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TIJUANA The horses which seem lust in Saturdays raits sre: Tijuana, Mexico. January 28. 1921. 1 — Swiftcricket. Dora G.. Captain Greet. 2 —Daly Fashion. Col. Murphy. Enaitaaa. 8— CLEAR THE WAY. Nasledovati. Teraette. 4 — Frivolous, llonoliilu. Thos. F. MeMahoa. 5 — Caeambo. Shitty. Bedgegraas. •! — Billy Lane. Toy Dewey. Nebulous. 7 Billy Jo.-. Gen. Tyng. Miss Paraell. G. W. achllMna. New York Handicap. 1 Swiftcricket. Lottie Loraine. Crestwood Bay, Dora T. 2 — EagUsfa Lady. Duly FasMoa, Little Jake. Col. Murphy. .! Hope Trim ess. Nasledovati. Nellie "it WW. Master Franklin I Frivolous. Honolulu. Cthel, Lady Josephiae. :. i.t AMHii. Wallace U, nsdjimsss, Dora cutler, ti— John Basher, Joe Cusdami, Toy Dewey. Nebulous. 7 Miss Parnell. Hubbub. Cbroaie, Billy Joe. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap*. 1 Crestwoud Toy. Swiftcricket, Dora T.. Lmma i Wtltiaias. 2 Enaitaaa, Eaglisk Lady, Little Jake, Ld Le ! Yan. 3 HOPE PRINCESS, Clear the Way. Kddie s Traater, Master Franklin. •I Frivolous. Honolulu. Lady Josephiae, Ethel. o acamiio. Bedgegrasa, Bhlfty, Lonely. 0 — Joe Goodman. John Bashsr, Tilly Lane. Neb ulous. 7 Mi-s parnell, Caadelaris, Dickie W. Bahbah. Ubaerveri llaiiiiknii 1 Swift riiket. Cresta I Bay, Dors I. tap- - tain Greet. 2 -Enaitaaa, Ed Le Yan. EagUsh Lady. CoL Murphy. :; -Clear the Way, Bope Princess, Nasledovati, . Teraette. 1 Frivolous. Honolulu. Thus. F. McMlhsa, Lady Josephine. ,"i -t . T. Irwin entry. Cacaaibo, Wallace L . . Bhlfty. i: -JOHN B08BOR, Tilly Lane. Joe . oilman, Ray Dewey. I BUI] Joe. Miss Paraell, Chrossr, Tiajaa. Couaenaua of Handicaps. 1— Swiftcricket, Crestwood Toy. Dan t.. Captain Greet. --Lnnitana. Duly Fashion. Luglish Lady. Cat, Murphy. 3 Clear the Way. Hope Trim cs.. Kaaladavatl, Teruetl.-4_Krivoloiis, IT nolnlii. Lad] Josephine, Ethel 5 — acanibo, C. B. Irwin intry. Bedgegrasa, Bhlfty. 8 JOHN HOSBUR, Tilly Line. Joe I .•■oilman. Ray Dewey. 7— iiiil tw, iiii ! racseU, UuOlub, Chtasag,