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BRUCE LOWE FALLACIES Figure System Considered to Be Full of Them by Salvator SalvatorTo To the Editor of Daily Racing Form FormCHICAGO CHICAGO III March r That thrilling serial romanre of Exiles the motivation of whose plot he has evolved from The Bruce Lowe Families deserves to rank among the production of Cnnnn Doyle Emilo Gnborlau Jacques Futarello Mary Roberts Uinehart and other purveyors of mystery masterpieces In many respects it has them all beaten to i frazzle to use tlie favorite phrase of our Into lamented Rough Rider For In all the thrillers by those writers the mystery in tho last chapter was invariably elucidated and everything explained to the full comprehension of the most childlike intellect But it would baffle even Sher ¬ lock himsolf aided J y the amiable Watson to make head or tail of tin great Bruce Lowe mystery Chapter by chapter one may thrill through It until ones vibrations excite in the reader a veritable fever of suspense But the denouement LIUi the core of that historic apple there aint goin to be none We end precisely where we began and when we have finished know no jot nor tittle more than we did at the outset outsetThat That the problems of breeding are cryptic no bfidy needs to be told The waters beforehand were sufficiently darkened by the unlimited excre ¬ tions of ink by the elueidators Since the Bruce Iowe propaganda became an issue however more can be discharged by those promoting it than on all other accounts combined The net result is Hut the conundrum How shall I breed a Dorbv or Futurity winner is more of u riddle than ever everThere There is one thing which must have impressed snll persons interested in the breeding of the thorough bred and that is that not all the figures of Bruce Ixiwe nor the tables of Herman Goos hnvenddeii one iota to the facility not to say certainly with which that rant avis i stakewinner can lie tru diucd As accessory after the fact I admit ti figures are n perfect wonder Onre the Derby or Futurity winner has won his or her Derby ir Futurity we get superb demonstration of the In fallibility of formulae But as yet I have to loam of any student of either the Tables of the Law or tht Systom of the Prophet who has immortalized himself by brooding winners or made himself n Croesus by picking em emNo No those who expertize in those subjects nro just as deficient in the ability to deliver the gOis as were the benighted breeder and tuif moii who antedated the Great Revelation what we might without being irreligious term the Mormon Bible stallion being notoriously polygamous in their habits of horsebreeding Has any fjgitrer ever surpassed the successes of many who might be named who died before figures were heard of I opine wot anil assert not not by a very long shot indeed And what is more to the poiit the long shot in bleeding continues to appear with disconcerting frequency Theoretically lie fig ¬ ures should have long since relegated him to hasbeenism But the critter remains ubiquitous as Banquos gho t Tl is pariah of course but like the pariah lie is ever wirh us CREED OF THE PHILOSOPHERS PHILOSOPHERSThey They say by they I do not refer to the hoi polloi but the philosophers that it is not iiecos snuy for a creed to be truo to be accepted All that is needful is for it to be solemnly iterated and reiterated in and out at all times places and seasons The hoi polloi by which classic term we may signify the mob of uninstructed race h trse breeders is marvelnusly suggestible to use the Jingo of the psychopathic sharps If Mt hoars anything often enough it will end by believing it take it for gospel That is with the exception of the Doubting Thomases pessimists cvnics and others from whose christenings the fairy yclept Credulity was absent These pestiferous people cortinue to pop up But for them the philosopher would always have had an easy time with the hoi polloi And despite them they do succeed in uialjiif the majority l elievo almost anything What anythingWhat a creed requires to become n living force is neither truth logic nor even credibility What it needs is propagandists nd prosolytcrfi Peter the Hermits fierly or interminably preaching the New Crusade to the Promised Land The original Pnter according to the very dry light of modern scientific history was merely i mad monk with a gift of the gab But he was successful in per ¬ suading practically the entire Christian world that If they would dispose of their goods and chattels and use the proceeds to outfit themselves and as many followers as the amount of cash realized would allow for a pilgrimage to the Holy Scpuleher ami the delivery of tho same from the hands of the Saracens their salvation was assured Whether we will find all tho Crusaders playing harps along the golden streets when we got there nobody knows But we do know that most of them luft their bones bleaching on the sands of Syria and that the result of the entire movement was one of the most inglorious and egregious failures of which history make mention The inspired Potor we now classify as a visionary or a quack or both while it is also asserted that he was in the pay of certain ulterior parties who profited largely by his labors laborsJust Just at present the Ark of the Covenant in tho breeding temple is the Bruce Lowe Figures While the law and the gospel are thundered from the pulpits by tlie preachers the acolvtcn stand in line swinging their censers and all the nniiti tnd of worshipers hear or see is the stream of eloquence and the clouds of incense As time passes the ritual becomes more and more High Church Except your pedigree be dipped in pur sang and written on Hie tablets of Weatherby you shall not enter the sacred precincts but re ¬ main howling in outer darkness forever and ever amen amenOf Of course then will always be the Devils Chapel just round the corner where the frcu thinkeis assemble and celebrate their Black Mass That way perdition lies and tlirse who consort with such abandoned company do so on peril of their souls It is true they may turn out Derby and Futurity winners as good it not as many as those of the oloct But these ure as sontid inff brass and tinkling cymbals Their seed shall not lie blessed neither slinil it increase and mul ¬ tiply but shall perish igiioininiously ind be for ¬ gotten and their names be as bywords and re ¬ proaches in the mouths of the righteous to the end of t1 SALVATOR