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: i 1 1 J . I 1 • i ■ j . j j I ! i i Bill Turners 0,000.00 Challenge S100 IIP FOR THE WINNINGS OF « 0 STRAIGHT PUT MY FIRST EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL GOES AT NEW ORLEANS SATURDAY. JANUARY 22: NEXT ONE TUESDAY. JANUARY 25: NEXT. JANUARY 27. YOU MUST WIN OR I MUST LOSE." I KNOW THAI Vol AIM: IIOIM TO BE SKEPTICAL ABOUT TIUF INFORMATION. I KNOW THAT THOrsANHS HAVE PLAYED WnilOIT SATISKACTOK Y BKSI I.TS. AND JIST BECAUSE I KNOW THIS I AM GIVING Vol THIS 00 TIP FOR THE WINNINGS OF A 0 PLAY THIS sloii TIP POM THE WINNINGS OF A 0 PLAT IS VlltlT.M.I.V THE SA.MK AS IF TIIK OWNER AND TRAINEE WAS PLATING 85.069 01" Ills OWN MONKY ON HIS OWN HORSE, WOULD THAT HOK8E BE READY? DO Yol THINK THAT HOUSK WOULD DO His BEST? 1 HATE ONLY ONE KIND OF INFORMATION- DIBBCT STABLE INFORMATION. YOC PROBABLY NEVER HAH THIS KIND BEFORE. IT IS BASED ON COMMON SENSE. 0,000.00 STABLE CHALLENGE I challenge and have previously picxlueed my 0,000.90 eliallenye in fhis paper to enuaue in open ei.inpeiitioii with any infeiiiiatiipii l.uteau in ilmrrtra oa winning eiilts ttw a stated perind. I MUST REITERATE— I CANT WIN IF YOU LOSE I have the s:!nie *ell interest in everytkfeg that I undertake and my ambition is ta build up a large business by dealing absolutely fair with every one. and my gains will eome from the volume ..| business rightly and justly obtained. I BELIEVE THAT MY PROCEDURE IS TIIK MOST IIONKST. JUDICIOUS AND RBMUNERATTTR TURF PROPOSITION EVER BUBMITTED. NO RAINBOW OII.D1NO WITH SNAP-BACK ATTACHMENT. MY PI, AN I will have two or three plays | week, which will be sent you in rote, and sent ONLY by telegraph at H a. in. Go to the Western Inion Telegraph Company and ask what a ton-word day telegram eosts for live naeaKage* and then wire or mail tne charges to cover the same. I will positively NOT SEND TELEGRAMS CHARGES COLLECT. Da not send me eharges for more aer lea* than live lelegranis. My information for the five plays will be sent by wire. They will not be mailed nor phoned you. and neither can you call at our ottiee for them. Send correct business or residence address. Now. gentlemen, if your are unable to comply with the above rules. i_-et jrow information elsewhere. I HAVE HAD 14 WINNERS OUT OF 18 SENT OUT TERMS Wire ate the winnings of I 810 straight liot. No excuses taken. Catena remit tame is wired me the day after each race I will not wile you the next, winni r. You are .il liberty to deduct the cost of the telegraphic charges of the live messages from my Brat winner. PRBE — Write for my very invaluable ami interesting 0,080.09 challenge system literature, which is .i distinct proposition from my " bet for me." It invites all publishers to an open coateal with luiiieis System. I challenge any author of any system to compete with me on results. FRIDAY, DANCING SPRAY, 1-1, WON. WEDNESDAY, DAY LILLY, 6-1, WON. As ■ famous public man once said: -Every institution is the development of an idea, but no idea develops into an institution unless jt Mas decided merit. My one ambiiion is to convert my idea into the most gigantic turf institution in America. I will Ieae no stone mil limed. All t lit herara I semi out are prepared days and weeks in advance and should !»■ ready and tit. Playing absolutely oa the horse that appears best, further corrolioratod by the most prolicient handicap-t pi t. who. by a process however ditiicitlt and tedious, limine- out the exact capacity of everj animal la the race on his best form. Kngaging one of the ablest jockevs and the interested parties not protiting unless the horse wins H- THIS Mollis OPERANDI PAI1.S. THEN IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN PI.AV-t 1N ; TIIK RACER BILL TURNER - SUITE 336 - 17 WEST 42nd STREET - NEW YORK CITY ! I rl y ,. i 1 • * it t ii i¥Fl 3B3 aaaaaaai afiTH 5 i DAILY DIRECT FROM THE TRACK TO YOU I On sale at all news-stands ar.d dealers selling: r Racing Form and Turf Reporter. 25 CENTS, RESULTS OF SATURDAYS LETTER: One Best Won Long Shot Third WALTER TURNB0W 4-1 3rd UNITED VERDE 3-1 Won i DAVID XRAIG 8-5 Won 1 MINUTE MAN 4-1 Won ST. ISIDORE .: 1-2 Won LAD 5-2 Won CHEER LEADER 2-1 2nd Five Winners One Second One Third No dope or guesswork to our letter. Direct track , information from Turf Reporters dockers. Mon- - days LONG SHOT goes seventh race. Past performances go for Sweeney, should prove worth ona hundred times price of letter and if your news- I dealer dont handle them mail and yon will receive letter each morning, first mail, for two weeks. 22 West Qmncy Street Suite 510-511 | CHICAGO, ILL. i I r i 1 THE MAN WHO KNOWS when they are ready to win with them. If you dont believe it. just give me a trial. I have been after this information for a long time and have finally landed it. As this information costs me a great deal I will let you in on it if you guarantee to make a .00 straight bet for me on what I send. Dont wait, as you cant afford to miss this offer. Write or wire me at once. J. G. BURT 984 MISS. AVE. MEMPHIS. TENN. , - THE WINNING POST AMERICAS LEADING RACING WEEKLY TODAYS FREE CODE: Elephant-Form-Winning-Readers-To. THE WINNING POST 101 West Forty-first 8tr«et New York City I | The American Racing Manual for 1921 1*4 NOW ON RAI.K. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.