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HAVANA The horses which seem best in Monitors races Havana Cuba March 6 1921 1 Squaw Chief Oslolle Navisco 2 Fleer Presumption Frascuelo 3 Currency Cavan Boy Hnvanna 4 Fireworth Emma J Night Wind 5 Blazonry White Hayen Clare Boothe CANDLE LIGHT Exhorter Natural NaturalT T K Lynch LynchXevr Xevr Yorlc IImilieai 1 Squaw Chief Flaxy Mae Ostelle Bitter BitterBiting Biting 2 Frascuelo Fleer Hemlock Fickle Fancy 3 CURRENCY Cavan Boy Red Gold Stone t Fireworth Whipuonrwill Nfsht Wind WindEmma Emma J Monomoy White Haven Bounding Through ThroughIudr Iudr Hester 0 Natural Candle Light Buford Exliortef ExliortefChicago Chicago siml linflalo limn leaps 1 SQlAW CHIEF Flaxy Mae Ostello Fannie While 2 Floor Frascnelo Juanila III Presumption 3 Currency Ravanna Molinoro Coca Cola 4 Whippoorwill Fireworth Night Wind Zoic r White ilavcn Blazonry Bounding Through ThroughIiely Iiely Hester 0 Natural Elmont Caudle Light Buford BufordObKcrvcrs ObKcrvcrs Handicap 1 SQUAW CHIEF Ostelle Navisco Bitter Biting 2 Frascuelo Fleer Presumption Fickle Fancy 3 Currency Bill Hunley Ravanna Molinero 4 Fireworth Night Wind Emma T Whippoor ¬ will Blazonry White Haven BohernaBreeim El Coronci 0 Elmont Natural Candle Light Kxhorter KxhorterConsensus Consensus of Handicaps 1 SQUAW CHIEF Ostellr Flaxy Mae Navisco Fleer Frascuelo Presumption Fickle Fancy 3 Currency Cavan Boy Ravanna Molinero 4 Firoworth WliippoorwIII Nicht Wind Emma J ii Blazonry Monomoy White Haven Bounding BoundingThrough Through V Xntifral Candle Light Elmont Exhorter