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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 514 NKW OltLKANS. r-i.. Jauuaiy 22. Tedaya tralateg gaBapa lore included the bsllowteg: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather i bar: iraek fast Three-Eighths Mile. BW-Botberattea . : s Mis.bal ::T--. .".12 Boiindini: ThgbS7% .Mala F W% Bill OPlyaa . .3T::.-, Hlaale Cooper .95% Bnipety Buuipsll New Orleans . :til -, r 13-Chealier ,...M .".12 Xormandie ....Ml .".13-Chesty 37 :. !»-Bon I tnoy; .".13 -Doyle Ml MM piato 87% .-,«*-Devouite 41 .".11 Uadio 3.V -. MR-BoaghH s H SDVBnaecliff M% 513-Eplsode 3C .-. .".Oil Sea Cove :;.; .".12-Klizabeth May .37 ■-. .".12-St. Atl.-i it MHt :.ll Kscovar 3il"-. Scandal 3! Blt-Plytea Beauty :!." -. .".13 -Trailer Ml MM-GeatUity 3.V1- MJB-Vuritl 3s--. It Baea M% .".11 William A. ...37 ■■-, .".Id -Joseph. Wiedel37 War Belief ...II SM-Ladi Love ...::7 MK-Wadc MI«iorelT% Half Mile. IV! Adelaule H % BIB-Loys 51 .". M Alb.ria s 51% 5W-Mose r.i; .".7 Adventure ....53 .".III N.. mince I!i--, .".13 aplain B. ....".1 .".13-Oplielia W. ...5B .".10 Deckmale ."4 EMS- Bichelicu .".7 Diamond Dale ,5t% .".I--Sauf Conduit . . I:::. BBT-Orayaaa 55% nos-Ting-a-LiBg .".12-John Arbor ....".I .".il.l-Xatisylvia 52 o 7 Little Niece . .52% Five-Eighths Mile. Mlllt. Brumel 11.1 :I3 r.l»7-Mav..r Galria 1:113--. .".lit Blue Jeans . .1:65% .".13 Master Bill ..1:04% .". !!-. Maieliniontl :I3 512-MeBara 1 :04--, 512-Iiaaa. BosterlQ SlS-Petrograd ...1:04 .".ll-iiieeu mass .1:0.". .".13-Bunflor 1:04% ."in Honolulu Boy 1 : 3 510-Roscoe Coos.. 1:01 uOO-Lsr.s I. a ne 1 1. 1 mi.-,"., .".os-Titie 1:05% 511-Larhl Wine ..l:ii4 512-Yerfeotea . . . . 1 :i3i:. 510-Lady Praaac .1:04% .".ln-Wh.. Caaja ..l:n3 Three-Quarters Mile. B12-BB1 Bendd 1:15 Wf lanaiarc 1:15 SOS-Be Sure ....1:15 501 Larrv B. . .:l:lfl MM -Bit of Gtery 1 :2s Hary;. Plead. 1:18 .".13-B. It berts. . 1 :1 l 512 Marjorie M..11SI 512-BaUyglheii ..1:20 511-Mytho4ogy ..1:17 .".11 Black Wat.lil :17-. M0-Pep. Ioliv ..1:10% 491-Comine Ci ..1:18% 515 Bafferty ...1:17% 502-Cariiae S. ..1:10 -"13-Sasin 1:21% ."in Colonel Lit.. 1:20 .",1u -Spartan Boy 1:20 olO-Corkey 1 :17R; .".«t Sandy H. ..1:20-- ".13-C. A. Byrne. 1:20 45S-8qa*eler 1:19* r.ll9-Diocletian ..1:M .".12-Sliillelai:li 11.1:21 .".09-Frank B. ...1:21 332 Slik Flower 1:H .".Oli-Fk the i;r"t.l:D .".12 Sundiiria ...1:10% r.lO-Crimalkin ..1:17% .".13-Servi. e Star. 1:15% .110 ; Waahta 1:10% 500-Traekatar .1:17 500-Glastol ID-.-, 512-Tbe Bwtemerl:10% 500-Hhfb Ware.. 1:10% 511-Taraseoa ...1:10 .".04-Kob i -niM.r ..1:20% .".,2 Voormir ....1:17 .-.1.",Kasliinir ...1:M% .".13-Yaphank ...1:10% .".13-Linden 1:1! Seven-Eighths Mile. 508-BTk KniKht !::«-.-. .".11-Wireless ...1:33--, oll-Thunderbird 1:33 One Mile. 511-ArbUrator ..1:48 510-Jack Be*res.l:48 .".13 Bantry 1:45% 511-Ktegfiabrr ..1:45% 515-Betsj 1:45% :.i:t I..l Herbert. 1:45 fill Baailiaiil ....1:50 51S-Relactaat ..1:51% 515-Dark Hill ..1:40 510-gpearteae ...1:45 512-Plaaey 1:47% 500-8aperb 1:47 .-.12-C. de Cause. 1:ir. .".13-Thaiv.u 1:45 512-Galway 1:47% 510-P. c. Kins. .1:44 .".os-louia 1:49 Mile and an Eighth. 502-Cteaaer 1:50%