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NEW ORLEANS RACING NEWS ; » a Mardi Gras Season Calling for Especially Taking Programs. i , • % * Two -Year-Olds in Various Stables: ; j — John W. Schorr Taking in the Races — Other Items. — 8 ni j P.Y I. L. REMPUT. nf.w oullans. l.-i.. January 28.- Par the nret I I time this winter the raciag i.|ony is al Ml] I j ttrcagth hire BOW :l!ll when tile I housands t U-i-tors . 1 from .ill sections of tin- .minify begin to , arrive for the aaaal M;mli Sraa celebration this| i city will be taxed almost to liptlllj The WWII notion of the- hoafadaaa Supreme Court in clearing . the xvay for the raciag xvas 1enpoaeiblc for an i influx nf hundreds of turf enthusiasts from tho , North ;mil Baal vli would not venture south until ; thoy were certain thai tho wax was smooth for the -port. . K:i -inir aecretarj .loo McLennan is working aa an , elaborate raciag schedule Car tke Mud Graa season, ." 1 1 1 tho lorsomon will co-operate with him in ml ; effect to give Ike carnival visitors tho beat in -look in tho wax of high class sport. For tho first t linio in -ovoral years Iho trainers have hail amph ■ .ppori unit ios lo gel their host horses in porfoot i j • •■intitioii. as the woathor ha- been of tho best for an extended period and a fast track tea prevailed I ino-t of tho timo. As a rosull tho racing lo date has lieen fur ah xc that of previous regie in ovor.v i ■ lospeci. ICaco- hetxvecn tho top-notchors in tho ft- various divisions will ho in order for tho closing . i | • Many of iho ox]iotls won a short while ago pro -! dlolod My Beverir. would oasily catty off tho 5 two year old honors hero have changed their r opinions aiace Lard Allen recently set a new track record for throe-eighths of a mile in 34%, thus s I ■ lipping two-fifth* of a mt.ihI off the old mark., ! which wail made bjr such a faat horse as We»ly llogaa. My Keverie lia- a victory over Lord Allen , 10 her Credit, lint there are many persons lure who , lielieve that lie mild wipe out that defeat now. His owner. T. .1. Fondergast of Kansas tity. is, J anions them and he is looking forward with eon . ; j fideuee to another clash hot xx ecu the pair. The Manager, which herd- Major T. C. Mr- 11 •wells A-liland Stud, i- receiving quite a hit of; f prestige lore this winter, due to the successful I racing of Captain Mac, Captain ller-iiler and Kdilie . BicBeobaCber, three of hi- -ons. Captain Mai is I in ewpet tally fine form now. as his recent defeat • • r Tippity Wilchet atle-ts. and it -eem- he is inline lo he the chief purse earner for the . W. I Clink stable thi- year, unless one of the txvoxear nMa -In itld lake this honor from him. This eetab-li-hinent - suffered a Inird blow when Tom Hate Jr.. , highly reputed youngster, went ami— on tin- day i he was to hare made hi- lacing dehut. hut trainer r He org* V. Haines i- confideiil that his ailment is si not a- nerJOB* a- was at fir-t thought. : Trainer V . A. Hurt l-chell i- of the opinion that t Lddie Uickeiihacher has had enouuh racing for the e time licing. so he is ladalfiai him with a rest. This horse had a hard campaign in the North and 1 an even harder one here this winter and earned a ■ vacation. He is not out of training, hut he is he hag I iven work of .inly a light nature. Kurttschell ex - pects liiln 1i he Letter than evt r fur his fre-hcliinu fl ill". ARTHURS TWO-YEAR -OLDS. | aim Arthur ha- sixteen hor-es under hi- care here thi- winter, five of which are two -year -olds. Three of the youngsters he owns him-elf Peffg V Hear, a hrnwu filly hy Klolsam: I.ina. also a hrow n II filly, sired bjr Kri//.le. and Auuahelle. a htty daiigh tor of King .lame-. The other two are a ch.-tnut t .olt hy felt and a hay colt l.y Peter Ian. and they V are the properly of Joseph 1. Murphy. The ther r ; hor-es in the Arthur stalde are Bondage. Charlie 0 l.eydecker. Little Maudie. Margery. Gala dc Cause. Sagamoie. Onion. Itlarney Stone. Kingling II.. Sa lana and Mmoiii. B. J. Itraiiuon has no two-year-olds to carry hi--ilk- s here this winter. He brought eight older baraea iaara from Kentucky and they have l»eeii » testing -ince the hlue grass sea-on c|o-ed. The H I.ralinoli e-tahli-hment at the Kair tlronud- i- made j up of Si|tieeler. Ireen Jrass. I.arry It.. Cohlen ii llreams. lilue Iaradi-e. T. J lenderga-t . Kin-fisher and Zone dArmee. Although he has retired from active racing. John n YV. Schorr still retains enough interest in the sport I to cast hu-iness cares aside for a brief period to II take a trili of seveial hundred mile- to wilne— it. • Schorr Is now engaged in husine— in hi- home city vr of Metnphi-. Team. Hi- work grew -o pressing ■ that he had to ahandoii the turf for the time heing. He expect* lo spend .1 few week- ll-re. Ihi- heing i his favorite -lamping ground w In-n lie wa- racing hor-es. More hot -t— are changing hands in claiming races ■ at the Kair Crouuds this winter than in a loin: - xxhilo. Consideiahh- feeling ha- heen -lined up among many of the hor-einen i- a riaalt. Ki-pute-have heen frei|itent. many claim- liaving heen di-a I lowed hecaii-c of irregularit ie- and the least chance for proteal find- a meti.v -.|uahhle on. The -towards 1 11 i • kly Kettle these conl rover-ies and in ii only one rave were they forced to take drastic action, that heing agaiu-t ». J. lloink and the i l.or-e Che-ty. Owner and hoi-e were ruled off the turf after iloiick refused to surrender him when Iowa- ■ claimed h. I. Ite-egel. llouck a-toutideil the efficiahl when he told them thai la wanted to be . lair. and would gladly give up his "other horse" to Keseg.t. hut not Che-ty Whoever the •other I hor-e." In wa- sent on hi- way when II-ink moved II out of the Kait .round-. The untimely death of Jackcj Saundry Mitchell • a»t a pall of gloom over the r#ec track for several day-, especiallv among his fellow inlers. as i he was a likahle little chap and a great favorite with the other jockey-. Ihi- was tin fir-t acci d«Mit of the year here this winter and it wa- tin avoidable, a- flioaad flarrll fell with him and It was not due t.. rough riding on the part of any V other jockey. It was on tiround Swell that Mitchell i rode hi- fir-t rietaaiaaai race last Scptcmhet M at I Lexington, K.x