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SEVERAL CLOSE FINISHES ♦ — Lykes Superior Horsemanship Gives Fantoche a Victory. — — ♦ — Mcliora Beaten by Apple Jack II. After Bleeding-— Good Weather Returns and Helps Out. P.V J I. DEMPSBT. NFW OKI. FANS. La . January ls. .[,„ key Lykes •Uie-.ior joeke.Vship aiiountcii for the victory o| Fantoche by a nose over Botheration in the mile handicap, which was the feature of this after-ooons racing :.t tin Fair Groands. Pantocbe appeared bes, when an eighth oat. when P.otlieration »:s in the had and going well, but l.yke begaa i araesi drire and ihe Gordon eolt. responding in gam- style, steadily decreased ihe lead and won in the last stride. There was little to choose in a i betting amy betweea the pair, both being ac-eoi did heary backing. Small fields were the rule today and helped to make good sport. The weather had moderated considerably, bringing wilh il an increased attendance and inn. h improvement ill the bettiag. The downfall of some of the well-hacked choices guYC ojipor tunltj t,. the livers to recover some of their greal recent h-sses. The worst disappointment came with the running of the third race, in which Mcliora was backed I Ihe exclusion i f the others in the race and was beaten by A, pie .lack II.. which led from lh.- start aad beat the favorite home by a k. MeUoras defeat was possibly dm- to a sHarht bemmarhnge she suffered from during the running. The stewards lis" cautioned Jockey kfooney to do his best with Apple .Ink II. ami the rider heeded the Another jolt that the smart s,.| experienced ■inie in ll peiiing dash when the first time starter here. Trader, carrying the silks of David Oideoii and supported extensively by Lis following and ,.f S. A. Clopton. brought up a distant follower. His elimination was complete when he was knocked mil of any chance while in a Contending position. Another surprise of the race was the victory of Jim Fog. He was the longest priced winner of the winter and he stood a hard drire to eutsja.v Bepent. Trader was claimed for 81.508 b.v It. ;. Kenny. Another strenuoas duel developed with tie running of ihe fifth race, terminating in a nose vie lory for Lively, the nicdiu f a belting coup, but hed at a short price over Dliise. The latter succeeded in getting Ihe lead when an eighth out. bill gare way in the final strides. Frederick the Great in this would have figured extensively but for being aim isi throw n .just as be was disputing for the lead with Lively. his force back being due lo i.iv.I, coming over on him sharply. Lively was claimed by A. Sweuke for 81,800. ruder a change ,,f riders from WcBeimott I.. Connolly a great improvement was worked in Pits tunning, and he won easily from Aztec and Lad in the sixth race, in which David Craig was made an overwhelming favorite. The latter flattered ex- tensh lj in leading until in tin- las: eighth, where h gare awaj suddenly. Of Hie twenty ranted in the last race twelve were scratched and Bengali managed i iistay He lav, rile. Caplain Burns, for the purse, with Walter Turnhow Just beading Arbitrator for third place. Major who is with major Culleii and lieutenant Bridges in .|iiesi of suitable stallions for us,, in breeding ai the different governntenl .lepols. secured the horse H,m Tramp fr Bd Ar llngl n. The horse will be shipped lo Fori BctMi 0km. He,,. Swain, win. is serving as agent for B. K. Bradleys stable, is confine, I in a local hospital wiih pneumonia.