood and slow for all but BROWN CHECK. Won driviag; second ami third the same. r.MTLT YERDE began slowly and suffered from interference at the start, but moved up fast in the last l|BBI ll I and. -tandini: a bard drive near the end. out-Lived the other-. BUNGA BUCK ran a goad race and trot up in the hist stride for second place. RANCOCA8 ran well, but tired in the last eighth. TRUST OFFICIAL raced into the lead and i|itit. BROWN CHECK refused to start. HAY LILLY lost her rider at the start. KAS s,.t the pace briefly. Scratched— r.244t Madeline Lillian. IIS. Overweighta— -Treat official. 1 pound; Ras. .".. •"hrr/lA FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12, 1916— 1:42%— 4— 113. West End tfialtl"xU Purse. ,500 Added. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000: second. 60: third. 30: fourth. 0 Index Horses AWtPPSt4 Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P B 58400* ST. ISIDORE wb S 107 1 1 1» 2* 2 1- li H HamtonJ E Nash 2-7 1-2 1-4 out— .Vi:L" 8-WARSAW WB7M1 3 ii 6" 6" 6*13 2l II Thurberl. A Broaddus 1.7 24 84 4 0-5 C84M IASTAI. SWAIN wa 6 166 6 ■ 41 4. 4- 2 :;■ A Collins ■ C Winfrey 4 8 * 2 1 2 58404J*TIPPO SAHIK WB8.101 2 7 O C, U 4- 41 H Stearns J T Went 10 10 10 8-3 1-- .Vi47» FLIBTYGIBBET w h 4 10.7 4 t 3j :: E] E .1 .1 MneyRobson and Rdel 10 15 12 21 4-6 52294 PANAMAN w 4 148 .7 2 ll ll 1 ti 6 F Smito Pelican Stable 15 20 15 4 G-5 Time. 23%. 47%. 1:12%. 1:39. 1:43%. Track fast. Winner — Ch. c. by Isidor — Oaaga, by Clifford trained by .1. K. Nash: bred by Mr. John Sanfordl. Weal to po-t at 8:30. At peal A minute-. Start feed and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- Ing. ST. ISIDORE, after being saved to the stretch, raced into the lead when called on and won under re-traint. WARSAW began slowly, but saved groaad on the turns and outstayeii PASTORAL SWAIN through the last sixteenth. PASTORAL SWAIN ran well, but had to be hard ridden all the way. TIPPO SAIIIIS tinished with a belated rit-h. PANAMAN quit badly after setting a fast pace to the stretch. Scratched — 52480 Romany . lol : 52500* Dr. Carmen. 108; 52801 Sir Grafton. 103: .",2::33Waukeag. 10.7: ."i24tii;-.lock Scot. 108; -72470 Ii Dry. 10.7. 0 sei w elghta — Pashsral Swats, 1 peaad. CTOK/I"! FIFTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. March 7, 1916— 2:04%— 6— 101. Purse ,000. 4-year-OOt!: A olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. Index Horses A Wt IP St K »4 Mtr Kin jockeya Owners O H C P S S844M* DAVID CRAIG w 10 106 4 2 ] l« V V I1 T Jarvis J Masterson 6-6 8-511 -102-S 1-6 .-•419:,PIT w s 111 2 : .- 7 ii :;•• _ J Heupel J Phillips :;i 4 3 4-5 2-5 R8410*AZTEC wb 8 106 E 3 ; ::H i" 2 :;- H OregaryH Field s 6J 15 4 :;-:: B2419* AUSTRAL w 0 106 6 1 I- - V :• 4« J Raherta A Bweake 4 6 5 7 5 1-2 StZOS SPBCTLAR GIRL w 1 104 :: .7 t; 6 I I .7- H TharherOMeara Bros I 15 12 4 8-5 SS44N McADOO wa 9 148 I 1 2* Li 1* II 6 .1 .1 kTaeyJ II Baker s II M 8-5 Time, 24%. 49%, 1:14, 1:40%, 2:08. Track fast. Winner — Ch. g, by Peep sDay — Avon II.. by Aviagtaa trained by It. I.. Rogers; bred by Mr. Charles I. Clay I. Went to po-t at $:S0. At post 1 minute, start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. DAYID CRAIG raced into a long had soon after the start, but had to be ridden hard iu the last eighth to outstay PIT. The latter closed an imineii-e gap in the la-t three-eighths and linished fast. AZTEC raced prominently, but tired in the stretch. AUSTRAL had no mishaps. McADOO tried to run sat most of the way. Scratched .724X2 On High. 108. ETOET/JO SIXTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. March 7. 1916— 2:04%— C— 101. Purse ,000. 4-year- OOtcbI olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPO t 34 Vfe % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 K2419**LAD w 9 164 :. 2 ::- :: 9 21 1 .1 Rebtrts C Drumhilkr 11521 2 4-5 1-8 52602* SANDY MAC w 1104 . 1 : - 2- :_ V :• .1 .1 Yn • Wendel 13-64] 4 8-5 7-10 ." 24l! CAPITAL 1TY w 7 1121 6 I 4 V 4! :. :: ; I. Lyki Oddo :: ?,l 13-61 2-6 52419*SOLID ROCK v. 8 149 4 1 ■ 6" *i 6« 4" 1, Axon W Smith 3] 4. :: 6-6 3-5 ."■ ." •»» NKWKI. W. w E Km; 7 i ll 1- 1- 4 5. P Long .1 L Knight 15 20 20 0 2 S8488*ROYDEN WB 4 104 17 7 7 .7 6 6* M HarsonW Lock 2 20 LO 0 2 .V237! GOLDCREST BOY a S 148 - 1 E» B» 7 7 7 K Smith Pelican Stable LO 39 M H 1 Time. 25. 49%. 1:14%. 1:41, 2:07%. Track fast. Wiaaer B. g, hj Doraate Marietta, by Oddfellow traiaed by 1. Heavaer; bred by Messrs. Chiaa and FOTS] the. Went to po-t at 1:21. At po-t 1 minute. Start good and -low. Won driving: second and third lae same. I. AD. close ap from the -tart, had to be ridden hard in the stretch, but stood it gamely and out -lived SANDY MAC in the closing -Hide-. Ihe latter ran a good race and made a game linisli. CAP llAL CITY was gaining steadily after Inning lost ground when coining into the stretch. SOLID ROCK lini-hed well. NEWEL W. made the pace to the stretch and tired. Overweights Capital City. 1% poands. CIQK/IQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1 : 44%— 3—104. Purse ,000. 3-year- tl««y"TO olds arid upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third, 00. index Horses AWtHlit 14 V4 *4 Str Fin Tockeys~~ Owners" 6 H 0~ P S y;i 17 I l; igtown w 6 112 3 3 31 3 31 2s Is f[ King C A Applegate 6 6 6 2 1 S19M*CHEER LEADR « J OS I 1 V V I* 3] 2* T Jarvis Maaaoa rt.- Rgera7-S 2 2. 7-!"i 3 684BO*SAGAMORE w I .is l 2 21 2: V r. S»l 1. McDotU Arthur .7 .7 :;. 7-7 -2 6844M TROILU8 n 7 106 S » I 1 l". 4; 41 !l LansTd Florisant Stable 6 IJ 2 4 2 52480* *FAIR ORIENT a v. I no I .7 El 61 V 6* .7 -I Hob-rts R L Baker 2 l«-52i 1 2-6 58001 ■ *ST. GERMAIN WB 4 149 7 7 9** 7* 61 64 L Aran F Farrar 10 1.7 15 5 2 .".2 118 MARK WEST WB 4 149 I : 4 9* 7* 7" 7- 1. .Morris S*unnyland Sta 20 40 40 12 i; 32502 MARY ERB WB 3 no 2999988N Everett G Peterson 100 100 100 M 10 Time, 24%, 48, 1:13%. 1:39%, 1:46%. Track fast. Winner Br. g. by Magneto -Beth Miller, by Miller trained by C. A. Applegate: bred by Mr. Cutl-.iT Woodford I. Willi to post at lis. At po-t 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won ea-ily: second and third driv t ing. FROGTOWN, given a good ride, raced close up to the last eighth, then rushed into the lead and WOB going away. CHEER LEADER ran will and might have- done better with a stronger rider. BAG-AMOUi: raced into a char had. but tired in the la-t eighth. TUOILlS -howed the asset -peed to the Stretch turn and tired. FAIR ORIBNT had Bo mi-haps. i Scratched— 51OS0 Kiagasher, 109. Overweights— Mark West. 2% poaads.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012301/drf1921012301_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921012301_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800