Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-24


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r. _ r f e. r •♦ •" • ": " • r B ." S 2 V , , tl al a V r = P t J — ] : ."2 • 4 K II ■ by " fj, ol m £ - « " 5 51 5! +: 5! 5 •* a Sv l1 S B| la fi in Tl la c. HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. SUNDAY. JANUARY 23. 1921. Ori. ntal Park, fiftieth day. Cuba Ainerican Jockey and Auto lull. Winter Meeting of KMi days or mote. Weather clear; temperature 90 . stewards. J. Hachatetstor, c. II. Leasdale and F. .1. Braea. Starter. Jaaaes F. Milton. Bactatg See retary, M. Nathaasoa, B.-icinc starts at 2:15 p. at. Chicago time 1:12 p. m.l. Medicates apprentice allowance. CTO KPr-j FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse S700~ 3-year-olds and OmUUI upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses ~~ A~Wri;PSt~1-4~1 s* Str Fin Jockeys Owners U H C P B~~ 53411 "BREAD LINK wa 4 M4 5 1 |sa v 1; lsk B KenndyW C West* land i;-r. ;-.", i;.. 1. ;-1 52471 SAYONA wa • il- Tin . T1 1 «;- I* F W Cramp A C Hoaderaon 4 4 I -5 i-r, 52305 WILLIE WOODS w SIM I ". V Z] fa 31 .1 Domlck F Delbarrlo 1". IS I". I 3 53513 ILANTAtlK.NKT w .1 114 11 S ■ »* 5»* 4* Kane-s S Hurnsid- 4 4 I 8-5 4-3 52472 VOORIN a 1 IM l I il- I 41- :- J Drey- r .1 H Moody s | s :: I S 51000* FINIS w 4 104 8 7 4* 7 v l*J N J BrneaC E Lenakan o M M I I 5247 1*STILKTTi I W 5 MB 12 1 -- .".1 7 7 .F Wilson H Shi- Ids 8 i I 3 W 52881 8TARKADER w S IM I 1 _"i :::I 8* 5s A Piek-ns T Monahan 4 4 4 Li 6-5 £2418-* MISS DIXIE w3 85 - 8 V VI 5" ••- A McLlinM K Thompoon io 1-- lo 4 818v8*tBJSCUIT a 8 IM 4 11 NP*taV HP h • P Bariej W B "Wilkin* 10010.50 M b "2104 SJK EDGAR WB 5 HI :: ". s1 l" IL 11:1 R MoIVot.H W Ilunt M 0 X L. S 52418 *tLYRIC wa . 8518 U 1 12 15 12 s Lou.- I" A Herald M M M 12 0 fMatael field. Time. 23/5. 47*5. 1:14. Track fast. s2 niutueis paid. Bread Line. 84.40 straicht. .70 place, 58.88 show: Sayoiui. s7.KJ place. 84.88 show : Willie Woods. 829.88 show. lviuiv.ilent booklag alas Bread Line. 188 to 188 atraight. 85 to loo place. 83 to 188 show; Bayeae, 50 t-- 180 place, 100 to 100 show: Willie Woods. U85 to 100 show. Winner — Br. f. by Delhi — Haager, by Haaover traiaed by W. c. Westmoreland: bred by Mr. Jaaaes W. Corrigaa. Weal I-- post at 2:15. At i-ost 3 minutes. Start coed and slow. Won driviag: second :uid third the same. BREAD LINK set a good pace and drew away after cnterinc the homestretch, but was tiring the end. BATONA aaate threagh next to the rail and. flalshlag with a rush, aim as! c--t ap to win. WILLIE WOODS ran well, but tired in tne stretch. VOOBI.N closed an immense cap. ILANTACEN 1. r finished close up. Overweiclits Lyric. -Jj pounds; Vooria. 3. ErOprprO SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—l:ll—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. *-9Jb4lJ*J*d Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt Vi % Str Kin Jockeys Owoers Q H C P~ S 38888 *GRATI AN w 148 7 1 J1. I»J 1 M I. Penman W C West hand l". j. ■_". 1 T-77 52472 ROSEATE we PM 4 2 5 3 V V B Harn-s A C Xi-haus I 1" 1" 7-5 7-M 130 *K1.NCS BELLE WB 148 I 7 SJ 2* 2] 5* R Lcast-rl A 11. told .". .". S L 1 52488* *CIOALE w !7 .". : 2» 41 4* Al V Wibton B Cebrlaa 3 3 3 1 1-2 82488 NATURAL w 107 J I «i S» ;,i ,-,- 1; Reandy Williaats Lids 1 1 1 i-:;i--; 5X4SB*SPLTGS a Ml II 7 7 I* ;;" .1 Fran is .v I. Taylor 10 M II :; : :, 47K7X FLANK MOODY w BS S S I- i; 7 7 .1 Dawson J J Holtiimn .".i El 50 la T Time. 23. 472-,. 1:15%. Track fast. s_ mataela paid, llratiaa, 512.18 straicht. .80 phtee, 88.88 show; Roseate, 58.88 place, si. 00 show: Nines Belle, 88.80 show. Bqalvaleal booking edda t.ratiaa, ."" •"• to 180 straight, 188 t-- 188 ptatee, 88 t- Km show- Boseate 850 t-i loo place, 15 KM show: Blags Belie, 80 to KH show. Winner 15. f. by Astronomer Helen t- . by His HighaetH traiaed by W. t Westmoreland bred Mr. David Uidaoal. Wi nt t-i post ,-it L:4l. At post L mbtates. Start c-o-I and sb.w. Won .hi vine " second and third the same. CKATIAN outran the others fn-ui the start, saved ctoiind on all the turns an-l gamsly outstayed BOSEATE. The latter made up groaad and linishe.i in resolate fashion MNiis BELLB 1 slow beginner, closed a cap ami tired in the stretch drive. ClUALE ran well. XATTRAL raced wide most the waj iilid ran a bad lace. Overweiclits frank Moody. 1 pound. .2*0 THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:055— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-vear *-**■*-**-*«-* ols and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0." Indei Horn-* AWtPPBt j % % 8tr Pht Jockeys Owners O H 3 — F~S~~ .-•2473 RUNNYVEN wa 4 107 7 1 4= H V 1-v. .i Don. iek A L Au.stirT ~1 i s — , — s" .VMIt MERRY FEAST wa 7 101 1 I p l« 1- •] ■, MaugaaJ Coatello 10 10 10 t - 6t48fOUT THE WAV wa I IK : j- 2iJ f U KenndyM Goldblatt •• • - L •"•.-. 588M»BLACK PRINCE w 4 MI I E Ssa andi |i v R LcatcterP Leydecker I 4 4 7-6 7-11 58410*BYRNE wa S M4 - 1 IJ 7J l| 5| .1 Francis Roaedale stable • •• • 4.-, -.-, .••,473-Tlli: BLUE DUKEwaSlM I ~- 8*51 "-i W Kelaay El Motto Stable -■ •. 2J 1 t-:- 58512 POLAR CUB wb 4 M7 I I II v- |t* f s Beyle T Doyle I I g ; a-s ol9ll INA WOOD we. 1 its. S 5 3 :: P*. I" R McITottW F Km-bkamp M M M I I 5*143 TREA DWELL w 6 Ml i 1 I I I i .1 Drej r 1 B Allen 31 SO 00 31 I Time. 22V 40-; . 504i. 1:06;,. Track fast. 52 mataela paid. Raaayvea. sl7.mi straicht. 114.88 place. 84.70 ahow; Merry Feast " s-ti -"" 88 -■---ss.oo "" show: tint the Way. 52.70 show. ■ BqaJvaleal boekiag odda Ruanyren. 1.50 t-- 188 straicht. 813 to 100 peace 183 to loo shoo m-.it least. 880 to KM place. 800 to KM show: out the W.iv. .!.-, to KM show .reckels i l,V lt"""•v"1,,l, V*",1":- • VifKil" trained by A. L. Austin, hied by Mr. Adolph B. Ing. I.I NNWI.N dosed with a rush in tin- up las, eighth and. easily pass,,,. ,|„. pacemaker in the last rtftj rorda. wo. aotatg .waj «EBB Ilas! showed extreme speed „, ,„,• e.rlr running and f raced ii.t-1 a hom lead which he retaiaed oatil in the but eighth, men tired from excessive exertion oft nil. WAl reeed rorwardly, bat lired aad jnsl lasted laanj eaoagh to outstay BLACK PRINCE Th- B:l«1.,"rsplS ,:" ltV1:M: T",: ,;1": IMKJ: U- *":" •"• " — »" ■ " nnis,!; Dverwelgkta Raaayvea, I peaad; The Liu- Dake, l. KQKi FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—0—102.1 Fourth Running MARIANAO 1 *J+d*Jt_9 t HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner J2.3E0: rccond. 00 . third. 00. Index Hoists AWtlPSt H * K Str Kin .loekevs llwwri O ||" O p 8~ - i:m iri:!i:i.iiv « i m • £ i • flj i i: KcnndyM Goidbiati 8-5 3-5 ; t 82492 R OP i:iiz rx »n ;. in l •, :: ■-,. :■ ,t zij j Hoff|er T Hoffler :: •; 8-5 3-5 •"-"••- smakt MONE a ; M8 - I 9* 8 ! S K Barnes «: Holmes ■ B34S2 MCMBO JlMRO n 7 lis i . i ] |i| 3 i • s Boyle 1 Devi.- i i | %-t 1-5 ."MHt MAVEHOXA wa 3 9! 7 : 2 ! r Wilson W R Co II1M DIFFERENT BYES* 5 MB i l 1 l» i: I . - I: M DottJ l Mllltn HJ M M -I 2 B2S08 liRlXDY «i: 7 M8 ;. | i.i •,-■ $ ;.. k pick na Armenia St. l I. : g-5 3-5 62463 jfST FANCY a IW 3 : 77s r L*ra «terArnvuila Stable ; 3 :: 6-5 .••■•!4;:! ALL VULOW Ml CM W 1" M I I Fl ■:■. r K Delbarriu s I :; s :. D 1696 BRIG OF WAR a G M4 I 7 7 ■- »■ aft * I Ill/. l I. b I j :• 25 8 I tCoaiMed in bet t lag; m Keparate place or -how betting. ROM, 23V 472.-,. 1:18%. Track fast. |S mutiiel- paid. Furbelow. 88.26 atraight. 15.46 place, si. -jo show; Belle uf Ellsabethtowa 64.08 1 ll place, 68.76 show: smart Money. .80 Kh«w. 1 Equivalent boeklug odd- Furbelow. 900 to 100 straight. 17" to Iimi place, 110 to 106 show; Belle »f Eliaahetlitown. 130 to 1IK» place. 95 to 1n show: Smart Mmny. 1 10 t.. 1iin show. ; Winner B. 1. by Peter Pan Prlllery, b] Br i-ti.k trained bj M. Uoktblatt; bred by Mi- Ham , Payne Whitney 1. Went to ponl :it 3:30. At post :. minute-, start Read ami alow. Woa driviug; aeeaad nod third the -■oane. PURBKLOW began alowly. bat moved ui rapidly after entering the homeNtretrli aud. fiaisbing -gamely next to Ike in-id- raU. aroa because best riddea at the ead. BKLLE OF ELIZABRTHTOWN raa :i *;t 1 »i t ; 1 race and would have won with ■ better rider up. KMART UOXKY began idowlj and far bach 1,1 "■• wiHj rouuiug. hal «rorke l hix araj 111 tbe outside and finished uiiii a rush. llntii JIMBO 1 •" ■ -■""• race. D1PFEBKXT EYES act ■ ra«l pace, bat tired nfter going a naif mile in tbe lead MAVEHOXA alwi ran a fast half. Hcratcned 52287 Right A ogle. Ill; 32471 lEhaout, mi Overweight* Brig of War. 2 pounds. ===== ; RLQCIC.CC FITTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 3. 1918— 1 :44 5— 3—92. Havana Post Handicap. *-* ■■ «-F «-* «-» Purse SI. 200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S900- second ] 00: third. S100. »■« * 5°r?£? AlVtilSt, M % str Kin Jacteya Oaraera o H c p s J .- MI 1 AI.M 1 HALL wild 1 3 1 11 A Plckem Armonia BUble 8-5 8-a 8-5 3-5 out , M4745EXHORTER v. 7 101 :; 1 2J ji 2J ji .-, . .1 Krancu- J VYaltera 2J l" •" 1 RS474aBALLY a . MR 5 1 1 S* :; : v Keiaay R Dels 14 4 7 FI4IJ»DOCOD w 5 MS ! ."1 a 5 5 5 4* B KenndyJl Ooldblatt 3] :r. :•• 8-6 out •347STHE PIRATE wa 4 M 1 2 l 1 :.■:. p Wilson F. Cebrlai 2 • 2 1-5 out Time. 24. 485. 1:14. 1:393-, 146 Track fast. 32 matoela paid. W.ilnut HaU. 36,00 atraiakt. 33 30 plaei : Exhorter. 33.60 place; no -how mataela aaU Etiniraleat bookina odds— Walaat Hall. 110 to 100 atraifbt, K to Kwi place: Exhorter, 00 to HKi place Winaer B. a. by Baaflower 11. Waterweed. by WatenTess trained by V A Carter- bred In I Eaclaad by .Mr. 1. B. Joel. Wont 10 post .-it l:iil. At post 1 Minote. Start | 1 and alow. W.n drirlaa;: ar ratal and third the 5 naaae. WALXtT HALL to,,k « .|l;i,k lend and. aettias a faal pace nader Klfarht reatraint made a rame ■ flalah and ontatayed EXHORTER. Tlie latter raced la cloaeat puraoit and waa pressiaR tbe wianer bard B nt the ead. RALLY waa on the out-id, • ..t tbe leader* while rooadlnc the far tnra and wkea eaterina S the hoateatretcb and ran a t I race, nocoi waa sore when aoias t.. the poat, but finished fast and 5 close up. THK PIRATE ran well, bat tired in tbe stretch drive. . C-Qafh SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse S700. 1 •-■ and t_F t_J oj 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horsea AWtPPSt j Vfe fltirTin Jockeya Qwners__ O H O P 8 [ BS4tU*ROUXDEL wa 5 M2 1 2 24 V V FW? Wilson H Shields 8-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 1-3 5 »MSl*DOVBLET II. am 4 Ml 7 5 V V :■■ 3*25 it LcaaterM E Thoanpaon 4 4 4 3-5 4-5 - 6MM*LADY HESTEI: wa 5 104 1 1 1- r i | 3* L PermanE Baooderaon 15 15 15 t - 52361 BUNCRANA w :. 111s 4 7 6* 4-.;. 4, k 41 jij c Eaasea H W Plant 21 a 23 1 |-j - CX475»TIM .1. HOGAN wC M - i i 5j ■ ."- 5J A McLilnG Warwick 3J SJ ::r 3-5 3-5 - B2461*WILFREDA :, 102 1, 1; ;. ga 7. ,, | b Kenn*dyW Fenwick 8 s 8 3 8-5 J 62431 BULGER v. c. ;i n« I I 8] I 1 I] 7 W Keiaay » Reynolds 1.7 15 15 I r-3«S4 SEM. stai.Wkt v. ■ M7 : .: 7- 7J 8] 7: I | .1 Frai i- .1 C Raton B I 8 3 l-S Bt4M GUARDSMAN w C 167 3 1 i: c. j I | .1 Drover K A Cotton 15 15 15 I ; Time. 23 = a. 48. 1:14. 1:66*4, 1:44. Track fast. 32 matoels paid. Uoaadel, s."..:;o atraixbt, 38.40 place, sz.-jii show; Ooablet II. 3S.66 place 34 26 show Lady Heater, 3.20 show. i Equivalent booking adds Ronadel. !«;."■ t.. KM straight, 76 to 100 place 66 to 160 show Ooablet II * Iso to 1K place. 1111 to 1H show: Lady Heater, 660 to 166 show. ■ Winner— Ch. z. I y Peter palace BaUtia, by Orlando trained by 11. Shields; bred by Mr Johaaoa N Caaadea. j Went to pant at 1:36. At poal 1 mil. nt.-. Start good and Blow. WoM eaaUy: aeeaad and third drh tut. ROUNDEL was rlose ander reatraiat until straightened oat in the hoaaeatretch whore 1 i-iiv " raced into a good load when called en. DOUBLET II. raced well and nntgaaied LADY HE8TEB for a aecoaa] place. The latter net a fast pace for aevea-ebyhtha and was in the middle of the track all the 5 way. TIMOTHY J. HOGAN tired after moving np oaickly while rounding the far turn BUXCRANA " S finished cloae up. • if Orerwefarhta Poablet II.. 5 poaada; WHfreda, 2; Bancraaa, I. 5 SC9S:e;7 SEVENTH RACE— l l-U Miles. Feb. 3. 1918-1 :44V5_3— 92.1 Purse 00. 4-.ear-iriWI 6 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 550." Index Horsea AWfll8tYj!! Str Kin Joekeya OwnerU II ■ p a ! : rVA . 1 A 1.1.1 AN w Mill S :; .: :;■ J- l S F Wilson W .M Sbeedy 4 4 4 s-", |-", I SX4SS*FAUX-COL wa 3 M3 7 1 4 11 h* la» 2« 1: Kentdy Williams Broa S-6 C-5 6-6 1-2 1-4 i 6t»16ALLSMOKE w 7 MS 1 r 2J 1 3i 3 3" E Barn.s J Reatle 12 12 1" a B "-- Dt47S PIERRE-A-FEU w 7 W« 5 S Pit V I is Boy I. 1: D Springer 7 31 :T i;--, -62462* LACK AW ANNA w 5 MC 3 7 8 Sj t 7 R l-casterArmonia SUble 8-5 8-5 3-5 3-5 1-3 C64S3 AMERN SOLDR w I R 4 I ia« g 1; 1. penman Mrs C K .Moore 12 U 12 ". " C2614 STEPSON waa 5 118 . 2 I" I : 7 v Crump c Middleten 15 15 15 I 3 I ril«8 WAR PLUME wpolll 8 a :•" 7; 8- 8 8 J Domiek C K Moore * ■» - s 4 l Time, 24. 48H. 1:14%, 1:66%, 1:46. Track fast. * mataela paid. Allivan, 1.00 straight. -20 place. s::.7it show; Faux -Col .10 place s: , mi .how ! . Ailsmoke, .10 -how. 5 Equivalent booking odd- Allivan. 4.-.11 to 166 straight, lln to 166 place S3 to liio show- Paax Col 5 .".", to inn place, r.i to iimi show: Albonoke. 133 to 1 m» show. £ Winner Br. f. hj Radiam Washerwoman, by Erin Slor trained by E. W Padelford bred bv Mi-Henry T. Oxnanll. 11 Went to post at :.:un. At poat 3 uiaates. start g 1 and slow. Wen driving; second and third tbe s same. ALLIVAN, alter bring saved rioae up from the atari, moved up steadily after rounding tbe far " turn and. 111 a last rinish outsUyed FAUX-COL in the final drie. FAUX-COL raced into the lead on " t.«,b".fMtrH*11 "" ""lv -"•,ll»l!"1 rfRht at the end. ALLHMOKK ran a game race, but tired LACK- M AW ANNA wa- humped and crowded hack b AMERICAN SOLDIER on the fhrat turn .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921012401/drf1921012401_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1921012401_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800