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- ! FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART - NEW ORLEANS. LA. FRIDAY. JANUARY 28. 1921. lair Uroanda. Twenty -fourth day. Baatacaa ■ Menw Racing Aaaociatloa. Winter Meeting r :;: days. Weather clear: temperature 75 . _ I Stewards. K. . Smith, M. Mat I.iilan and A. t Melile. Judges, .1. It. Campbell and .1. McLennan, i. j ; Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary. Joaaph McLennan. j - Etaciag starts at 3:15 p. in. Chicago time 3:15 p. mi. •ladicates apprentice aUowaace. . , JT nOQQ FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 19. 1916— 1 :0535— 4— 129. Purse ,000. 3-yeax- -. ! ! dAUOu o.ds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Tndei Horses A Wt PP St~% % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H~C P S -j JIM Fix". w UK :• :: 4 V 2 11 H Gregory Hall Broa 30 50 ."* 28 10 - | I :* REPENT wa 140 M 2 2» 2» l| 2 L McDottH Oota 1 I I 2 4-5 i .■ 2XJ 4 DAMORIS w 10". 12 4 ::- :■ 2J W Wright G J Long I U I ! 4-5 I .".ir S7 Il. AT* 110 5 7 7J V V 41 1 Morris P Dunne t 13 !2 5 I .■ !U ; ROMPER w lii7 1 S 6s 0» ." . E 1 B Poo R i Denny t. I $ ] 7-5 ■■ ."MIS DIAMOND DALE w 1"7 C i P V .1 Grub r . L Kirby 20 ••" ■■» 10 5 .Vi.MM SUA MIMIC am MS I I s: I1 7- 7- .1 Heupel C X Dark- 24 M M 10 5 WADE McLEMORE « U0 l 1 l11 41 F V S McGraa ■ I. Blackford I IS U ■ I *BRITISH ISLES a MS 13 n m- M ■- :" T JarvU .! W McClelland 10 1". 1". t; :; 52444 LADY FRAPPE w 107 8 13 »| • 10= M3 H King . C Denny N 30 ■ 10 5 .MI7! WESTERMAN wa 110 11 II 11 Ml 11 11 M Garner C Knlgbl ::o M H M M BUM M. JOSEPHINE w MS 7 1- 13 12» 12* 12 A EUcbcrkW Atford 8 n 80 M 5 4!Cj:il TRADER wa 110 2 .". 1-- 13 13 13 F CMtllettil! Hide,,!, l | 4-5 1-.; L-4 1 Xlaaa, 23. 4735. I4t%, 1:07"5. Track fast. Winner -i: e, by Harrigaa— Alice Commoaer by The Commoner trained by I. A. Hall: bred by „ I Meaara. Hall Broa. . Went to poat at 3:14. At poat 1 miaate. star: -j. I and shnr. Won ariTiag; aecaad .and third the ie same. JIM FOG raced prmaineatlj from the start and. holding on gamely through the last eighth, i. •atgamed BEPENT at the end. REPENT ran a good race, bat was tiring at the end. DAMORIS raced ■d forwardly and dniahed gamely. PLATO closed a gap and Bnisbed close no. ROMPER aaiahad fast. t- TRADER wa- almost thrown in the Brat quarter. WADE McLEMORE Kuowed the mast early speed. Scratched rc.VJl Martha Gray, 103; ."ij:fiti John Arbor. Ill; 52304 Magic Caatle, 105; Fannie Krater, in.-,. OTerweighta Diamond Dale, ~ pound-: Lady Frappe. l_.. fTO£ | SECOND RACE— 3-4 Milo. Feb. 9. 1918— 1: 11 Vi— 6— 116. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds 3 OlO-tv" and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. "index Horses XWtVpSt *4 V3 %. StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 — 52377 LIEUT. PERKINSwa I 110 :: 14 l" 1U- M Uarnr 1. A Broaddus 13-1011-62 T-lyl-;; ■ — etM?*VANSYLVIA ara 5 104 8 5 2 2*J 2» J»k .1 .1 Mneyl Rcmtac 6 8 3 I 7-5 -•:51K-midiax era 4 MS 7 7 4 H 4! 2 1 T Jarvla i Othairwr 8] I] n-57-ioi-n. ■ I, .".•»:»."» BURGOTNE wit IMS I 7- |a 5» 4 «: Babul P Winfrey I 31 :: 1 2-5 5 52518*A3fACKASSIN wa 0 107 2 1 31 3* 3* 6* .1 SbelepetsE K Bryaon JO M 15 4 2 | 53477 "TARASCON v. ■■ iOJ 6 1 F" »i!l 7- 0* J Kobes s A Clopton 10 15 15 ii :; K3S67*CIRCULATE w .-. 8 113 3 8 s s 0* 75 .1 W MphyM Smith 10 15 1" 4 7-5 533tl*PEWAUKEE a 1 MC 1 2 5» 7- * v 1- WdatckL Sperling 38 10 48 13 8 Time, 230. 47, 1:13«5. Track fast. Winner Br. g, bj ran Trovato— Chablia, by Artillery trained by II. McGarrey; bred by Mr. Overton _ II. iH-naultl. Went in pool at 3:40. At pool ■ miaatea. start good aad slow. Won eaaily; second and third ariTiag. .1 LIEUTENANT iKKM.xs raced into a good had ai once and held sway throughout to win eaaiag up. VANSYLVIA raced in closes! pursuit .all the way. bat was lucky to be second. M1DIAN lini-hed fa-t after losing ground by a wide stretch turn. BURUOYNE aniabed Cast. AMACKASSI.N ran ti goad „ race. TARASCON wa- cut off In the atretch. Scratched 52483 Serbian, 11-: 52007 Pueblo. W.; :,2VM Bean Brummel II.. 110; 52073 King Nep-luae, 112; 52307 Mi— Krater, 107; 51824aLady Mildred. Hi7; 45191 Saddle Ring, 110; 53114 Plata Heather. j 105; "iLiiiL Repeater. 114. Overweights Van-ylvi.t. •_ pound-: Circulate, I. ETOld-g THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 19. 191C— 1 Ab*:,— 4—129.! ,000 Added. 3-year-LllDTi. r- olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 42: third. 28. Index Horses- AWtPlSt % % fr Strain Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 "" »tS?5*APPLE JCK II. wa 5 Im; 5 I 1 1 i 1 lak J J MneyR II Harvey U t li 5 1-3 - | C3S4M*MELIORA am 7 101 1 - ;: 2 ; 2 9 T Jarvin l: L Baker 1-J 7-101-4 out— .V-i..HK ABLAZE w j. let; .. , 6 5 41 :- ; Stack M A -I Lowatn 10 15 12 2 : -5 53470*TENITE «ra I s5 i a 5 : :; 4 L McDottJ II Loucbeiaa 15 20 15 1 4-5 5 ."-»."KK GREEN GRASS wa tf 111 ! 1 :: :.; 5* i* H .1 BarfceR .1 Braanoa M IS 13 2 I » ! 33517 TOUT :: ara 3 80 . I B l« 5 8 i: Jostah C A Applegate 50 50 :w 8 3 Time. 23. 4G. 59-i. 1:06. Track fast. Winner Lh.g, by Voter Love Ap le, by Chactaanada trained bj F. W. Btatoa; bred in France bj ,v Mr. John Saaford. We; i to posl al :;o5. Al post 1 minute. St.irt goad aad -Low Won driving; -econil and third the ,,. -tune. APPLE JACK II.. showing high speed, eel a great pace lor the entire race and held MRLIORA A safe through the la-t sixteenth. MELIORA raced well and. Onishing fti-t. migbl bare araa but for " bleeding. ABLAZE came with a rash through the atretch. TENITE showed speed, but tired badly. 8*« The other- were beaten after yoin the lir-t i|iiar!er. Scratched 524StOUeorge Starr, ill: 5253Br*Raacocaa, Hit. Overweights Tout Or, :i pounds. ET «~ |*~» d r FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916— 1 :37-H— 5 — 106. Belmont Handicap. Purse sc *Jdand3-M:Jmi SI. 500. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner ,000: second, 00; third. 50: fourth. u- 0. _ I ! Index iTorses AWtlISt 4 _ _ str Fin Jockeya Owcia O H C P 8 i ."i •».*»«» hANTi i HE w i II 1 14 5 .■■ I l» b • I. !..;•• A B Gordon 7-5 8-5 7-5 2-5 out ut I 5834M!* BOTHERATION with l I _• 2« V V V W HelnVhOwnbey « Kiny 7-5 3-3 3-2 1-2 out ut 53803 MASTER JACK w it Kit j . ; i ::■ 21 :. ■ " I. McDottJ E Kaah I 8 4. 1 1- ■. i ,".J." !i Wl.i FRINGE m I Mt E 3 4 5 ;. :. I .: Conn»y C 1! Smith 15 15 IS 8 1 ." •.•."! TWpPAIR an MS :• I 1- i 1 a F Hi. tis a Clapton 18 16 15 :; l Time. 24 3. 48. 1:13%. 1:39=5. Track fast. Winner - eh. g, by Kitz lierb.-rt Freaaay, bj Meddler u,i i bj A. B. Gordon; bred in France by 1 v Mr. Ian B II. Ma Uj i. Went to posl ni 3:38; At pool 1 miuute. st.irt t: I and slow. Woa driving: second nnd third the ; same. FANTOCHE moved op fast after going a half mile and. under a reusing ride, outstayed BOTHERATION. 1 The latter raced |a hi- beat form and made a r, -..lute lini-h. MASTER JACK did hi- beat Nt and had no mi-hap-. TWOPAIB wa- done after going nearly three quarters in the lead. Overweights Botheration, lb. pound-: Gill Friage. 3. CrO|"»dQ FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1 :4446— 3—104. Purse ,000. 4-year-1 ir" OalU"xO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third. 00. — ~ Index Horses AWtlISt fr M % Btr Fin Jockeya~ Owners O 11 C P B — 53325 LIVELY w 7 M:; a 5 .■ *1 :l L" 1* T Jarvla STder cV; Holmes i-Ti 4-6 1-4 out ut 5348 1: BLAISE a 7 bis 1 4 51 41 2s 1 2 D ConnelljW L Ural;.- M 15 13 1 1 5 8323 BOMBAST wa ti 108 7 8 7 7- 8* 4 P .1 .1 May! 1 Letteilier 16 81 88 8 - r t0O5 DECKMATE wit 7 101 7 I 4* J Roberta A Swenke 10 12 8 8-5 3-5 • 5-.Vl* CAlITAl, city w- 7 il 118 S 8 V a 11 King c Oddo 20 28 20 5 S-6 52543 MARK WEST w 1 108 Z 8 4» S 7 7 | i. :. Morrhi Sunnyland Stble .i 58 58 15 ■ 52508 F"K THE GREATwa 8 108 i : 3 ; ■ 6s ." 7 I. .M ! • ttl. A ban- 7-5 11-62 4-5 1-3 rsOOl JUSTICE GOEBELw IOh38 1 1 I P 8 8 M Garner I A Broaddna 30 18 30 -Time. 243i. 483. 1:14. 1:40=5. 1:47s. Track fast. .. Winn.r ih. g, bj Ballot Livonia, bj star Shool trained by 1 . Womeldorff; bred by Mr. John K. M nidi in. . Went to posl t 3:53. Al posl 2 minutes. Rtart o.,.| and slow. Woa driviag; second and third tin ", same. LIVELY n I into the bad after disposing of JUSTICE UOEBEL, but had to be ridden hard al the end to oiii-ta; BLAISE. The latter ran well aad appeared the winner in the stretch, but tired near the end. BOMBAST rioaed ■ big gap and Unbilled gamely. FREDERICK THE GREAT was knocked out ,il an. chance when about to race Into the bad. JUSTICE UOEBEL quit after setting a good pace to the far turn. s, rati Ind 53533 Madam Byng. its: 52023 Jock Scot. 113. sr «"/"» d /_ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 14, 1908— 1 :514"s— 3—122. j Purse ,000. 3-year-OOi"" lr. "ris and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index llor-.s AWtlISt % _ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H I 8~ j — r * .,0 1 -Ill Il l1 D Connelly J Phillips 6 8 7 2j I . : , i I ■ zt;. wb 6 110 ! 5 6 5 2» l» :; II Ui soryH Field 12 IS 16 5 2 33843 LAD " " D" 8.3 9 P 1 4 3* i Roberta G Drumhiller j 8 ■"■ 8-6 7 1 ." -:.".lli DAVID CRAIG 10 118 ! 2 l- 1 I] 21 T Jarrls -1 Maateraon 1 8-6 8-102-5 1-8 : I Hiif ,;.i i|;i;i-; DUNCAN w 6 110 E 1 2 J Il 5s 51 .1 .1 MaeyJ Griffil 18 15 15 i 53501 »M" DARINS COATwa 5 110 2 8 l i 7- - ■ G Stack M Lowoneteln IS IS 15 8 B2872 CTERBALANCE «ri 11- 1 1 i- V V 7- 7- M Garner W O Btoner 8 1" G 8-5 7-18 u 1 :. : • SPECTLAR GIRL a t MS I 7 7s 8 8 8 8 H ThurberOMeara Broa 28 26 26 8 l Time. 24V 48. 115. l:8#H. 1:53V Track fast. Winn.! i h. • . b. Leonid — lb lie Rankin bj Handball I trained by J. rhilli|is: bred bj Mr. Wade E. E Mel..- r.-1. Went to post at 4"1!. At posl 1 miaul . Btarl ; 1 and slow. Woa eaaily; aecoud and third dtiv- x int:. MT, ujiih i -trout; riding, moved an rapidly In the last quarter and won going away. y.ri:c ran . a good ran-, but tired after taking the lead. LAD was tiring and ju-t la-ted for third place. DAVID 11 i BAlti -it n 8 1 pace ta tie last eighth, but quit in the stretch. GEORGE DUNCAN Hied after rac- it-- lag well to the stretch. Scratched 534,81Scvurgcman 115, 52021 Richciieu, as 52ibl Koh i aoor, 1"-; 52625 balute, 107. i « J .1 6 I " :, 5 p -| i i -| i . i I = PT 0£» _ fr SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915 — 1:44V— 3 — 104. Owners Consolation 0040 Purse. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; recond. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPgt 4 »/fe~8tr Fin Jockeya Owners O H C P 8 . "■•! I. "»» BENGALI w 8 112 I 3 2j 2*k is r [i] II ThurberP : Magnl :. :i 13-61 2-6 B34«B,»CAPT*N; BURNSwa 10 118 2 - Ill1 -" 21 J"k .1 McC-y W C Overton 7-5 • :. s-5 7-101-1 53SB31WAL TURNBOW a 8 112 x 7 7" 7 8s P M Garner • McNeill 8 M s I 7 5 52573 ARBITRATOR : n_ : I » I | ::: 4 I A C Jackson M i" Mount 15 M s 4 2 53383*SPEARLENE wit r. no 1 1 V •• 6] 5s 5s .1 Roberta M J ktramer 8] 7 8 - 8-6 ."»■:." !» COUNTESS wb 3 81 i 8 i1 ■" 1 - • L McDottJ s Bruce 18 28 M 4 5i.".;7 LOTTER" w n 7 113 7 8 3 8 8 8 7 II King Marshall Dies 16 38 28 4 53518*KINGLING II. MB 8 10? I I 3* 6 ■ 7- - .1 .1 MneyJ P Mayhem 18 -" - s I Time, 25. 49V 1:14V 1:41. 1:48. Track fast. Winner h. ;;. by t eiler-tromo Malaspiaa, by BratUS trained by W. M. bred by Mr. W. J. Taylor. Went to pool at 1:43, At posl 1 minute-. Start good and -low. Won easily: sec 1 and third driving. BENGALI, close Dp from the start, moved np with a mail in the atretch and outstayed CAlTAIX BURN8 in the Baal drive. The latter set the rarlj pace and had no mtahana, but tired. WALTER TURNBOW dosed a gap and ju-t ataaagod to outstay ARBITRATOR. The latter raced promiQsartly from the start. COUNTESS b -t ur d by racing wide. Scratched 52821Loreua Mo—. MB: 5j:.".: Sea Lrchia, D»7: 52073 Chick Barkley, 112; 52358 Taalac, 113; 52543 Mary Lib. !U : 52581 Corydou. 113; 52478 old Faithful. IV.,: ."iL13!» Pindar, 100: ." «2." Grandee, 113; 52020 Tiger Rose. 107: 52383 Brickley. 107: 53021 Mary Kon-o. 80.