Fair Grounds Entries and Past Performances for Monday, January 24, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-24


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FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR MONDAY, JANUARY 24 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. !! Racing starts at 3:16 p. m. riiicago time 2:15. ® .Superior mud runner. x Good mud runner. * Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Ulinkers. First Race — 3-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Ua ideas. Special WelghU. ci rack record: Jan. 13, 1621 341s 2 117. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.llan •".111 Adventure 11o ::,.v;:. 118. .723 S2316a Baby Evelyn 160 :S6% 11l..7l;i 52476 Margaret Elaara ..113 :87Vi 112.. 713 52463 Bed Wiagfield 113 :»and 1l",..7lo 52516 Kate Brommel ...ins ::• --. 1lL..71i 52414 Baaapety Hump- ..116 ::;7 . 112.. 703 Ma a rcw on, ch. c, h. Brya Mi- i oronis. by Voter. 113 Red Tom, eh. •. by lis Maje-ty — I.urlesiue. b Star Shoal 113 Bob, ch. c. by Orb PaaUta, i y Paamare lir, Man land BeUe, be. f, by / u- Dorothy K., by Kilmarnock - |12 Mi-d. al, b. f. bj Sir Wilfred Criorvieto. by Collar 112 Who an Till. eh. f. by Dk k Kinnell Bright Btar, by Star shoot Ho Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. I year ..id- and apward. Claiming. Track record: Peb. 16, 1616 1 :ii.,: ... i iiiti S24433 Sandy IT 1u7 1:67% I 1ii..7L.. : -j-:,. •bVansylvla inn 1 :o7 . : 1080720 52303 uJean Bulwnt ....110 1:10% I Hm 713 52007 *i.Mi— Krater IKi 1 :n7 10 108x715 51778*bYapbank 110 :u -, t 111. .713 : SVJ2 Toe the Mark Ill* 1 :"7 •"•.-. ."• Ill 715 .Ml-ii Bafferty 103 1:05% U 111 710 .".1!|ti bPueblo 10211:0s I Km ■ 71 I 51SOS I Little Maodie . ..Ill 1:67% 5 160 710 47*L".i "Jeweler u 109 7iu 52663 Valerie West ....101 1:07% 7 103x710 32161 Carl Bllwaager ...116 1:11 0 ION.. 703 5X443 bCircalate lot 1:17-. K ins ;,i . 32231 *.Iav Ihuinniei ....1U3 I:0B% 7 103x703 ..1!U7 Or r.unpi.eil ... .nu 1:07% 7 116x701 "•-II I si. .lu-t 113 1:06% I 113. 7iin 3177-- Jao. .:. Rocb ....106 1:06 . 4 106. .700 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. :. yeai akia and upward. laimiag. Track ret ard: "• b. . . mi* l :1 1 .. n 116 i 5244K*bHarry Burgoyae ..116 1:12 6 110X723 522161 *Jago 1"1 1:18% 5 1100720 ."iL3!t;- Ablaae 166 1:16% 4 16NX713 52413 •bMcliora 160 1:12 . 7 110 71". •".-37.". bAatici|Mte 103 1:13% 4 1 « »- 71", .".-•L"-L- Ballybell I«7 1:15% I 106x710 32466 * I he Nephew 11" 1:12 . i 108X710 52415 Frederick the Great 115 1:12% 8 110X710 52466 Jock Hcot 126 1:11% 7 11".- 71n :.JUi ; Harvest Kiug 112 1:13% 7 11". 7ln .".:"_! :. Ulue .lean- 167 1:13% I 166.. 703 :Co" PhiUnderer in 1:14% 3 166X705 51409 Yellow Blossom ..166 1:15% I !!•" .7n.", -. 52543 Trollaa 112 1:16% 7 116.. 700 -, 52406 Shilling 62 1:13% I 116.. 700 .".-.".1* i.z.ne dArmee ill 1:14% 4 ins. .7110 ? .".IM;;i7 lilaplaiu Tojn 115 1:14% 4 108.. 700 , Fourth Race — 1 Mile. j Oak wood Parse. :: year-olds. Allowances. 4; Track record: Jan. II, 1616 1:37% .". 166. 17 ir.J.Vjni I.PIMLICO 112 1:41 1n-x7."0 47 52530 P.rown Cheek Ins . . 7 10 4: ".-Us White Btar 66 1:46% 168X740 C 52497 Top air 105X740 B 5248* Botheration M. .166 1:46% 3*4:740 V 152444 111 l|i His 1:44% 64..7S5 r i: |«»7 - bJoaquina 64..735I5; 52520 Ullt Friage 16611:42% 66X730 5i .".Ul 1U Tharon 66X725 ."- 52466 Paatoche 66 146% 164X723 61 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Choctaw Pane. al I year olds and upward. Allowance*. C Traca record: Peb. 1l. 1616 1:42%- 1 -113. 52540* Pastoral Bwaia ...166 1:44% 5 165X723 52543 bKagamore 167 1:45% 4 30x720 - 52418 bTantalua ;, lBj 71., 12 52350 Bestboff 4 116. .710 !" 52543 bFrogtowa 118 1:43 5 1030701 !: 32476 Bane Dry 112 1:46% 4 107 700 ~ Sixth Race— 1 3-1G Miles. q l-year-olda and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jau. 1, nun 1:57% U 105. 32301- Wadswortha Last. 167 2:61% :i Ki!i®7l.". 52 1524X21 The Portuguese H 109. .720 ,-] 52337-*bladdy Dear 108 2:02 7 hhi 71:, 52 ..-.-Lo.i*i.I.oid Herbert ....1122:01% 6 112X715 52 52-148 liCla.per 0 106x715 51 52501 Pirate SlcOee 4 104: 710 T 52358 hilar One 6 160X710 52301 *I..I. C. Stone 107 2:02% H 107X705 .".-•13s Ma.-k Beevea ill °:nii". s 160x700 — -". Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 1 fear -olds an I upward. Claiming - Track n cord: r.i.. 1:;. i tn 1:44% :t 164. fg 523021 •luinlwiii 112 1:46 3 107x723 K 52496 *bRolaterer M ....166 1:49% I .:.. 7Jn is 52379 Coraon 166 1:43% 5 106X715 r.- DR. r.ilsi liKaliite lnii 1 :4s:;-. .". inn 71n 52336 Wild Flower 4 ss 71l 52699 •bKeziah 108 1:48 S 93 ■ 7lu :._t.ii_ bCounterbabince ...106 1:47% r, in, . 711, - 52482 Search Light III.. .113 1:48% :. 105X710 - 52468 *bColooel Lit 166 1:46% 1 Iiil 710 l 52482 Kerbian 114 1:48% 5 105x705 ,r 52235 bSusan M 98 I : »s .", 100X703 - 52156 *bN braaka 164 1:47 7 1044:703 52879 bTIger Rose lu: 1:46% ■". 100X703 s "• 52398 bllliiebannock 11111:48% 7 105x705 52286 1 Arbitrator 106 1:47% 7 106: 700 - "-ls; r. .. King 10631:48 6 105. .700 51 52292 *l.|;.peatir 107 !:!- I 102X700 :l: •".-11! Magnel Land 110 1:50%* 5 105X700 16546 Fountain Fay HI 1:46% 11 103% 700 " 32446 *r. t-y in 1:46% 5 X700 """

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012401/drf1921012401_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1921012401_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800