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THE Commissioner 50c DAILY For Sale at All News -Stands Everywhere WEDNESDAYS OUTSTANDING: PLENTY 2i/2-l WON Other Winners: INA KAY 7-10 WON MASTER JACK 15-1 WON CAPTAIN MAC 1-1 WON Were Given Out of Seven Races TUESDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: ULTRA GOLD 1-1 WON We Also Gave: TR0ILUS 12-1 WON PIT 8-5 2nd THE ENQUIRER 8-5 WON RANCHER 1-1 WON MONDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: PASTORAL SWAIN... 2-1 WON We Also Gave: ADVENTURE 4-5 WON WADSWORTHS LAST 1-1 WON CORSON 3M WON Out of the Seven Races THE SLOGAN IS THAT YOU CANNOT BEAT THE COMMISSIONER TODAYS BIG Commission Horse again comes extra strong, and the Commissioner was advised that this is one of the hottest things of the meeting and one that you cannot afford to miss. Under no circumstances miss this one chance to grab some dough. For this special go to your dealer and ask for THE COMMISSIONER, only 50c. or mailed two weeks .00. Address THE COMMISSIONER 103 West 42nd Street. Room 308 New York City AGENTS: CINCINNATI. O.— All news-stands. LOUISVILLE. Ky.— Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. ST. LOUIS. Mo.— Wm. Laser. Lobby 705 Market St. DETROIT. Mich. — Triangle News Co.. Griswold and Michigan. 00 Worth of Informa- KS tion for 15 Cents !"Bi frS Dont take our word for it. Get - -.T latest THOROUGHBRED, -old every- g Cspk where Racing Form is. and see the jBICSLim. good things coining off at New Orleans and Havana. TODAYS BEST: No. 331 American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. LIEUTENANT PERKINS 11-5 WON Wa.. Yesterdays Form Special NEW BOOK Out today. You not only get a FREE SPECIAL EVERY DAY but the best line on horses that is to be obtained. * GET ONE. WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SKEPTICAL. 35c AT ALL NEWS-STANDS Todays Form Speaial: June-Grape-93-19-66 THE STANDARD TURF GTJIDEL Room 403. 22 West Quincy Street. Chicago Illinoii ANNUAL RACING FORM for 1920 ■a now on t ale at DAILY RACING FORM OFFICES 441 PLYMOU1H COUKl CHICAGO, ILL. | THE ONE AND ONLY Chief Observer DAILY TRACK LETTER 50c DAILY For sale at all news-stands everywhere, THURSDAYS 0 SPECIAL: LIGHT WINE 7-1 2ND While he only finished second he was a real long shot. LAST SATURDAYS 0 SPECIAL: UNITED VERDE 3-1 WON FRIDAYS THE 14TH 0 SPECIAL: GALIOT 4-1 WON SATURDAY BEFORE 0 SPECIAL GENERAL HAIG ....10-1 WON TODAY ANOTHER BIG 0 SPECIAL Which should go under the wire again today. Comes extra strong and the Chief advises one and all not to miss this one today. Should only have to tow-rope to win here. For this Special go to your dealer and a;k for the Chief Observers Daily Track Letter, only 50c at all news-stands or mailed 2 weeks . Also dont forget your CHIEF OBSERVERS WEEKLY 35c per Copy Mailed 10 Weeks .00 TODAY S FREE CODES: New Orleans: Wyoming-4-2-17 Havana: Florida-24-16-13 ADDRESS ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO CHIEF OBSERVERS PUBLISHING COMPANY 25 WEST FORTY-SECOND ST. NEW YORK CITY PRINCIPAL AGENTS DETROIT. Mich. — Triangle News. Giiswold and Michigan. CINCINNATI. O.— All News-stands. LOUISVILLE. Ky.— Eiler and Goodman. 227 4th Ave. ST. LOUIS. Mo.— Wm. Laser. Lobby, 705 Market St. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.— Mceslein. 112 Illinois St. AND ALL OTHER INTERMEDIATE CITIES National 0. K. Racing Letter REPENT 6-1 2nd Was Yesterday s LONG SHOT SPECIAL Yesterdays BEST BET Was Scratched TWO REAL LIVE ONES AT GOOD PRICES WILL BE GIVEN ON OUR BEST BET AND L0NGSH0T SPECIAL TODAY 50c— DAILY— 50c AT ALL NEWS-STANDS AND OFFICE Mailed Direct— One Week — .00 National 0. K. Publishing Co. Room 411. Baltimore Bldg. Chicago. 111. NOT BB9T BBC A USE BIGGEST HIT BIGGEST BECAISE BEST WE CAME 1? YEARS AGO AND STAYED That? why TURF REPORTER is the OLD- booklet form, enabling thousand.- to obtain EST PUBLICATION in existence and com /tr _ EXPERTS preferred track reports, RE- pany advertising in RACING FORM today yandMandA* FLECTIONS and COMMENTS on the con- by a good many year:,. WE BUILT UPON PTJSffftija dition 01 horses in training at all tracks. PERMANENT PRINCIPLES. WE NEVER *]5pV WORKOUTS, CONTEMPLATED SPECIALS. MISREPRESENT. ORIGINATORS of dis- 7/ horres form, of which public knows nothing, seminating track information weekly, in at but a fraction of its cost. THAT YOU MAY KNOW US BETTER COMPABE BBPORTBH Willi OK HM IMITATIONS. THERE IRE NO EXCEPTIONS. WHY WE MAKE GOOD Our editor. H. J. Seideneck. the original partner, still in complete charge, many years raced a large stable of thoroughbreds at various times, training them himself. Account his other numerous track interests he knows fully 75 per cent of the horse owners and trainers on the turf today. REPORTER NO. 843 for all next week, on .ale today, all newsstands. 30c. Get one and you will know why the same people, week after week, year in and out, for past 17 years hav» bepn buying it. You cant help but get REPORTER weekly habit, if you appreciate REAL LEGITIMATE TRACK INFORMATION. Subscribers mailed plaia envelope. 3 weeks, ; 5 weeks. .50: 10 weeks, . Lets get acquainted. SATURDAYS FORM SPECIAL:— White-Friday-Let-You-He-Law. In 1905-6-7 REPORTER put out "WOODS Daily Letter. All you old-timers will remember the phenomenal run of WINNERS we had. We expect to do as well with our New Letter, which we call because it comes right from our own CLOCKERS at the TRACK DAILY. No dope rating em. handicapping or sit-in-an-office-and-guess em for you to our letter. Last Saturday told you REPORTER was sponsoring CLOCKER. Came out under no assumed name, and claim no connection. No camouflage with us. On account of our great distributing facilities we can sell you CLOCKER for 25c. daily. Where eke can you get LEGITIMATE dir.-ct track information at anywhere near that price ! A CHALLENGE. THE ACID TEST FOR ALL. We believe THE CLOCKER is SUPREME. Purchase any one or all of our competitors sheets, regardless of price, anc*. a CLOCKER, that costs the least of any. A weeks trial should prove which is the best and convince the most skeptical. Thats how confident we are. Experience should have taught you by this time that only REAL DIRECT TRACK INFORMATION will beat the game. KKOKI OP OIK LBTTEB BAT! HOW. .1 A M A It V S3, TO DATE I Saturday. One Best Bet WON, Long Shot third: Sheet gave 5 WINNERS. 1 Second. 1 Third. Monday. One Best Bet WON, Long Shot scratched: Sheet gave 2 WINNERS, 1 Secon. 2 Thirds. 2 Losers. Tuesday. One Best Bet WON. Long Shot third: Sheet gave 3 WINNERS, 2 Seconds. 1 Third, 1 Loser. Wednesday. One Best Bet WON. Long Shot second: Sheet gave 2 WINNERS. 1 Second. 4 Losers. Thursday. One Best Bet WON. Long Shot lost: Sheet gave 2 WINNERS. 5 Losers. Friday. One Best Bet WON. Long Shot third. Many second and third are WINNING at long prices, but we dont count them. Start today. Get THE CLOCKER. any newsstand. 25c. Mailed overnight. 2 weeks, . NOTICE — To those who wish only one or two safe plays each day we mail our ONE BEST and LONG SHOT, overnight, special delivery letter, for a week. To date we have had six WINNERS on our ONE BEST. Long shots only knocking at the door so far. MR. PLAYER — If you come to Chicago, make it your business to drop in on us, if only for five minutes. Know who you do business with. Complete Daily Work-outs from our own Clockers. Form Charts. Records, etc., at your disposal. The REPORTER and THE CLOCKER are next door to each other. Rooms 510-511. Baltimore Bldg.. located at 22 West Quincy Street. Subscriptions and correspondence for REPORTER should be addressed ROOM 511. and THE CLOCKER. Room 510. to facilitate our giving prompt SERVICE. CAN YOU— —DO YOU "BEAT THE RACES" The only way to win consistently is to play in a business-like, systematic manner, the same as you would run a bank, store or factory or other business. Haphazard play, guesswork, tips and "racing luck" cannot be relied upon, where business methods may win. the mew SUCCESS MANUAL OF TURF SPECULATION PIBLISHKD l KENTUCKY WHERE TKOHOI GHRREDS GROW Teaches complete, systematic, business-like methods of play — Successful turf speculation at track or handbook — Selection of winners — Long-shot specials — Prompt recovery of losses — Modern methods of fiat and progressive play, looking to safety and success. FORTY-FOUR APPROVED SYSTEMS of play, many of which have never been published before: also page after page of valuable information on handicapping, weights, time, track conditions, etc., making it one of the most valuable treatises on turf speculation ever published. FREE— SEND NO MONEY We want every race follower to have our new booklet. It describes in detail what we believe to be the most complete and valuable set of systems and methods of play ever published. Send no money its FREE. Simply send us your name and address and we will send you this valuable book free of charge by return mail in a plain sealed envelope. The edition is limited and delay may mean disappointment. SEND FOR IT TODAY— ITS FREE ADDRESS SUCCESS PUBLISHING CO., LOUISVILLE :: KENTUCKY THE mt MONITOR! TURf iF J TO MAKE IT BETTER Out Feb. 1st. Contains review of several systems, j One extra good one. never published. It shows big winnings on very small rapital. Other articles of interest to turf folk. FREE — Haines Ratings mailed to "Monitor" subscribers daily at cost of postage. These ratings show excellent results, giving many long-priced horses that win or run up in the money. Gave last week, among other winners: Jan. 14— GALIOT 4 to 1 WON Jan. 15— NOMINEE 12 to 1 WON Jan. 17— CUT UP 6 to 1 WON Jan. 18— STAR TIME 5 to 1 WON Jan. 19— SCOURGEMAN ... 6 to 1 WON Jan. 21— ONE PIN 4 to 1 WON Jan. 25— MARY HEAD 30 to 1 2nd Usually some good -priced winner each day. The following is quoted from letter on file in our office and sent by an expert handicapper: "The ratings you are sending out gratis are far and above the handicaps the average player buys on the news-stands, paying 50 cents and .00 a day. I have had only three of your ratings, but they show me six out of seven of the best plays winning and at good prices." Subscribe now before we raise the price. Turf Monitor. per copy: six months. 1. 124 WEST 45th STREET. NEW YORK THE CHIEF CLOCKER NEW ISSUE WEEKLY BOOK OUT TODAY Ask for THE CHIEF CLOCKERS WEEKLY REPORT, only 25c ONE BEST TODAY Has a world of speed and should have no difficulty in coming home a winner. "CLOCKERS" SPECIAL is worth a good play. ASK FOR THE CHIEF CLOCKERS DAILY SPECIALS. ONLY 50c. BIG XXX OCCASIONAL TODAY You can go to this one with confidence. It horse fails to win you get our next Occasional FREE OF CHARGE. ASK FOR THE CHIEF CLOCKER S OCCASIONAL, ONLY . THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM i- ■ m.irv.-i f..r randar reaalta. Waa last tttt .i.iys :it Saw Orleans 30; Huv.uu SJ-.7. Won at firry meet in V. S. and Canada in lf20. §aa»t may daim mure; none can produce better result . Write tar data of all 19:iu ■wets. Mast win iih first east in three daj or pvrcaaaa pries refunded. Will forfeit 1090 if data is not substantially correct. Won 67 at New OriesSa and |fM at Tijuuna in Decesaker with small capital, Play nt r away from the tnick. Address The Guarantee System, 117 W, Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM THE WINNING POST AMERICAS LEADING RACING WEEKLY Will Be on Sale Saturday ON ALL NEWS-STANDS OR MAILED TO YOU AT YOUR ADDRESS 15 Cents Out of Town News-stands TODAYS FREE CODE: Clown - Ho w - One - To - To 74 WEST MADISON STREET 147 NORTH CURK STREET THE WINNING POST 101 West Forty-first Street New York City JACK FIELD I ONLY GIVE ONE SPECIAL A DAY SOLD ON ALL NEWS-STANDS— DAILY WEDNESDAY MY ONE-HORSE SPECIAL WON TUESDAY MY 00 FREE SPECIAL WON PIMLICO 8-1 WON DAY LILLY 6-1 WON COLUMBIA TENN 3-1 WON BROWN CHECK 2-1 WON Were Some of My Specials Given Last Week BIG XXX SPECIAL TODAY Go the limit to this one. as it is the best thing that has ever started in many a day. Mailed, a week. JACK FIELD, Room 701. 501 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. LOOK, BOYS, LOOK!! The first twenty-two days at the Fair Grounds this system picked fifty-five horses, with only eleven losers. It has cashed from one to four bets each day. It has not had over two losers in succession at this meeting. Last spring at Latonia same system picked eighty-eight horses, with only eleven losers. After you get this system, then look it up and if what I say is not correct I will gladly roturn your money. Get this system and pick your own winners. Price, 0.00. J. H. CROSMAN G01 SIXTH AVENUE DAYTON, KY.