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THE AMERICAN AMERICANRAGING RAGING MANUAL FOR 1921 The Encyclopedia of Thoroughbreddoin The 1921 MANUALS Handicap Tables have been brought up to date Instead of divisions of quarter seconds the three tables have all been modernized into fifths Before the tables and their application charts is an introduction and general directions for handicapping by the late Nin S Hand an expert of the firstclass who recently died in California Engraved Diagrams of thirtytwo leading American race courses with their loca tions capacities chutes stands width of tracks and length of stretches in detail ITS REGULAR FEATURES ARE All Scales of Kacing Weights WeightsAmericas Handicapping and Racing with Examples Racing Organizations and Their Officials OfficialsRacing Americas Leading Sires SiresAmerican HighestPriced Thoroughbreds of the Amer ¬ Racing Records of the American Austral ¬ American Racing Statistics for the Year ican and European Turf TurfLeading asian Canadian and English Turf Records of Miles in 138 or Better BetterRecord 1920 1920American Leading Winning Two YearOlds Record Odds in the PariMutuels PariMutuelsRemarkable Races for the Year 1920 1920Bargain American Stake LongPriced Winners of 1920 1920Most Bargain Yearlings and the Reverse ReverseBookmaking Most Important Races of Foreign Countries CountriesNecrology Remarkable Jockey Feats FeatsSires Table TableComparative Sires of TwoYearOld Winners of 1920 1920Thoroughbreds Bookmaking Percentage of the Turf in 1920 1920PariMutuel Necrology Comparative Mile Speed SpeedDead Thoroughbreds That Died During 1920 1920Track PariMutuel Betting Explained ExplainedRace Track Record Speed SpeedTwenty Dead Heats of 1920 1920Disqualifications Disqualifications of 1920 1920English Race Track Records of All the Tracks of Twenty Leading American Sires of 1920 1920Winners English Betting Rules RulesGreat the United States Canada Cuba and Winners of Important American Stakes StakesYearling Mexico MexicoRacing Yearling Sales in 1920 in America Great Money Winning Horses of the Amer ¬ of American Thoroughbreds in 1920 Etc Etc ican Australasian and English Turf Racing PRICES BY MAIL Leather Bound 160 Paper Bound 110 PULL PURCHASE PRICE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH ORDER ORDERTHE THE 1921 LEATHER BOOK IS A DEPARTURE fROM THE OLD STYLE It Is in Real Leather Gold Lettered and flexible ot Cover WITH THIS EMINENTLY HANDY BOOK BOOKany any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any query that may come up concerning facts of racing in the past Its equal has never been printed and considering the topics it covers it is an extremely low priced book of general and correct turf information Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 441 Plymouth Court Chicago 111 157 159 East Thirtysecond Street New York N Y 74 Exchange Street Buffalo N Y