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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. Mexico, Friday. January 21. 1921.— Fiftieth day. Lower California Jockey Club. Whiter Meetinc of 12." or more days Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. V offroth and LeOB Winj:. St.nter ; Harry MeillMiy. Racing Secretary. LeOO Wine Baeini; starts at 1 :.".u p. m. Chicago time. 5:50. R9 R9 " First Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— 1: 43 i—e— 122.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straicht." 8 Commander 118 l1 C Thompson 210-Khi 58405 Von Lady in ! ; II Rowe I Ml 181 52501 Prophecy IM ::, B Taylor 21W-1M 55458 PaU Mack IM 1- II Rettig H9-M0 55515 W. M. Baker US I ■• -!• I . Tearain flK Pm 52 1»1- Hickorynut MB 8» B .Marimlli 2fis.lM 58SSl*Llnka Lady N3 7; I Kindle 8BB-M8 , 55455 Cxardom 118 s. W Hbiplfy m 188 55540 Treow.-ii lis »• K McCraan ITUO-lOi ." :i3Kl class a ] iu pi p Hartwes t t.Mutuel field 52 iniitueis paid. Commander. 80.20 Rtrabjbt, 85.28 place. 54-80 show: on Uulj , ptaee, si; no sh..w : Prophecy, 80.08 shoa Ki|uivalent bookteg odds Ci lumander. 21" to 100 straight. 80 to 10" place. 100 to 100 show: on Lady, 2*10 to 100 place. 200 to 105 show: Prophecy. 550 to 100 show. Time. l:504i. Track sloppy. Winner Matthews 5 Daatepa b. g, .".. by Biouai-stick Polly Flinders. I.y Bargoai aster trained by L Matthews; by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Went to post at 1:55. Ai post 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. Scratched -4.".1.- 1-Little Sandy. 1".-,; 59458 Ar- geato, 11.",. 5 vavtii 9 594 Second Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb a 1920_l:43,s— 6— 122. Purse . 00. 3-year. olds and upward. Claiming. Net ; value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Bqair. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. : 52101 *Fi k; ll E Io.vlor 370-103 52422*Browa Boa M8 ll M Bteaadtter 2150-M8 55505* *Huinniii - 118 ■■- II How. 88-188 52183 Dandy Vaa KB 4 .1 Majestic t020-loO j 5S4SS Sky Pilot IM •- E Graves 28BM88 S54Bl*Viva MS 8" D How. II 1881 188 52504 Ttejaa IU 7, B MeCrana 15H MC 1 52101 B. Deitcbmanl18 I G Veargin sno-KHi j 55554 Miss duri is 8* B Fa tor t4MO-M0 55455 Rifle ShooterlM Hr»l A Eehrler f 52507 Fr.ncli .Nurse!]:. 11 .1 Badtke tMlituel field. niutucis paid. IranU flbaaaoa. 88 I" straight, 55.50 place. s:i mi s|M,u ; p.rown Bee. S17.4" place. 87.20 show ; lluinma. .*2.ii" shaw. Kipiivalont baofciag odds Frank Shannoii. 370 to loo straight, 100 to 1"" place, no to khi show; Brown Bee. 770 to Hi" place. 2U" to 100 show: Hmiinia. 30 to 100 show. Time. 1:5325. Track sloppy. Winner P. Marmots !.. y. ."., by Sir John Johnson Mariti. by Hindoo Itraiaed by 1". Marmot: bred by Mr. John K. Madden. Went to post at 2:17 At Bast 1 minute. Start s;ood and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Scratched -52458 Dots. lis. Overweight: — Frank Shannon. 1 pound; Sky Pilot. 3: Viva. 2: French Naree, 2 59 utivAO 59 5 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05 5— 3— 118. Purse S500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. Dcjuiv. Odds. Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52505 .M.iiii. hen 115 1« W Hinphy 01-M8 6S4MaCbroana M8 2] ll Bettig 61 -b" 52123 Miss Parneil 118 ::- C Graaa a*-168 52500 Pretty Baby IU 4] C Tbempaoa SSI 188 58510»Naebotah U8 r.3 B Hayward 2JS8-10* I 55430*P. Moody l"7 t* B MartaeUI *Moa-M0 51050 McCroaa 110 JH D Powell t 5S5M Daisv N. ill 8- P Martlnea 2298-188 ! 52457 Colonel Matt 110 ft3 E Fator t 52102 suet Tooth 115 10 B McCraan 8888 M8 tMlituel field. 52 mutuels paid, Maiinchen. 85.28 straight. 82.88 place, 82.00 show: Chrome. 1" place, 84.40 she": HhM P. Hindi. SI. I" show . K.piivalent baokiag odds -Maaaehea, 50 to 100 straight. 4" to 100 place. SO to loo show: Chrease, 12" to 1"0 place. 120 to UMi show: Miss Parmdl. 120 tt 100 slow. Time. 1 :10. Track sloppy. Winner I . Whybs 1. . 7. by Olainbala Madchea. by Kaight of the Thistle trained by C. Whyte; bred by Mr. B. T. Wilson. Went to post at 2:44. At post 3 minutes. Start Hood and slow. Won easily; second and third Urirtaar. Scratched 52405 Battead Arms. n.-,; .-,24.-.7 Master Franklin. 110. Overweights — Daisy X.. 1 pound; HcCroaa, 5; Chroaae, I. 59 59fi fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1 June 28. U4C4U 1916_1:05V5— 3— 118. Purse 00 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. £100: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. Did. Hois... Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52102 Our Leader US 1- B Hayward B48-18P 52437-l.oo is B. ll" 2s! C Thooiaaoa 210-M8 55500 Velvet 113 ::- Q Xearala M0-M8 522PS*Arietta MG ll O PoweB .b;io-iin 52 1X5 Squash 110 :. S Smith ..Im 101 55400 Bd. Tranter US I * E Qraves 200-pio 52550* Kos.llis 11" t- . Zebyl r 1*20 1W I 52 402 Fairy Prince llfl s1 II Bettig 18860 188 52277 Tuscan U3 ■ - .1 Huntanor 52304 Mack darner 110 hi C Whitaatoa KBO-loo 52500Coi. Harplry Wl Bted. B MeCrana WS-M0 tMutuel field. S2 mutuels paid. Our Leader. SIS. SO straight. 810.80 ptaee, 84.50 show: Lewis p... 54.40 ptaee, 85.88 show : Velvet. 85.80 show. Ki[Uivaleiit bookteg ibis Oar Leader. S40 to | 108 straight. 130 to Km pbee. 14" to l"o show : Lewhj B. 12" p. ion pl.i.c, :,i to 1"" show; Velvet, :m to 180 shea . Time. 1:11%. Track sloppy. Winner M ie 5 Bearys b. g, 12 by Brya : Mawr Beasa, by B assess trained by T. Beary; ! bred by Mr. S. A lbckhaiin. Went to post at 3:10. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. • 11 easily: second and third driving-. Scratched —52108 Peeitaao, 11". Overweights Ari.tta. 2 poaads; Eddie Tranter. 1: Sipiash. ." : Mack earner. .".; Bosellis. 2. una 5 9 597 hi Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse S500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. 1 Ind. Hoi Be. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. I 55505 K. 113 l"i- H Martinez 380-100 52507 1 1: Mountn 112 2 C Thompson 578-188 1 52 142 C i dr II .12 I] B Marin.lli 8A-1W 52 1H7 Lit. Princeaa M 1 1: Taylor 1520-188 55454 Prevaricate 114 •"• B McCraan 4450-198 58SSO*Mont Belle 107 6* D Powell SlSO-108 5500S*Bonntea B*ckW8 7* H Bowi S2J8-MW 52450 Plaything MB W Taylor iimiKm mutuels paid. Audrey K.. 80.20 straight. 85.88 place 52.20 show; Battle Mounlain. 84-88 place. 82 I" show: Cavalcadoar 11.. 82.20 show. Bqaivaleat booking odds Audrey K.. 580 to 1"" straight, 0" to 100 place, 1" la 10" show: Battle Mountain. 130 to 100 place, 20 to 1"" show: Cavalcadoar II., I" to 100 show. Time. 1:53. Track sloppy. Winner C. p.. Ii wins I,. m. 1!. I.y Ballot Captivity, by . oh If inch or Slar Bub.v I trained by C. B. Irwin: bred by estate of Mr. .lames p. Haggle. Went to ].ost at 3:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and -low. Won driviag; second and third the same. Overweights- -Ptej tiling. 2 pounds. 59 """ 598 Sixth Kacc — 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05 5— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20; second. 20: third. 0. Baalv. Odds. Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 52337 Joe Qoodmanira i" II Joaea Kli.-Ne 52400 Pbedoden •■■■ VI B Martoelli S8v-108 52IHK Bediesraaa M t* r. leargin 150-108 52425 Earnest 112 PJ B Carter 3»KM8 55557 C racwtter ill B P Marttoox SIO-BO 12408 Bpiphanes 101 t; C Graaa 1708-188 82 mutuels paid. Joe Gssdaiss. sis. 211 strafajhl .so.iiii pi...... 55.88 show: Phededea, 80.08 place, s:t so show; Bedgegraaa. 85.88 show. Bqaivaleal baokiag odds Joe UoodaMa, sin t,, inn straight. 580 to 100 place. 150 to 100 show: Ph.-dodeu. 2110 to 100 place. 90 to 10" show: Sedgegras-50 to 111" show Time. 1:105. Track sloppy. Winner W. M. Mikell eh. g. 5, by Klainmarion Belle Bird, by Thicket 1 trained b V. M. Mikel bred by .Mr. William M. Mikel. Went -to peal at 5:58. At post 1 minute. Start fair and slow. arM easily; second and third driving Scratched 52139 Nbjhtatick, 112: 53438 Botsinda. 91 : 52llil-Diomed. 1ll». Uverwebjbta Joe Uoodasaa, I pounds; Bedgegrass 1 : oriieiitter. t: Bpipbaaes, 5. 52529 Seventh Race— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916 — 1:11% — 3 — 110. Purse S500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Eipiiv. Odds. •*] Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 55405 Deckhand 112 1! c Whittington sop-. 522 10 oia Lee 102 5* | Martoelli SSS-1M 52500 Yukon ill p Marlines IBB-MS 52 182 - W. Mtgomn 1 "i Is! E Taylor 1458-188 55SSt*Midia Hbj .. M Hteaakter D0-rO] 52102 * Wing 185 S V Parke ::ll inn 53450 •CmTpj 11.105 7 HRm ISS5-5M 82 mutuels paid. Deckhand. 85.08 strahrhl. 83.8*1 place. -2 I" show, oia Lee, 80.08 place, 55.40 show. Yukon. 85.08 shew. i:.|uialent hooking odds -Deckhand, so 1,, inn straight. 1" to UK place, 20 to 100 show: Ha Lee. 20O to 100 place. 7" to 1"" show; Yukon. 50 to 10" show. Time, 1:17. Track sloppy. Winner B. A -loins I.r. g. 7. by Joe Carcv -Alaniada by Duke of BoatTOMi trained l.v B.A. •loli.s; I. id by Mr. K.lwar.l Kripp. Went I.. post al 1:22. AI I iiiiiiuics. Start 8 1 aad slow Woa drlvtag?; saeead and thtard iiu- same. Seralched — 52458 John Jr.. 117: 52285 Don Jos. 117. Overweight* Waodte Moabrseaery, 2 pounds: .iluouflage IK. 1.