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: , l | i I i ■ , 1 : I , ■ ■ ■ 1 1 I t 1 , . l i I i HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. FRIDAY. JANUARY 28. 1921. Oriental Park. Fifty -fourth day. Cuba -American Jin key and Auto club. Winter Mo t inir of 180 days or more. Weather clear: temperature 90 . Stewards, i. Ilsfksa«lshr, C. H. f aaapglr ami F. J. Braea. starter. James f. Milton. Baciag Secretary. M. Nathans, p.. Uaciitg starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.l. *Indicates apprentice allowance. K* f£*y? FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and «J«vfsZj0 upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 50: second 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPHSt ■* 34 Str FiiT Jockeys Owners II C P 8 E2551*F1NIS a IMS 11 :. :; 2 -- i;i I: KeandyC E Tenahan 4 5 5 2 i 5i47l VIM wan 4 Ml SI II I1 1 ! .! Smith .1 C Mayes S S I 1 S-5 •2572 AMBASSADOR III. w i Mi 1 1 7- 7-: 0*2* W KeJaay Dos Asalgoa Stb :: 3 :: 8-5 3-5 52551 ■"■WILL IK WOODS « 5 MO M I P* 3» J" t- T Wilaon I Dolbarrio Z 2. Q 1 1-2 5it!4 CLSTER QUEEM aiSM ■■ t V ■"• P " B I/.ast.rW Sims M M 16 I 3 C2401*GREY BUMP vi: t 1812 I : .; ; 7 c- T Turns R Jomer IS 15 15 G I 32471*MAJOR FI8K v I M 2 i P P .".. PJ F Merlsaeei1 A BoUa M M M x 4 5257S4DEB D. w 1 MB! 17 I1 8" B3 S J Dawson L L.wis M M .".U 20 10 .".574 TACK BOCK w E Ml 7 12 In- f ! .!-. A Trvon A T -rnpest M 88 20 I 4 5S551tBISCUIT ran M7 KM •. ■ W 1". ltr C Karnes W K Wilkins M M M 20 18 5-»510:;l»iKKV !:. waand 111 : II 12 li-Hii- I Fletcher C H GUroy 8-6 2 I 4-5 2-5 ."•;4!4-.IAMKs c wi: , Ml •" • IT 12 12 12 J Pita .1 de Eatrantpes 50 5 50 20 to tMatael Beld. Time. 23, 47*5, l:14-5. Track fast. 82 imiuiels paM. Finis. 817.50 straight, 88.30 place, BsLSO sin.w: Vim. 810.08 place, sc.50 show; Ambassador III.. 85.20 show. Kiiuivalent bookiag adds Finis. 775 to 160 straight. 325 to 100 place. 240 to 100 show: Vim. 430 to 108 place, 225 to loo show; Ambassador III.. 100 to 100 show Winner — B. f, by McGee — Subdue, by Star Baby trained by .1. ». Tenahan: bred by Mr. J. Hart Brawa . Went to post at 2:31. At post !l minutes. Start faod and slow. Won easily: soeond and third driv-i -g. FINIS vas dose Ui on the outside of the leaders until Well around the far turn, then easily raced into ■ good lead i!i the last eighth. VIM i»et a last pace and only gave way near the end. AMBA8 BADOB III. tinishe.l with ■ belated rash. WII.l.Ii: WOODS tired. POKEY B. unseated his rider while going to the paal and Jumped the fence, then was eased ap after the start. Overweights Vim. 3 pounds: Finis. |: Dee | . 21-..; Ambassador III.. 2: Major Fisk. 5. ST 0£?0 A SECOND RACE— 3-4 Uie. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3 -year-olds and tsalDO~X upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. " fndcT Horses AWtPlSt V, «4 Vt Str Kin J«»okey« Owners O H C P 8 52574** AIGRETTE WB 5 M7 2 3 :: 4 1" 1 R IVcaaterti Price I 3 3 i-5 3-5 B251S*ED GARRISON w7M I I 0* 84 I 1*1 B KenndyW Feochter 10 10 10 4 2 ."• 5I3 KAIT ACCOMPU wn : Mi :: 1 T 1; V 9 K Bamea G M Ridge I I 4 2 1 r.2882*MANOKIN wis 7 117 7 •; ."- 5 * • V J Titz G K Alton I I I :; M ."2.510- TltCK BONERO a I 101 io S 4 9 5" 5J F Wilaon W C Weatmored 3 3| "i- 7-5 7-10 B2538 TIM. J. IIOCAN w i. 11:;. :• 1 T»* 8J 8" 0l K Carter t. Warwick 18 8 2 i-h 52574 WENONAH wb 8 112 -".1" lo 10 1" 7- C Hirst .v Keith M M M I I 51554 PRINCE OF COMOwb ? Ill 8 S 2* VI "I 8s! C Barnes T Hodg 8-6 7-6 7-6 8-6 1-3 52101 BRONCO BILLY we. 7 117 1 : s-L 7 7»* 8 A Ptekens W B Padgett M 10 M 4 2 51751 JANICE LOGAN a 4 111 t S : - V I N W Cramp I : Woods M B M M I Time. BS%, 4645. 1:14=. Track fast. s2 muiiiels paid. Aigrette, 5.20 straight, s7.oo place, si.oo shew; Bd Garrfaaa, - place. .20 show : Fait Acconpii, 88.80 show. BqaiTateat booking odd- Aigrette. 600 to 100 straight. 250 to 100 place. MO to 100 show : Bd Gar- rison. 795 to loo place. 200 to loo show : Fait Accompli, OS to TH whew. Winner — Ch. m. by Olambala — Mauviette. bv Mexican Itraimd bv i. Trice: bred by Mr. Tichard T. Wilson. Went to pos at 8:01. At post 2 Salaates. Btarl good and slow. Won handily: seeassj and third dririag. AIUKETTEwore the |Mcemaker down in the last eighth and was ridden oui at the end to outstay ED GARRISON. The latter Baisbed fasl after betas outrun to the stretch turn. FAIT ACCOMPLI set an excessively fast pare for three-eighths and tired badly in the last sixteenth. PRINCB OF COMO showed speed, but was prilled ap and tinished slightly lame. MANOKIN and PRINCE BONERO ran well. Scratched 52404* Whippoorw ill. 100; 52577 Happy Go Lucky. 112. Overweight: — Ed Garrison. 1 pound: Janice Logan. 2: Timothy .1. Regan, 1.. erff £*OET THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and OaiUllO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Jndex Horses A~Wt~PtSt M Vt % Str Kin Jockeys Owners O ~H ~ C~ P~ S 32584 LOYALIST w :. Ill 2 I 3 2 2- P* W Craanp Roaedale Stable 1 1 1 1-:; 1-0 5856 1 BREAD LINE w 4 MI S I T li U - R LeaMerW C Weataaored21 2] j 1 1-2 *.2582*MUGIVAN a I IM ■" : 4 I A ::- ; .. A Tryon A Teaapeat :; I 1 1-2 BttOOCOUNT BORIS wa ■: 17 3 S 6*8 •" V B Keon dj II Hall 18 8 1 8-6 58504*BIBBLER w t M B 7 i,1 :■ ;. :.-: A McLhlinA Leaabaa 15 15 15 S S 52584s JUANITA III. w ii 107 I 2 7" 717 i: F Wilson 0 Toggle .8883 8-6 0258 1 DINTV MOORE w I IO.i ■ E 2* 1*14 7 W Ketoay U Bheedy I I I :: 8-5 50890 PLYING PROG wa 4 M9 7 I I I 8 8 I Tit-/ 1 Leydecker M M M 10 5 Time. 23. 47. 1:13. Track fast. S2 mutiieN paid. Loyalist. 83,00 strabyht, 82.6 0 place, 82.40 abvw; Tread Line. 82.80 place. S2.00 show: Mugivau. 88. Ul shaw. Eqatralent boaklag ..Ids Loyalist. s| to loo straight, 88 to 100 place. 38 to loo show: Tread Line, lo t.. kmi place. 88 to 100 show: Magiraa, 55 to lo i shaw. Winner Ch h. by The Manager Ancient, by Cesarion i trained by .1. llaggerty: bred by Mr. Thomas c. McDowell. Went to posl ai 8:80. At pasl 3 miaates. start % 1 ami slow. Won drlrlag; serosal and third the -am.-. LOYALIST, close ap from the start. Joined BRBAD LINT oa the stretch turn and got up to win in the last sixteenth. BREAD LINK set a last pace and. saving glSBBd on all the turns. made a game finish. MIC I A.N ran in improved f.,rm and finished well. TINTV MOORE ran a fast half and quit. Scratched 5242KThorn Bloom, 111; 52505 Mis- Wright, 110; 50173 Doable Bye, 109; 52304 Galo-pin. 112. Orerweightii piaty Moore. 1 pounds: Loyalist ;;. ETOO« £» FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1 :0b1 j— 5—102. i Purse 00. 4-year-OalOOO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses A Wt IT st V«~V!~~3rHtirFlii Jockeys Owners" 6 H~~C~P 8 J2654* DIFFERENT EYESa- 5 MS C 3 l» IJ 1" 1- F Wlteon J D MlUtn B-i 6-3 S-5 2-6 1-3 1 52553 RUNNY VEN wa 4 Ml 1 I I" ,V ;,"■ 2] .1 Domtok A L Austin 6-6 6-6 6-6 2-6 1-6 72533 DISCUSSION a 6 IM 2 1 V EJ !P* 31 W Kelaay J B Carvallo I I I U 6-3 52512 m sh w i Ml ■ - 6*1 4""- : 4«3 B Barnes 0 Holmes 1 1 1 S-5 1-5 52551 BRIG OF WAT m i MS C i V .". C JJ .1 Pit* L I. ban IS IS l". i 52512 M i.mkukm; a 6 Ml i 5 85 6 6" :s B Lcaatcr itnonla Stable ■ S I tk * ■ and18S5-LUI-MEME a lb! 7 7 7 7 7 i V M-n-i T. Sottj B 31 M W E Time, 23. 47,, 1:00 , 1:06-,. Track fast. 82 niiitiiels paM, TilTcr. nt Byes, 84.30 straight, 82.50 place, S2.oo show; Tunny ven. S2.70 place. .M shew : llisellssioll. .solid sliow BaaHrsleal boaktog odd- WBTereal Byes, 115 to loo straight, S3 to 108 place. 30 to loo show; ltuu- 1 .Won. 85 to 10O plaC*. 40 to 100 show: Discussion, .ho to 100 show. • Winner T. h. by The Maaager Arashla, by Miser trained by .1 1 . Millin: bred by lr. Thomas I MeDoW.lll Went to po r ..I I mi. .t I in in 1 1 1, • start good and l.w Waa oa-il.; tecoad and third drh - ii g. DIFFERENT BYB8 sel a fast pace from the start and draw away into an easy lead in the stretch. TI NNVVT.N wax outpaced in th. earl raaalag, but srax takes to the outside in the utretch and tinished with a rush. IMS I SSIUN rae.-l -aniel.v bat tiled HlSil SBred gfoaad when entering the stretch and lan a good race. UrarweiBhta— iluak, 5 poaaaai Lai-ilcaiej 1; BHaayreg, 2: Dhfcaaaloo, 2. K O £j» O P"" FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919 — 1:3s1:,— 5—105. Purse 00. 3 -year -olds and | OmUO 4 upward. Claiming Handicap. Net value to winner 00: second. 5125: third. 5. «. "Index Horses AWtll9t % fa % Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P B _ 32493 FRANK AV. " w IMS 1 I ; I" 1 l B Kent rtyM Goldblatt 2 2 I 7-101-:: J S2999 THE PIRATE «i4 M I II K WIUob I. Cebrton l 4-5 4-5 8-5 1-8 j StS14 HARAN i ■ I .7 1 1 1 U 8" -" 9 I L Gordon I r Griffith It 10 10 :: 8-8 - ."..*511 REDSTART w S 144 I H 8* V I I C HIrs I McCaffert St 80 58 M ." I C9991 WAP. PLUME w i: 5 101 7 7 7 7 7 8j P . it • r V K Moore 23 23 35 M •• t 152594 JUST FANCY- «• IMS 6 :• I] I* 31 Sl •* A Pick i» trmenia Stable I 31 • 6-5 3-5 52999 PANSY u it 1 87 «■* 4" 7 7 K L.-u.t.-rl Herald ■._ JJ 3j 4-5 3-5 .1 Time. 24l5. 48. 1:14. 1:40. Track fast. .1 S2 nnitu-L paid, Freak v.. .00 straight, .90 place. .40 show; The Pirate, .99 place, .40 show: Haraa, .70 shear. i: |uiv;ili-nt booking adds Frank W. ISO to 100 straight. 15 to MO place, 30 to 100 shear; tin-Pirate. 05 to Itm place, 30 to KKi show; Haraa, Is-", to 1 * show. Winner B. c. bj Marathon Maid of Fortune. by Prince of Monaco trained by !. Walters; bred l.y Messrs. .1. D. tarr • Bro. i I Went to peel at I :25. At past 1 minute. Start feed and slow. Won dm in;:: second and third I the same. PRANK ". raced into the lead oa the baekstretcn and paaaed HAUAN when eaterina the stretch, but ara* ridden out at the ead to outstay THE PIRATE. The latter slipped throngli i next to the [aside rail and made a fast and game tiaisii after oYercoming Interfereace. HARAN showed Basasaected sn....,i in pacemakiag to the far turn, bat tired REDSTART wns cut off on the i first mm. orhere PANSY ran wide. 1 Scratched 52474Biveraide. lit! = OTcrwctgfats Pansy. 5 panada; Redstart. 1: -lust Fancy. I: Frank AW. - I KOf"»QO SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5 — 117. Purse ?700. UDOO 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. ; Inriex Iforses AWtlISt % ~ Str Kin Joclceys Owners O H 0 1» S 02494 i I M ALLEY w 4 MS 2 1 2; 2 . 2* V A Pickens 1ogolQtti Stb C-.7 7-.". 7 -". 1-2 1-1 53530 **SINN PEINER w 5 104 4 _ V ■■ »* 3** -" F Wilson V L diver 7-", 7-3 7-.". 1-J 1-1 £9993 SMITE vi: ! 1 K 7 4 V I7 1 1- A I K n-lylV II II. .11 | 22 I 1-2 52530* F.L coi;nM-:i, a SMC : 1 1 I ■; | : L canter O Tuggb 6 I 2] 5-6 .""•2.77K CLARE BOOTHE i 10 1.7 7 Sl 5* 5*1 S Lon R l Springer 1" 28 20 R 4 .•■•i.vuiMAiK HEALEY w 5 101 I 7 V V 51 8* 5s A Mc I. hlin.J Bveresl l- IJ 1l" .". 21 ; I1 .-•;,- !! BR NA-BREENA a I 144 I i 6" 5*7 7 7. P Hun .1 Reatle 15 S4 24 1 ! Time. 23. 4G*6. 1:11%, 1:41%, 1:44. Track fast. Sl asataela paid, OMalley, 45.00 straight, s:!.lt place, .40 show; Sinn Peiaer, :i. to place, .sj.r.ii 1 ■bow; Smiti-. 43.00 Khow. Rquiralent boekiag odds— OMalley, isii to K» t sti-:,is;lit. :..". to 1t" place, lo to 100 show; Sinn Peiaer, ! 7t» to Km place, IT. to ll«» sh.,: Smite. :tl to Hki sliow. Winner B. g, by Charles OMalley -Shrike, by Uallinnle trained by W. Browa; bred in Bagtaad by . Cant. G. I.oderi. Went t.. past at 4:.".o. At jiost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. oMAl.l.i: atorcd up steadily after entering the stretch and. passiag SMITE in the last eighth, we* easiag np. SINN PEINER ran wll and nnished gamely. SMITH sel a faal pace, but tired badly after going three quarters. CLARE BOOTHE closed a big gap. EL CORONKL ran well. Scratched .".l:;:u Leinster, 106; 50553 Headowortb, !"s. Orerweights smite. :: pounds.