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RARITY OH I.ITK. THE MV WHO Wllffl IS THE MAX "WHO THIMvS lir: CAM TURNERS 0,000.00 CMUflKSBi mmm mm PERSONAL SERVICE 0,000.00 CHALLENCE ! ! Any itulilitl -I- now ii svstem, tliroutili ils in veil tor, owner or any |il:t er. is hcrtlty li:i ll -nu - l to :i eon-test of merit with Turners S Ntem. I his Mii,!iin» eertitied eheeh will he le|tositeil *. i l !■ :m :ition:iI lt:tnk. the entire SO.IMMP id he |.:inl the sponsor of the system showing the hetter results. ■■HIHHBBHHlHHlHHHHBIBHHHHHlHHHHHHBBHBiBBHBMHiHHBlHHiHHHHHiBBHIBHBIHIBHHIHpii I also herehy ehsillenue. si» per a hove % 1 O.OOO.OO eertiiieil check, any pull lie inform; t ion hiiresm or tipster in :i eotitest of merit with my Stable Information Service, two or three plays a week, the total *Zl,0K».M» to he paid to the one showing tlie hetter results. Tliere is really as much difference in my System and any other as there is between a Packard Twin Six and a little Ford. I tell you with great positiveness that systems based on time, weight, highest index number, best bet. consensus, contender, handicapping, winners to repeat and other arbitrary methods are utterly devoid of merit — you cannot win. No system is worth the paper upon which it is written unless it has i Stable Information for its basis: and. furthermore, a system must be able to win on "Straight Flat Bets" — unless a system is comprised of these factors you cannot win. I challenge any statement to the contrary. You know as well as I do, first of all. the foundation must be right, just as it must be in the case of a great building. Sli.OOO 61 AHA TKK If Turners Challenge Stnhle Information System is not a winner at the end of twelve months play. Si.uiio will he refunded. Write for a facsimile reproduction of the ,000.00 Certificate of Deposit, issued by a leading New York National Bank, that I agree to forfeit if the Turner System doe;, not make good. I also agree to forfeit the said S2.000.00 if the plays on my System are other than Stable Information. Here la :i copy of receipt .-nul iroa-rlad mmtcc 1 give. No. B. ins:; — TIKNKKS . fltl.tMMI.tMI CHALLBH6S ITAILI IMOHMATIOX SVSTKM Personal Service 17 "West lliud Street, Vevv York. This certificate is a receipt for SIttMI.OO paid hy John Strong. KutValo. M. Y., in full receipt for my system, inclusive of personal service for one year. I jiiiara ntee to refund SJ.utio.ou unless 1 make Mr. Strong" a winner. t Countersimied HIM. Tl ItMOII. or in iisi: i mt ;i Ait ati-:k Tin-: RXACT amoi T oi " vol it wni;s REMEMBER— IT COSTS ME UPWARD OE 00,000.00 YEARLY TO MAINTAIN MY STABLE INFORMATION SERVICE AND SYSTEM THE GREATEST CONVINCER EVER GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC If desired, the System will be sent sealed and information wired on morning of race, to any National Bank in your city, to be opened at end of three or six months, as you prefer. At the end of that time you will be undoubtedly convinced. Do not send me the money if you have any doubt about my refunding guarantee. Simply deposit the money with your bank and, if everything I say is not so, you can take your money right out. I merely want to be assured of payment just us you want to be assured of the results. Is it not better to have the worlds highest class Stable Information with the best System, each winner in itself, combined for 00 yearly, including one years personal service, than to continue your speculation haphazard or in pursuance of some so-called scientific -yster.i and without any information as to the intentions of the stables in the respective races upon which you play your money ? No horseman or system player can gainsay this logic. It is based on all turf experience. In other words, knowledge, training, specialized skill, watchfulness and caution always win out, whatever be the race or the journey. My System can be played on track or handbook. It requires no figuring, requires none of your time. Ypu will have from two to three plays a week, but never more than one play a day. The days play is wired you at 8 a. m. daily. The plays have nothing to do with the odds. The price is 00 yearly. SURELY YOU TAKE NO CHANCES IN DEALING WITH ME. The net winnings on my System for the past seventy-one days on New Orleans. Kentucky. Maryland and New York tracks is ,021.02, about 6 per play. It gave you thirty-eight plays, two to three a week. The largest run cf consecutive losers was two. The largest amount of losses at any one time was 0.00. The largest capital required was 15. The plays were made straight — no place, no show. A sworn affidavit will show these results to be correct: OX A STRAIGHT PLAT fl« BRT IT AVON. KRT, !5«5S-f FOB THK SAME IKHIOIJ ON THK IAMI TRACKS THIS SHOULD PEOVB Hit. HI. IMTRRRSTING TO KYKIIY STRAIGHT ILAVIIH l AHKR1CA FREE — Send for descriptive literature containing much information for system players. It tells you clearly why you have not been able to win in the past; tells you why my System is absolutely impregnable. It gives invaluable information to straight, flat bettors. BILL TURNER, Suite 336, 17 West 42nd St., New York City Free Parlay LOST STRAIGHT. BUT WON A PLACE. Next One Goes Tuesday All you have to do to ret these FREE PARLAYS is to purchase Book No. 715. on sale now at all news-stands, ar.d use code in same. All it costs is 35c Good for One Week You dont only get these Free Parlays and Form Specials, but the best line on the horses that is to be had at any price. MONDAYS FORM SPECIAL: April- Banana -31 -29 -97 -41. SATURDAYS SPECIAL LOST THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403. 22 West Quincy Street. Chicago, Illuion. TIJUANA Only Real, Live Information Terms: Winnings Straight Play G. S. WALTER 547 West 34th Street New York City WEDNESDAY or Thursday I will get the final "0. K." on one of the surest betting propositions I have had this season at New Orleans. This stable secret will be manipulated by one of the shrewdest horsemen in the business. Can only interest a few players. My terms the profits of 00 straight wired me after you cash. No postal cards recognized. H. SMALL 102 WEST 104th STREET NEW YORK CITY REMINDER— The TURF REPORTER is on sale at all News-stands selling Racing Form. Sure has some "Live Ones." Only 35c and is good lor a week. Mondays Special: No. 131 THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1904; Chicago, 111. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form M. M. LEACH Exile C. E. MICKELWAIT Pedigree Authority Managing Director Lexington, Ky. New York City. AMERICAN BLOOD STOCK AGENCY | Correspondents in I .nii l:i ml, I relanil, France, Australia, Argentine Itepu hi i etc. All Transactions on a Commission Basis. QrnipnrrP including age, color, Air lL ilUilLLu desoent- attainments, Alj Sound Matings Selected, 0. All Data in Connection wUh Itlood Stock Furnished. LEXINGTON, KY. NEW YORK CITY LOOK, BOYS, LOOK M The first fifteen days at the Fair Grounds this system picked 40 horses. It had 23 firsts. 7 seconds. 3 thirds and 7 out of the money. It has not had over two losers in succession at this meeting. Two weeks last fall at the different tracks same system picked 114 horses with only 17 out. It had 56 firsts. 31 seconds and 10 thirds. After you buy tiiis system, then look it up and if it has not done just as I say. I will gladly return your money. Get this system and pick vour own winners. Price 0.00. J. H. CROSMAN 601 SIXTH AVENUE DAYTON. KY. Stop Guessing Mr. Reader, why not bet on real track information ! If you want winners get in touch with me at once. I know absolutely. No guess-work. My terms are the winnings of a 0 straight, to be wired next day. Only reliable parties need answer. Wire or write me, 820 Baronne St.. New Orleans. La. HARRY BAIR. THE MAN WHO KNOWS THK AMERICAN I IHillDl .ihiiii l Baltimore Building : : :: Chicago. Illinois. MONDAYS BEST: Hurry -West -Sow-End -Joe-Hit. BOOK NOW ON SALE EVERYWHERE RACING FORM IS, 35 CENTS PER COPY. JACK FIELD THE MAN WHO KNOWS I ONLY GIVE ONE SPECIAL A DAY SOLD ON ALL NEWS-STANDS— DAILY, FRIDAYS ONE HORSE SPECIAL WAS: PIMLIC0 8-1 WON WEDNESDAYS ONE HORSE SPECIAL WAS: DAY LILLY 6-1 WON , TUESDAYS ONE HORSE SPECIAL WAS: COLUMBIA TENN... 3-1 WON MONDAYS 00 FREE SPECIAL WAS: BROWN CHECK .... 2-1 WON I advised everyone to go to all of the above ! specials. How can you go wrong following my i information ? BIG SPECIAL TOMORROW Here is a chance to WIN a MINT of money, as I know that the money rides tomorrow. Every-thing suits this one to a T and no mistakes will ■ be made. Mailed a week. Jack Field. Room 701. I 501 South Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. NEWSDEALERS WANTED— WRITE AT ONCE FULL PRICE Will Be Paid for MAY and JUNE, 1920, Monthly Form Books IN GOOD CONDITION ADDRESS DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM ; TERMS: 10 Cent* Per Copy. 18.00 Per Month. 0.00 Per Annum. Ai plain enveloped letter; first-clan mall. Single oopiei by mail 12 centi each. DAEtY RACING FORM PUBLISHING OO.. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. I 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. M EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO, N. Y. I NATIONAL 0. K. RACING LETTER Wednesdays Sheet gave the following winners: "LONG SHOT SPECIAL DAY LILLY 6-1 WON FLYING BEAUTY.... 5-1 WON C. W. CLARK ENTRY2-1 WON SCOURGEMAN 6-1 WON THE PORTUGUESE ..5-2 WON THURSDAY S SHEET GAVE: GEORGE STARR ....3-1 WON SNAPDRAGON II.... 4-5 WON H0P0VER ........ 6-1 WON W»* —«-.-.. in 1 ili.«i |. In f i r — t r.ii-. TW0PAIR 9-2 WON araa ear Toad ra ;,-.■ in mrtmmi race. FRIDAY SHEET GAVE- ONE PIN 9-2 WON JULIA N 3-1 WON LUCKY B 4-5 WON PLENTY ........ 7-10 WON SATURDAYS SHEET GAVE: UNITED VERDE.... 3-1 WON ST. ISIDORE 1-2 WON out of six races. Tlu-.v surf will h.ive to x» some to bml this li M-t. Nothing like it baa rvi-r arc* pal mi the Market. 50c— DAILY AT ALL NEWS-STANDS— 50c MAILED DIRECT. ONE WEEK. .00. National 0. K. Publishing Co. 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. THE American Racing Manual for 1921 Is Now on Sale THE 1921 MANUALS Handicap Tables have been brought up to date. Instead of divisions of quarter seconds the three tables have all been modernized into fifths. Before the tables and their application charts is an introduction and general directions for handicapping by the late Nim S. Hand, an expert of the first class, -who recently died in California, THE 1921 MANUAL contains engraved diagrams of thirty-two leading American race courses, with their locations, capacities, chutes, stands, widths of tracks and lengths of stretches in detail. PRICES BY MAIL: LEATHER BOUND .60 PAPER BOUND no PRICES AT OFFICE: LEATHER BOUND .50 PAPER BOUND 1.00 DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. THE MAN WHO KNOWS when they are ready to win with them. If you dont believe it. just give me a trial. I have been after this information for a long time and have finally landed it. As this information costs me a great deal I will let you in on it if you guarantee to make a .00 straight bet for me on what I send. Dont wait, as you cant afford to miss this offer. Write or wire me at once. J. G. BURT 984 MISS. AVE. MEMPHIS. TENN, DIRECT FROM THE TRACK TO YOU Mondays letter on sale now, any news-stand. 25c. Mailed direct. 2 weeks, . SATURDAYS ONE BEST WON Long Shot third. Results of balance of letter will be advertised Wednesday. Dont miss today. 22 West Quincy Street. Suite 510-511. Chicago. 111. INSIDE INFORMATION. DONT GUESS Am telegrapher and have handled from a first-class stable which makes few mistakes information concerning a horse which goes Tuesday, January 25. and will be a good price. Will you wire me winnings of a 0 play if as good as 2 to 1. This is real information. FRED P. B0HLER, PLANTERS HOTEL NEW ORLEANS. LA. SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - - Alabama In the heart of the Ponce da Leon country, be* tween Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Spring* furnish a certain cure for kidney disease*. RATES: 5 PER WEEK.