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k J •x " k ID c, r ? s . . : On .r .r tl 3 er or i-j , .k SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Claiming. June 28, 1916 —1:05 1-5—3—118. JOE GOODMAN, ch. g. 3 110 By Flammarion— Belle Bird, by Thicket. Trainer, "W. M. Mikti. Owner, W. ta.. Mikel. K764 Tijuana i i |] mud U.-5 91 4* G 1oarain s Ikey T.. Sedan. Hamilton A. 52528 Tijuana 51 l:lvV£alop 8 t«3 l» II Jons 6 Pnedodea. BedsesraaK, Dan. est 52337 Tijuann 5-8 l:02%hvy S-5 97 ::i B Marielll 8 Comeutter, J.EUaworth. O.Kinx 52109 Tijuana 61141 fast 15 112 1" H RetliK 8 LillyLane. Jnlloshor. M.Meelick 66934 Chagrin Ab5-8 146 fast 21 91 3-- O Atwell C ClearLake. SheiinaiiA.. MvGracie 5f 37ti Thcliffe 5J f l:0C%faat 10 108 4» A Casey 5 Iolythia, Mary Reicel, Frivol JOHN H0SH0R, b. c. 3 113 By Light o M Life— Imprint, by Knight of the Trainer, L. A. McDowell. Owner, L. A. McDowell. Thistle. 52583 Tijuana 3-4 l:18%alow ■-:■ 113 I i Hum 7 AndreyA., AtAanie, IkeHarrey 52644 Tijuana 511:11 mud l-lo 97 1* B Mrui.Uill Laraaa, PetfeetBny, Bab. Pa nut 52301 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%aat 7 M* 21 B Marielll O B.BIackw1, Vulcanite, Chat.Crt 52109 Tijuana 51 f 1 :07 fast 8 110 3-1 P. Mari.lli 8 J.Goodntan, BlyLane, M .Meelick 49359 Kt.Kri.; 5-s 1:01 fast 22 .113 6 5 5 51 fi°i u Blmpnanll TauBajgugn, LAutumn. If aM BILLY LANE. b. g, 3 103 By Reformation — Barbara Lane, by General Roberts. Trainer, L. H. Tryon. Owner, L. H. Tryon. ."2241 Tijuana 3-1 1 : |::,-,f; st 11 in 89 I* D Hum 7 LoyDewey. Calialan. MaryLei-el 52159 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 31 M6 S* B Taylor 6 C. oDawn. M.A.Noonan, K*weed 52109 Tijuana 51147 ant 5 113 2" K Haywd 8 J. Goodman. J.Hoabor, M.Meelick 50.S20 Kwrth 3 -I 12-5 115 7 4 2 33 4; J Class S Creyhoiirne, Boseate, Dora 51711 Kwrth 51 f l:0i.-,fast 21 IM 4 2 3 4- J 3 Class 11 M. Lei-el. J.Corman. M.Jphine 50591 Wdhine 61 1:M hvy 14 113 2 3 3 2i 2" J Class 12 Johns Imma. Undine, Dora W. NEBULOUS, b. c, 3 104 By Wrack— Little Flower, by Star Ruby. Trainer, W. Short. Owner, G. W. Forman. 52384 Tijuana 3-4 1:11 fast 9 95 6= C Yeargin 6 A.Wood. C. oDawn, M.A.Noonan 52109 Tijuann 61147 fast 3-2 115 713 L Gauge! B J.Goodmaa, BillyLane, J.Hoshor 52002 Tijuana 6-8 141 fast 6-5 115 3" .1 Callahan ! Crack oDawn. Shift v. Ilvampom 51586 Bowie lm70y 1:50 hvy 29 66 111 1 l5 1" M Schwt/.ll Paatfy, Flypaper, Vesuvius 51617 Bowie 51 I l:ii;i fast 6 11112 11 12 10 6» J Lutwell IS P.T.P.anim, Lliinestone, Sikhlm ROY DEWEY, ch. c. 3 101 By Enfield— Cortina, by Bloomsbury. Trainer, G. W. Billerman. Owner, Arnot Stable. 52425 Tijuana 5-8 140 art 12-5 98 1*1 M Blgbtcr 6 PlironeWard, Sedan. CldeWeet 53311 Tijuana 3-1 l:13..iast G Mi 2 M Slshter 7 Lilly Lane. Calialan. MaryReigel 53173 Tijuana 511:66 fast 33 M S" I Hum 9 P.Ward, T.othMing, WlbiceL 52036 Tijuana 3-1 1 : 1 P. 8 101 Z* L OaUgn1 6 M.A.Niiau. C. oDawn. Ilvampom 51913 Tijuana 1 l:13-mud 7 1"- 6*1 M BlgBter 7 Ilyamponi, Dark lriar. Chow 51603 Tijuana 51 !46%ant 5 110 2i H Slauf,hr I Ikey !. Kirkwood. Dark Friar TOREADOR, b. c. 3 M 115 By Great Britain— Tiffany Blend, by Cesarion. Trainer. D. Sullivan. Owner, J. F. Richardsonl. 52564 Tijuana 5 l:M mini 73 90 8** D Hum 8 Ikey T.. Sedan, tlamiltoa A. :,r-;-: Pimlico 3 i l :i.:.-,tast 45 Ml .". 5 G o 61* I Stirling f. DongliGirl, Transient, MisaPetite 51357 Piinlic.i 3-4 1 :13-.,tast 52r C 1 s 7 6* 0:" J lleupel 12, LoreTap, BromeUa, IrishAbbess 51317 Pimlico 3-11:14 last -3 115 5 7 7 8 61 J Murphy M Pampas. Trantula. P.aywood 51119 Laurel 3-4 1 :15--fast 21 112 I 6 5 5- 6»« L Morris 8 P.lueP.elle. Voonnir. Mer.Marine 5M83 Laurel 51 f 1:09 fast 65 IM 11 11 It 10" M1* C Jackson 11 LgaSwilljr, Hamiajne, Transnt