Seventh Race [Seventh Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-29

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SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Feb. 13, 1915—1:44 4-5—3—104. TAN II. . ch. g. 6 111 By Rock Sand— Tanya, by Meddler. Trainer. H. Roseacher. Owner. H. R. Roseacher. 2499 F.Gnda I 1 -16 1 : n. i;,s .", 112 I ". 4 I _ 24 C Ponce B H.OIJay, Capt. Burns. Kiolielieu 52379 F.Gnda 1 I 16 l:tt!fcteet 3 Ml I I I I lh t C Poace 11 Coraoa, Nominee. Lad 52293 F.Gnda I 1-16 l:47-5fast il 112 I 6 E I 6 7*| C Ponce 12 Jerry. S.oiirjjeman. Chestv ,211.. .1. f son 8-4 l:ll-., 20 110 I 8 5 6i 6*1 C Ponce 11 I.t.Perkins. HdenJewel Murray 51.425 Jefson 3-4 1 :15»fast 20 114 6 6 8 12 12!T J Heupel 12 Murphy. JockS.-.n. Madrono 1 69879 Jamaica 1 1-16 l :47ibcood 9-5 115 l 3 4 4 2- 2" C Paaea 8 The Wit. Aawrtoaa Itoy, l.tiery ! 50665 Jamaica lni7o. 1 : 1!6laal 20 120 1 2 3 4 4 4"C lonce llleudrie, Niaktattofc, Most TRACKSTAR. b. c. 4 106 By Out of Reach— Turf Star, by Nasturtium. Trainer, R. McKeag. Owner, B. A. Lane. f.2Wl F.Gnds 3-4 l:13%faat IS 111 I 9 6 «." B* ,T MtTigt 11 OrU v:i. Cobalt Laae. t I.l Sinticr 52326 F.Gnds lm70v l:45«.5fast 10 3 11 9 is S 11 10l 101T T Nolan 11 Colonel .it. Walk Uj . Mab S2231 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :19hvy I 112 4 4 4 4 8" .T McTagt 13 Kirah. ThdyNigkter, Sam. Kelly C2158 Jefson lmTfty l:44%f st 8 1*9 2 i " 6 ! S" T Xolan 10 Mnrra.r. Chesty. Glen Well 62094 Jef son 3-4 1:15 slow 20 111 7 5 I 6* 3" T Nolan 13 M. Maxim. PlainBill, OldSinner ! Cf440 Dorval 1 1-S 1 :D6 fast i 104 4 1 3 3 42 44i V MaraUl 7 Tricksterll., M.Dixou, L. Nearer , 60398 Dorval 1 1-16 1 :49-i,fast 2 100 4 2 2 2 la* la* V Maralli I S. Stalwart. RicbardV., MissOrb I SENTIMENTAL, b. m. 5 104 By Marathon— Animosity, by Star Ruby. Trainer, E. R. Mitchell. Owner, W. E. Jones. " 52621 F.Gnds lmTOy l:45J:.rast 6 107 1 E .". 8 41 .".?. .1 MeCov » Lar.Meaa. Bight Wine. M.Fonso EW F. Grids lm?*y l:4S%fnat 7 106 B 7 I 7 5" 4-1 I .1 M noy 11 Colonel Lit, Walk lp. Mab 52293 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l :47=.-,fast 10 107 I 7 10 M 91 6" J .1 Mney m Jerry, Bcsargnaaa, chesty BOSS .l.-fson 1 1-M l:4*%faat 20 HiH 7 9 I 6»* l"k F Bryson 13 HankODay. ColonelLit. Neenah , . MM Jefson 8-4 1:18 hvy 9-10 111 5 I i 31* 3J J J Mney 7 Ivanmist. M. Gingham, Circulate £1727 Jefson 3-4 l:172..hvy 25 110 I 6 4 4$ 4-* E Smith 8 RaokBay. Opportunity. Pullux i 615;* Bowie 1 1-S 1:59 12 102 1 2 2 3 3i 3* M BefcfWta S Wdthrush. .IkKcoves CtFool SUSAN M., b. m, 5 104 By Ogden — Queen Marguerite, by Henry of Navarre Trainer, D. McDermid. Owner, D. McDermid. EMM P.Gnda ItnMy l:4S%faat ■ Ml E 5 4 4 ::- ::r .1 Roberta 8 Indino. Bagaaaa, Tbunderbird BKSS F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:0n fast IS 1 4 g :, 4 4 4 4- .1 McCoy ! KichardV.. C.Cily. W.TnrnNow 52255 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:51 hvy S 95 6 6 6 6 55 4,n T Jarvis S fleergc Duncan. Betsy. Serbian 62075 Jefson lm70v 1 :50f,hvy 4 104J 5 3 3 7 3" 42J J Roberta 9 K. Neptune. Higbld, Miss Nell 51889 .Jefson 11:42 fast 8 IM 9 8 8 8 7* 6" J J MneylO I .t. Perkins. SdyMae, LadyWard 61738 Jefson 1 1-16 1 £3%avy 4 H4 8 7 i 6 f « S Mitchell 8 Tags, Sasin. H. C. Basch 61680 Jefson lm70y 1:5 -.mud 11-5 102 4 3 2 1 Is Is J ltoberta 7 B.BrummlII., Dancer. T.Brooks NEWEL W., b. g, 5 109 By Stalwart— Briretta, by Dr. McBride. Trainer. E, C. Crockett. Owner, 3. L. Knight. BttZS F.G mis l 1-M l:4?%faat 12 Ml l 18 s | 3 r.-j r Lone W Brandt e. Bantry, Lowell 628M P.Gada 1 l-MM teat 26 103 i I 8 S 4* "*"i -I .1 .Mney 7 Plenty. Nominee. Deckmate "2542 F.Gnds 1 1-4 2:07-.-,fast 20 106 f. 1 1 1 4 B»l 1 LoaC ~ I~ad, Sandy Mac. Capital City SM32 P.Gnda 1 1-16 1 :47%faat 15 IN is I 7- 6" .1 Roberta ! Plenty. Lereaa Moat, Big Idea 52419 F.Gnds 1 1-4 l:OS%faat 20 110 1 13 12 14 142 1417 N Barrett M Nominee. Lnd, Pit 5237.1 P.Gnda 1 1-M l:4M.-,fast 25 112 11 ll ll 11 S1 B* L Lyke 11 Corson, Nominee. Lad EMM P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:47%faat 40 los 1J 12 12 12 32 l"c W Heinchl2 Jerry, Seoargenaaa, Chesty ASSUME, br. g. 7 104 By Disguise — Chancery, by Inflexible. Trainer, F. M. Bray. Owner, J. Leonard. EMM F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 1 111 9 7 3 2 2" 4 I Murphy 12 Benevolent. Dr. Jim. S.l.ii_ht 111. EMM P.Gnda 2-4 4 IM 13 13 11 SI 1*1 F Murphy 13 Cinderella. Midian. Pftgnim SM7E F.Gnds 3-4 l:13%teat 20 IM 12 10 8 Si S- W Obert IS Ale.lackll.. Jock Scot. loalaflT syus jefson 3-4 l:142.-,fast 6 IM M 9 I 8= 8s H Kin? 11 Lieut. Perkins. 11. Jewel, Murray 62039 Jefson T,_ f 1 : 7r-,fast 15 113 9 9 8 81?. 7-i II King 11 Marmite, JockSeot. Port Light 51128 Empire lm70y 1 6 116 2 1 2 4 4-" 4-1 W Obert 5 Pliedoden, St. Isidore. C.reatGull SELMA G.. ch. m, 5 106 By English Lad — Elammula, by Flambeau. Trainer. D. Nicol. Owner. H. Goose. EMM P.Gada lm70y 1:4"."-, last i KK 3 I 3 7 *,s 8" J -I Mn. y SI Lor. Mom, I.. Wine. Sentimental 1 52502 P.Gnda 1 1-16 1 :4S fast 10 lot! 5 4 3 4 4 i2 8 Wiila 8 Iwiniwin. Sandy Mae. Fndine f-2358 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 50 10918 9 9 8 9» 914 H J Burke 10 Claquer, Warsaw, Dekmate 52232 F.Gnds 3-4 1 18%hvy 25 110M2 12 12 12,01214 II J Burke 13 BtitKoyne. Kexiali, Mickey Moore . C1370 C hurchl 1 1 :41":,good 29 104 9 8 7 7 81 8g5 F Wilson 10 Newel W.. Pulliix. Peggy C. 6328 Church! 1 l:3.i-3fast lOf 100 14 14 13 13 12? 124 S Mitchell 14 Marse.Iolin. KufuRiley, Mazola 1 . SERBIAN, ch. g, 5 114 By Ivan the Terrible — Arline, by The Commoner. Trainer, H. Neusteter. Owner, H. Neusteter. T2482 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:;i, ,!.■ st 15 114 12 3 4 6« 67| A Collnis 12 T.Pguese. Richelieu, L. Moss ; EMM V.GBda I 1-M l:4f%faat 3. ilO 3 3 4 6 6* 6*i A Collins 9 Koh-i-noor, Wklp. Bluehannock i : [ 522T.5 F.Gnds 11-16 1:51 hvy 13-5 108 2 11 2 3» 3a A Collins 8 George Duncan. Betsy. Susan M. 52235 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:53?ihvy 5 309 3 2 2 2 2l 25 A Collins 8 D.ofPeace. Deckmate. Q. Blonde EMM P.Gnda 11-16 1:51 hvy 2J 109 111 1 lb 2l A Collins 8 lawjlaaa 11 . Queen Blonde, Bond | 62096 Jefson 3-4 1:14 slow 20 108 5 6 7 9 91* A Collins 10 Trooper, Port Light, Title 1 OUR BIRTHDAY, b. c, 4 109 By Golden Maxim— Autolee, by Lettoon. I Trainer. C. H. Trotter. Owner. Florisant Stable. 52448 F.Gnds 1 1-M 1:46 S 110 5 6 9 3 44 «35 H Lunsfd ! ILButgoyne. Deckmate. Claquer : ; 52599 F.Gnds 1 1-M 1 :4S%*aat S M3 5 5 4 7 3- 23 K Anthony 11 Chesty. Jaiway. llamlfull 62354 F.Gnds 3-4 ld3%faat 12 M8 10 9 9 11* 12" H Lunslil 13 Ina Kay. RhowGirl, CarlineS. | 52272 FGnds 3-11:15 sood 4 Ml 4 5 5 61 5"J H Lunstd 13 H.Burgoyne, Blaise. Titers Pet i 62218 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :16s.-.mucl 5 Ml 6 5 6 7« 9" H Lunsfd 10 Jago. Shoot On. Marie Maxim JACKSTRAW, b. g. 7 114 By Jack Atkln— La Bella, by Huron. , Trainer. A. L. Kirby. Owner, A. L. Kirby. BMM P.Gnda l 1-M 1 :47.-.last IS 114 11 ll 11 s •- 7, .1 Gmber 12 Benevolent. Dr. Jim. S.I.ightHI. ; EMM P.Gnda 1 1-M 1:41 fast I IM 6 E I I 6i 6- ,r Gfnber 8 Iwiniwin. Sandy Mae. Undine 52345 P.Gnda lm70y 1:45 fast 8 109 4 6 6 6 0= 4-J J Gruber S H.ODay. Sam. Kelly, I.tWine 62293 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 :47-ofast 10 108 5 4 6 7 71 8K; J Gruber 12 Jerry, Scourgemau, Chesty C1908 Jefson lm70y 1 :47 fast 3-2 114 4 4 2 3 2i 3» T Murray 12 Corson. Aztec, Dottas Best 61664 Jefson lm70y 1:46 fast 13-10 114 5 3 5 3 M *» H J Burke Richard V., Kir ties Cub, Lad MARK WEST, ch. c, 4 109 By Squire Jack— Santa Malta, by Sanctuary. .Trainer. R. A. Smith. Owner, Sunnyland Stable. tM43 P.Gnda 1 1-M l:47ffcteat ■" Ml 1 4 6 7 7S **5 L Morris 8 Lively. Mains, Weaabaal BK43 P.Gnda I 1-M l:4S%faat 10 MM 4 4 6 7 7s 71- I. Morris 8 Protrtn, CbeerLeader, sagamore 62448 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 :46:;:,fast 25 IM 18 1 8 9 914 f Morris ft H.Burgoyne. Deckmate. Claoner r 52357 F.Gnds lm70y l:43%faat 40 M» 7 t I 8 9 92a L Morris !t St. Isidore. Biff Bang, Inquiry r 62179 F.Gnds lm70y 1 :45%fast M 109 I 7 10 10 12 12-J L Morris 12 TheWit, TomMeTagit. Kuklui i 51548 Bowie 11:43 fast 23 107 7 G 6 6 6=° 6=3 L Morris 7 Super, Jadda. Venal Joy 49849 Devre 3-4 13S%Eant 9 115 3 3 2 21 lJ L Morris 11 PausyBlossom., Murray, Lonely KINGLING II., b. h, 8 106 By EthelberW-Kina/i Favorite, by Hanover. Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner J. P. Mayberry. , 52645 P.Gnda 1 1-M 1:4* teat 20 i"7 • 3 5 7 7- 1" J J Mney 8 Bengali, apt. Burns. W.Tnbov. ,. EMM P.Gnda 3-4 l:13%teat M 110 10 10 10 10 io" J McCoy 13 Cinderella, Midian. Ragazza 52154 Jefson I 1-8 1 :5. »f,fast 15 107 7 2 2 5 7 TJ .1 Roberts 13 LyWatd. High. Lad. B.Hampson j 62072 Jefson lm70y 1 :49" .hvy 5 106 2 2 2 5 5« 51* T Jarvis 7 Medusa, Betsy, Kirsties Cub 62030 Jefson 1 1-M l:4Sifcfaat 4J 108 5 3 2 3 3- 3" .1 Roberts 10 Alhena. LnaMoss. SptacularGirl I I ; 51889 Jefson 11:42 fast I 104 1 2 2 2-4* 4" I J Roberts 10 Lt. Perkins, SdyMac, LadyWard j , 61690 Bowie 1 1-16 1 :55%hvy 1 110 4 2 3 3 3» 3T T Jarvis 7 Wilfreda, Aigrette, Leoti Fay WESTERMAN. b. c, 3 M 90 By Ildrim— Supposition, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. E. Moore. Owner. G. M. McSweeney. ":i;:;:t F.Gnds 62 f 1 : 7Mast M 1101: 11 ll 11* 11" M Garter 13 JhnPog, Reaeat, Dnaaaria 61179 Gaurel 3-4 l:M%teat 89 109 7*56 ••• 6*J B Barnes 7 G.Agramte, salesman, Zealous 1 50591 Wdbine 5. f 1:10 hvy 3f 108 8 11 11 91 9"1 K Barnes IS Johns Imrna, BillyLane, Undine 1 50510 Wdbine 3-4 1:15%fast 98 114 10 9 9 IOUI221 R McCrnn 12 Gallipot, Fuse, Tharon 60409 Thoiiffe 3-4 ldMfcfaat 213 104 10= ■ R McCrnnll lluen, CharlotteC. LochLeven LOTTERY, br. g, 7 114 By Garry Herrmann — Dovecote, by Klnratoa. Trainer, L. F. Marshall. Owner, Marshall Bros.. EMM P.Gnda I 1-M 1:4 teat N 111 S I I I I 7 Ii Kint 8 Bengali, apt. Burns. W.Tnbow 52537 F.Gnds 11-4148 fast 7 111 2 6 5 S 5 B«* N Barrett 7 Rreofcld, 1ad.Dear. W.Turnbow v 52449 F.Gnds lm70y 1 :41n-fast M 107 13 1110 9 91 C:J ,T J Mney 14 C. Rambler. Roisterer. Big Idea D 52378 F.Gr.nds 1 1-16 1 :47J;fast 32 110 7 6 6 6 t* »JC Robson 9 Mab, Capt. Burn-. Bight Wine 62346 F.Gnds 1 1-4 Istrlfcfaat 8 MS 6 5 11 S S:" C RobsonlO S-.lid Rack, On High. Warlke 62256 F.Gnds 1 1-M l:51--hy 4J Mf 7 7 5 5 5= 8» L McAfee 7 Bond. Verity. Tiger Rose JN0. R. ROCHE, ch. g. 4 112 By Magneto— Marguerite Doyle, by St. Maxim. Trainer, T. E. Crist. Owner, T. E. Crist. 52567 F.Gnds 5-! f 1:07 fast Ml IM M 12 12 1*1 9*1 J Conway IS Pueblo. Little Handle, Circulate 51778 Jefson 3-4 l:M%SOod M 109 I S 10 l»J t** J Conway 13 Yaphank. AnnaCallup. Bigldea ., El 736 Jefson 3-4 l:17%hvy 2" 107 10 10 10 8s Sln J Conway 13 Mormon, Safranor. Big Idea 51665 Jefson lm70v l:46 -ifast 25 108 6 4 5 7 7 7i; J Conway 7 J. Price, H.C.Baseh. B.Hampson 0 53594 Jefferson Eft f l:10!f.hvy 40 109 5 6 6 6i C J Conway S Ablaze. Hidden Ship, B.I.anell THUNDERBIRD, ch. f, 4 97 By Star Shoot— Grace G., by Albert. Trainer, M. Bernard. Owner, P. J. Regan. 52620 P.Gnda lnV70y l:4S%teat 4. IM 6 7 7 S I" r F Murphy 8 Cndiae, Uagazza, Susan M. 52353 F.Gnds lm70y 1 M 87 13 12 M 12 M*ft 71?, L McD*Ottl3 Sge-naii. Omer K.. Roisterer _ 52221 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :19r,hvy 30 M4 12 13 33 32-12-" E Pollard 13 Kirah. ThdayNigbter. Trackstar r 40O87 Jefson lm70y 1 :47ifast 7 MS 112 6 9 8* 6JH ThurberU Rib. Challenger. Foreclosure 45727 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:47Vbfast 10 S4 9 7 4 6 11- ll3 .1 Su!livanl4 D. ily, Frank Monroe, Philistine 45667 F.Gnds 3-4 3 :17Vihvy 4 MSft 8 4 7 8- 810 F Murphy 11 ll.ukamore. Foreclosure, Riddle SASIN. b. h, 8 109 By The Picket— Queen, by Goldcrest. Trainer, W. Block. Owner, C. Buxton. E22M P.Gnda 1 1-8 2:M%hvy 33 Ml 14 2 3 4s 4 •" M Buxton 13 Aztec. 0. McKenaa, W.Turnbow 62098 J.fson 1 1-4 2:M%alO« 8 330 5 3 I 3 31" 2M M Buxton S Lad, B. Hampson. Dottas Best , 51971 Jefaoa 1 1-8 IM hvy 20 110 2 4 E 6 61 B«l M Buxton 14 Sanitaria, Lad. Lereaa Moss EMM Jefson 1 1-36 l:55-r.mud 5 311 9 10 10 9 8« S--M Buxton 10 H.C.Baseh. Malvolio, LenaMaai 61738 J.fson 1 1-16 l:53«hvy 15 109 7 8 6 4 2 2 M Buxton 8 Tugs, H.C. Ba-ib. BdgThrougii ! 51727 Jefson 1 1-8 2:03 hvy 8 111 4 5 7 6 4 4" M Buxton 7 Spearlene. Harv.Smair. Warlike * MAGNET LAND, ch. g, 5 109 By Magneto — Breezyland, by Orlando. Trainer, M. Lowenstein. Owner, M. and J. Lowenstein. .",2624 P.Gnda 1 1-M l:47*iteat 20 111 7 4 4 7 7 V G Stack 32 Benevolent. Dr.Jim. S.Lightlll. • 62449 F.Gnds 3m70y l:44%teat M 112 4 E 4 6 8| 7S1 G stack 14 ". Rambler. Rofaterer, Bis Idea .1 BMM P.Gnda Unity l:4B*4teat 7 n« 7 3 5 « M 8* G Stack 11 Colonel Lit. Walk Ip. Mat EC31 P.Gada 3-4 3:39r.hvy 30 110 13 M 10 63 6*3 G Stack 13 Kirah. ThdayNighter, Trackstar r! MM Havana 1 l:3»%teat 3J Ml 2 3 3 3 2- in B Kopmn I MissPro. ter. Crys.Day. SirOliver r

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Local Identifier: drf1921012901_5_4
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