Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-24


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jj cl *t ™ a i k| m] ■« -.; gj B1 M •] •« ** v- sl1 s|| t;u •in to to in M M. fa fair ■ 1 1 1 ■ TIJUANA FORM CHART 4 TIJUANA. Mexico. Saturday. January 22. 1921.— Fifty -first day. Lower California Joekey Club. K Winter Meeting of 123 or mon- days. Weather cloudy. II Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wine. Starter, ■ by Harry Morriasey. Bactatg Secretary. Leon Wine. Ractauj starts at 1 .".0 p. 111. Chicago time. B:S9. " 52544 iirst Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. fj, 1916— l:05i 5—3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ol and upward. Claiming. Net value to wir.ner 50: second. 00: third. 0. R-liiiv. Odds, m lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Joekey. Straicht. £ .T*3tl John rTstaor tl 1- 1: Marinelii 10-101 - ."••J40» Lavaca Ml 2* C WhlUgtOtl 11 Hi- tun « .-.•1011 Perfect Day 1« :-: M Sutaghter I13W-108 " ." •;," »." Baby Faust ill 4J P Martinea lxtn-lOO 5 .VJ-.itH Bern ice 1-:. 107 0; K Pktor t3MD-BM 51 5tt77»ABce fair ia| at g Taylor 5140-101 5! r Wi Han. Topaz 111 7 P CtafatVetU +: .- 1! 17 Lit. Orphan IN H N Podea I4M-1M 5! 5S504 Sadie i. M :-- j Hantamer ISM i-o 5 r i- :in Sadie stroup Ml M* H Jones I4HB-1M •* *Loulaea LaathM 11 D Powell f a + M 111 II. I field. iiiiitu-is naid, Joha riaahiii. BS.a atrahrht, 12.31 plan-. .•:. Ill show: La aca. 3..n place, .20 Sv show; perfect Day, 111.20 thow. K-inivalent booklag -«hls Joim llosbor, it to 100 l1 straicht. 1« to 100 place. :_ t- 100 show: Lavaca, to loo pia-.. til p. iih show; Perfect Day, MO S B| 100 show. Time. 1:11. Track muddv. la Wlnnei I Alleyii b. ., 3, bj Ugbl .. r Ufa— fi Imprint, hj Knighl of the Thistle trained bj in Lowe; bred by Mr. Oaj Bray. Tl Beal -■ posl at 1:54. At p..vi l minute, start la and slow. Won raatertag; s-c-.n-l anil third c. i ■* big. , I 3 t | ;■ || | | .• , , , j 1 I s d 1 ; _ _ * v, J ■ ■ - I -J -J 11 v s ■ « to = Scratched -."-.-ill.l Wise Jodge, !•-. Orerwetghts— Joha Hoahor. 2 pounds; Lavaca, 5; ; Heinice !•:.. 1; Han- vers Topaz. :i. • 52 545 Sec ""l Rare— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— l:05»i — 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to , wir.ner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Eqniv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straicht. 5t453*Naaledovatl !02 1- M Blanghter CtViefl , 5S4S5 K.-i-w iih; li- ■ Taylor SSO-MI | St4t4*Ooma Ml ::"■ H Bow.- ohhU-MI StSU s.-a Beach IM 4*1 K Dortty :t;ii-imj .*-»4H«! Penh ins .", Q Vearniii ii.",ii-Ki 5Z450 Lit. Pointer 37 V B Marinelii 2310-100 52300 Do Admit 113 7*| A Eeigler MO-MO Swfll Regent 110 lJ J Marray 52520 Tuscan Ml »»j i h;1. 55-i." 8 Kath. Carey Ml 11 P Martinea S380-10fl f.Mlltuel field. |3 materia paid. Nastederati, 0.00 straicht 14.60 place. 14.00 show; Review, s.i mi place, fS.40 sh-.w ; Ooma. XT. Oil show. Baaivalral I king odda Xasledorali. I3i to lot siraiclit. ISO to mo place. Hid to Inn show: Brview. !t to Kki place, 7u t- ltio shew; Uonta, J." n to 10 show. Time. 1:122. Track muddy. Winner k. w. Harpers br. g, 7. by UnV Ward Bncceed, b. Barnabv or Ulrncally traiaed bj C. L. Oickefson; bred by Dr. I. E. lark. Went t-i post at L:!!. At post t minutes Btarl Rood and slow. Won easily: aaraad and third ill ivinc. Beratehed— 3232S t olouel Matt. 107: 5S441 Lady Small. His. Orerwetgbta Rerlew, - psassda; Bea Beach, 3; Little Pointer, 5; Katherlae Carey, 1: Ooaaa, 1. 525 4f Third Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05—3—118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to I ! winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. 5 Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 1 524 2*Mex 110 | | B Marinelii S20-MI 52457 s Pastime 107 pat ft Pator U20-M0 . ff£SB4Ind. BrigadeltS V C Thompson K0-1W 52504 -Mil. Baretta los i B MeCraaa lio-ioo i 52237 Tern. Duncan Ml B* P Martinez IMe-MI . 522Sl1L4tntern no q M Matthews MO-MI , 52450** Ann 8. Ml 7- B Taylor r2400-M| 52437 * "ha ntics.s pis as H Howe flsP-MI [ 5280S*Bon Sante !o" ;•- L Powell t • 5221 1 * Irish Daisy 1-is lo H Jones MM IM •Mated field. j s_ mataela paid, Ilea, 112.40 straight, ;ii.4ii place. 54-0" show: Pastime, .sil.sh place. 55.00 sh- w : Brigade, 54.00 show. Hqalvaleat booklag odda Mex, 520 to loo : Rtroight, 290 to loo place. UN to Phi show; Pastime. * r.tn to urn place, 180 ts 100 show: Brigade, loo to Km show. t, Time. 1:11%. Track muddy. | Winner — J. A. Larsons b. c. •. by Mexican Bastera shore, by The Bard traiaed by J. A. Par- « son: bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson. il Went t- iHist al 2:40, At post 1 minute. Start straggling and slow. Won tasUj : second an-l third driving. _ Beratehed 52500 Black Wine. 115; 52171 Peggy i B Martin. 102. £ 5 sei weights Teaapy Daaeaa, 1 pound: Ann s.. 1. _. , , v 52 tJ"v 547 Fo» "th P.ace-.-5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:053— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to 5 winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. i Equiv. Odds. 5 Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. i 52480 *Riposta bis 1 1: Marinelii v-loo 5 52480 3TUlotson 11"- -■ « Tboaapson 6O*-lO0 5 52450 -» o. James M ., IS Veargia 14 M Ml 5 52500:AppIe Jack iin i N Poden 145-101 52520iiir Leader US S E Hayward iTe-nn p 52401 Pelieitor MI f I Martin-/. I38M-MI * 52520 Pa try Prince IM 7" C Wbitton 18205-100 St 181 Jge Vaughn in? I5 Mlley MMC-fOO s 5I!7! Spaghetti --ti :• B Fator t t t.Mutuel field. 58 S2 niutueis paid. Ripoata, 53.00 straight, 53.20 place. 82.40 show; Tillotson. S3. so place, 52 HO ahow; Ueorge James 53.80 show. I Iapiivalent I stub I si adds -Biposta. 10 to Km by b straicht. 00 to UN place. ■_ to HH show: TUtotxon. to 100 place. Hi to KMi show . George James. io c c KID show. d Time. 1:12. Track muddy. Winner W. Walkers b. m, 7. by Chuctauuada ; • , , | I ! 5 1 . i . , [ • j : * t, | « il _ i B £ 5 _. v 5 i 5 i 5 5 5 p * s t 58 I by b c c d Csaastota, by Boyal Emblem trained by W. Walker: bred by Mr. Joha Baaford. Weal to posl at 3:0!. At p.ist 1 minute. Btarl straggHsg and slow. Wea easily; aecead and third driviuc. Beratehed- 52538 Eddie Tranter. 115: .vj.-.l;.-, Bwee! Tooth. 115; 33458 Listal. 111. Overweighta — Bpaghetti, 1 poaada 52 548 "" Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— 1:43 5— 6-122. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Hors Wt. Fin. Joekey. Strnieht. 52310 p Drapeaa IIS 1- B Taylor B20-100 38555 Nashotah 111 pa c Cross I30-M0 52500 G.Muehlebh 112 1*1 B Marinelii 570-100 55383 *• Plunger IM l | II Rowe • 17-i-iou 5252 7* Mont. Belle no :, I Powell S28O-100 52521 sky Pilot 112 I W Hinphy -1020-100 52483Oebra 182 7 II Jones 52507 Tnmbi.in no | M Blaughter 1530 0 52150 shck Green :i". C Thompson IMO-IOK 5t8?t**Boreaa 112 M C Whit ton M20-10I tMatari fiebi. 52 miitii. N said. Porte Drapeaa. 512.40 atraight. 54.40 pia--..-. 85.00 show: Nashotah. 53.48 place, 55.00 show: George Maehiebach. ?." - show. Euaivaleal hoekiag edda Porte Drapeaa. .".i i t-- 188 straicht. 128 lo KM place, 15© lo KX show: Nashotah. I7n to Kio place, 158 t- Km show; George Muchlcbach. Kit to lot show. Time, 1:53%. Track muddy. Winner J. M. Hubbards b. h. C. by Baastar Bright Cherry, by Ayrshire i trained by O. Huiii: bred in Baglaad by Mr. .1. B. Joel. Went to post at 3:33. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: sec. ml and third dm inc. Beratehed 53438 Petehaa, 188; 53488 Gila, 117. 52549 ""u Sixth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05—3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: .second. 00: third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Hotsp. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straicht. 53441 : Sheraton A. IM l*J X Paden ::j--ino S24t8*V. Welles IM i" i: Marinelii MO-MI 52420* Hob Baker Kit pa ir Rowe »■ , kki 52425 Crispie phi 4:i II Jones MsVMI I075H Green Mint Ho : ■■ H Rettig 811-101 BS3S8Miaa MeelkMO ■ M Blaaghter 2andon-PJe 52426 Raaola n T t; Toaifxla :ioo-IOo 52 mataela paid, flhumaa A., ss.to straicht. 53.20 place. 53.88 show: Vaaenss Welles, 52.00 place, S2.2D show; Hob Maker. SL.M show. Eqairaleat hoatlai adoa- Sherman A.. 195 t-- Bin straicht. f. to KM place. 30 to lot show; Vanessa Welles. 30 to UN place. 10 to 101 show: Bob Baker. •Id t. KM show. Time. 1:11. Track muddy. Winner I!. A. Jones- b. g, 5. by Von Tramp Geaaa. by Balgowaa trained by B. A. Jones; bred by Mr. George W. ITnderhUl. Went to post ut 3:38. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. Beratehed— 52384 Nebulous. *.i7: 52309 Pyx, 118. lrverweights — Crispse, 3 paaada. uuvvv 2 5 5 0 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb x 1920— 1:435— 6— 122. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Etjitiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Joekey. Straicht. 534t8*8hort Stop lot; l*J B Taylor 70-100 53488* Viva Tubal"- 2*5 M Slaus/hter WO-MU 522 15 Ronecraft 111 34 Thompson 470-100 53588 Teratak IM P F chiavetta 1430-Mh 52500 h. Holt-is i-ii; :,- il Rowe tiao-Ma 53481 *T.F.McMaa PH « B Martaelli 4120-M6 BS8S8 Baaer MS Fell, t; reargln ::v.ii-10" 52 niutueis paid. Short Slop. S3. 40 straicht. 82.80 place. 83.20 show: Via Cuba. 53.80 place, - 10 show: Baneeraft, 53.80 shew. F..|iiivalcnt booklag odda short stop. To to KM straicht. 30 to Km ptatee, 10 to KM show; Viva Cuba. 50 to KM place. Id to 188 slaw; Bunecrafi. I" loo show. Time. 1:502;,. Track muddy. Winner strile and Valentines b. g, 0. by Cany II- milium- Little Nell, by Cederstrome traiaed J. T. St ri ti-; bred by Mr. J. Howard Lewis. WCnt to pool at 1:21. At post 1 niniii .-. St„rt I and slow. Won easily; second sad third driving. Beratehed -52481»Water Willow. 187. Overweighta Christie Heitera, 1 peaad.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012401/drf1921012401_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1921012401_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800