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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR MONDAY MARCH 7 WEATHEE OLEAE TEACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in th entries below show the best time of each horse at tho distance since January 1 1919 no matter where It finished In cases where record wa made on other than a fast or good track Abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 1215 p m Chicago time 142 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner 5jS Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers First Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Claimin Track record March 5 1921 17 17Ind 2 120 Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec Recr3133 AWtIIan r3133 SaUAW CHIEF 10 49 108 725 r31113 Flaxy Mae 107 4Mf 53111 0stelle 10S 4 52470 Fanuie White 3111 = Xuvisco 103 49 r2 OS Kmma W r2853 Xiionii K 3111 Bitter Biting 113 4t 5313 Betsys Pet 112 oO oORigodoii Rigodoii hr c by Hesperus Mamacita by St Syiu Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 14 1917 l03 h 3 102 33092 bFleer 102 107 4 102X723 102X7233W3S 3W3S Fniscuelo 110 107 f 7114X720 33192 UTuinita III 9S 107 0 1O3X713 33173 lPiesumptioii 102 107 12 110713 110713330SO 330SO Terrible Susan M110 108 4 103 710 2S7I AVaking Dream 90 1087 4 108X710 52131 Hemlock 9 108 7 113 710 r 305K Fickle Fancy 112 l074f 0 10IJ703 3317S Hunter Platt 110 107 3 108 703 5172 B A Jones Jonesr27rS 111 l08 l08i i I 102X700 r27rS KIga 107 107 3 103x700 5300S Yiew 100 108 0 108 700 Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 8 1920 111 V 102 331492bCurrency 101 lll5 0 107X723 33112l Uavanna 111 113 3 93X720 33114 Molinero 100 l137s 3 100 713 33148s Coca Cola 3 102 713 33132 Rcd 99 113 3 103 Tin 33101 lill llunley 103 112 0 103 X 33038 bGoId Stone 93 113 5 103X ui 33173 bCavan Hoy 101 113 0 103X703 33000 Allsmoke 7 103 700 Fourth Race 1 116 Miles Miles4veurolds 4veurolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 3 1918 144 3 92 92327793bAVhippoorwill 327793bAVhippoorwill 103 148 0 103X723 33103 Fircworth 104 l30f 4 103X720 33128 bight Wind 107147 0 103X13 331 33103 03 x ie 93146 531t 3bKmma J 102 l4SVr 4 103X710 53103 1 1 01111 in 101 147 7 105X703 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 0 1918 141 11 33170 = AVhit Haven 98 143 33170 bHluzonry 1111143 0113X7 33170 bHounding Through 103 140 4 102X713 33130 bLady Hester 103144 3 98X711 33139 EI Coronel 102 143 3 103X710 32429 Mommiov 111143 7 10307 1 1 33130 15olifrXaHrceiia 100 143 4 97X703 3139 hCIare Hoothc M 9 144 3 101X70O 33100 b oldeii Red M 0 108 700 33HISS Ouwa 7 108X700 108X700Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3varolds 3varolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track rec rd March 23 1919 138 3 103 32898 = X tural 100141 3 88X723 331731 K1 unit 100 l40s 4 103 720 72033177s 33177s Ca idle Liglit 107 140 3 110 713 32931 Huford 1011138 7 113X710 33101 Kxhorter 103 140 7 103X703 33147 bSir AVilliam John ¬ son 113 110 10 110X700